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  2. ### Version 2.0.0 - March xx, 2015
  3. **Migration Guide**
  4. - **Modal** - If you are using a modal with image content, you will need to use `image content` on the parent element. This is because `flex` rules require parent styling that the previous `table-row` rules did not.
  5. - **Modal** - Modal will now only close on buttons matching `deny` or `approve` selector. Any button that should hide modal on click should either match one of these selectors, or call `$('.ui.modal').modal('hide')` `onclick`.
  6. - **Grid** - `page grid` has been deprecated. `page grids` used percentage gutters which made it unnecessarily difficult to style responsive page content. Moving forward we recommend using `ui container` a fixed width responsive container for holding page contents.
  7. - **Dropdown** - Dropdowns will now change opening directions automatically based on available screen space. If you need to force a dropdown direction use `dropdown({ direction: 'upward'})`
  8. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now passes settings through a `fields` object. This is to make form initialization match other components. The previous syntax will continue to work but will produce deprecation notices in console
  9. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown item `description` now are floated in default theme and should be included before other `item` content
  10. - **Form** - `grouped inline field` no longer display horizontally. Use `inline field` instead for horizontal inline field groups.
  11. - **Popup** - Popups are no longer exclusive by default. Opening a popup will not necessarily close other visible popups. You can change this behavior by using the setting `exclusive: true`. Additionally the default theme now uses `1rem` size for standard popups.
  12. - **Colors** - Default colors have been adjusted, which may cause slight changes in your design. New colors have also been added to fill in missing gaps in [color naming](
  13. - **Segment** - Segment no longer includes a [clearfix]( by default. You will need to specify a `clearing segment` to clear floated content.
  14. - **Rail** - Rail now uses `border-box` instead of `content-box`. This means manually specified rail widths will now need to account for padding. This was added to fix issues where rail `height: 100%` would incorrectly match content when a rail had padding.
  15. - **Tab** - `onTabInit` and `onTabLoad` have been renamed to `onFirstLoad` and `onLoad` respectively. This is to conform to the naming conventions of other modules (no self reference). Previous callbacks will continue to work but will produce deprecation notices in console. Two new callbacks `onVisible` and `onRequest` have been added as well.
  16. - **Button** - `wide` variations using numbers `2 wide`, `3 wide` have been removed due to incompatibilities with some build tools. Please use `two wide`, or `three wide` instead.
  17. - **Video** - The undocumented `video` module has been renamed to `embed`. Behaviors remain the same, but users need to adjust their javascript init to `$('.ui.embed').embed();`
  18. - **API** - API `onFailure` will now be called when a request is errored (504, 404 etc), aborted (page change or CORS), or JSON does not pass `successTest` function. `onError` and `onAbort` will also fire for each specific failure condition.
  19. **New UI**
  20. - **Container** - Containers are fixed width containers meant for holding page contents, and are a simpler alternative to `ui page grid`, view more [examples in docs](
  21. - **Multiselect** - New `multiple` dropdown types have been added. Many new dropdown improvements have been added including tagging/tokenizing features and loading data through API requests.
  22. - **Embed** - New embed component allows for responsive iframe embeds that maintain their aspect ratio. Embed can be used with YouTube or Vimeo videos, along with placeholder content to avoid loading third party libraries until a user chooses to interact with the video.
  23. **Major Enhancements (Please Read)**
  24. - **Site** - Added new colors `olive`, `violet`, `brown` and `grey`. These are available in all elements with color variations. **Thanks @lemartialou**
  25. - **API** - API can now be used with mocked responses, and custom AJAX requests. `mockResponse` has been added to resolve request with a prespecified JSON object, or a synchronous function callback.
  26. - **API** `mockResponseAsync` has been added for custom asynchronous requests. This allows you to specify a custom async callback to resolve an API request, helping with integration with libraries like Ember or Angular that may wrap AJAX requests.
  27. - **API** - API callbacks now have an `onResponse` callback that can adjust a servers response before it is parsed by other callbacks for success or failure conditions. **Thanks @mnquintana**
  28. - **API** - API now provides a local caching setting to avoid server roundtrips for identical urls by using `cache: 'local'`. This is not enabled by default. Local caching is useful for results that should return the same values across a single session, for example when querying an autocomplete.
  29. - **Card** - Cards now support multiple custom `content` blocks. Content blocks and images can now appear in any order.
  30. - **Dropdown** - Added remote API integration with dropdown, to allow `search selection` to query against a remote dataset.
  31. - **Dropdown** - Dropdowns now automatically observe changes in `menu` and will update selector cache with new additions
  32. - **Dropdowns** - Added ability to add custom choices to all search selection dropdowns (multi/single) using `allowAdditions: true` setting. Search now displays error messages on no results in all cases.
  33. - **Dropdown** - Keyboard shortcuts have been added for selecting dropdown choices, for example "N" will scroll to "New York" in a state selection list, similar to native `<select>` behavior.
  34. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown will automatically animate upward if there is not enough space to appear below.
  35. - **Dropdown** - Using `page up` and `page down` keys will now scroll menus by a page at a time
  36. - **Form** - Forms now use `flexbox` for creating field groups. Inline fields now support `(x) wide` sizing using `flex`
  37. - **Grid** - Grids now use `flexbox`, columns are now all equal height by default. New flexbox alignment types like `stretch` have been added for easier vertical alignment.
  38. - **Multiple UI** - Many components now use flexbox, which means previous confusing fixes like `font-size: 0;` to remove [white-space from inline block]( is no longer necessary. Removing this hack, now means any element can be a direct child of `grid` or `menu`.
  39. - **Modal** - Added new settings `blurring` and `inverted` which automatically set a modal's dimmer to either inverted or blurring.
  40. - **Menu** - Menu now uses flexbox. This allows menu items to match each others heights regardless of each items content size. `right menu` content should now follow other menu content instead of preceding it (no longer uses float).
  41. - **Grid** - Grids are now `flexbox` and `equal height` by default, the `equal height` variation can safely be removed
  42. - **Popup** - Popup has been rewritten to drastically improve performance, especially when testing multiple positions.
  43. - **Transition** - Fallback javascript animations have been removed from UI components like dropdown and popup to increase performance. This removes need for expensive pseudo selectors like `:visible`, `:animated` and `:hidden` and reduces filesize.
  44. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now uses a single `settings` object like other modules. Using `(fields, settings)` will continue to work but will produce a deprecation notifications in `console`
  45. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now supports many new validation rules, including some specifically for use with multiple select values.
  46. - **Item** - Items now uses `flexbox` for layout.
  47. - **Message** - `icon message` now uses `flexbox` for layout
  48. - **Input** - All `input` types use `flexbox` for layout
  49. - **Sidebar** - iOS will now correctly report `scrollTop` values for `document` or `body` when using a sidebar. Chrome on iOS no longer has issues with fixed content not sticking immediately when using a sidebar.
  50. - **Shapes** - Shapes now correctly adjusts for margin on `sides`
  51. - **Steps** - Steps now use `flexbox`, fluid steps now center content inside each step
  52. - **Steps** - Steps no longer need `item count` and will automatically divide evenly
  53. - **Transition** - Transition code has been optimized to increase performance. 100% improvement on first animation, and 40% improvement on subsequent animations.
  54. - **Visibility** - Using `.visibility({ type: 'fixed'})` will now automatically add a placeholder element which will swap places with an element when it is attached to the viewport. This should make fixed content drastically simpler.
  55. - **Visibility** - Visibility and sticky now use a more performant [pub/sub pattern]( that will only attach a single event to context `scroll`.
  56. - **Visibility** - Added two new visibility callbacks `onOnScreen` and `onOffScreen`, which occur, most obviously when an element first appears in or out of a browser's viewport.
  57. **Enhancements**
  58. - **Accordion** - adds `onOpening` and `onClosing` callback (before animation) to go with `onOpen`, `onClose` (after animation) **Thanks @cluppric**
  59. - **Accordion** - Added `on` setting for specifying accordion trigger event.
  60. - **Activity Feed** - Activity feed has been rewritten to use `flexbox`
  61. - **API** - API now has new settings `throttleFirstRequest` and `interruptRequests`. Interrupt requests will abort a previous request on an element when making a new request. `throttleFirstRequest`, sets whether the first request or only subsequent requests should be throttled when a `throttle` duration is specified.
  62. - **Build Tools** - Build tools will now display pre-specified errors when a theme file is missing or an element specifies an unavailable theme.
  63. - **Build Tools** - Adjusting `site.variables` will now rebuild all UI, instead of just `site.less`
  64. - **Button** - Added `:focus` styles for all button types, all button examples in docs now are keyboard focusable using either `<button>` or `tabindex` where appropriate.
  65. - **Divider** - `vertical divider` inside `ui grid` now accounts for column padding
  66. - **Dropdown** - Nested `scrolling` menus now support keyboard selection, e.g. pressing "A" for apple, and keyboard scrolling.
  67. - **Dropdown** - Dropdowns now have `match` setting to specify whether to match on `text`, `value` or `both`
  68. - **Dropdown** - Multi select dropdowns now have new settings for specifying maximum selection count
  69. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown has new `placeholder` setting for setting placeholder text in javascript
  70. - **Dropdown** - Added `showOnFocus` option that lets you specify whether dropdown menu should show on focus
  71. - **Dropdown** - `fullTextSearch: true` now uses fuzzy search (same as `ui search`)
  72. - **Dropdown** - Page down and page up now works with dropdown menus
  73. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown initialized with `disabled` prop on an `option` will now correctly appear disabled
  74. - **Dropdown** - Added `disabled item` state, disabled items will automatically be skipped with keyboard selection
  75. - **Form** - Added a host of new styles for form fields autocompleted by your browser, including autocompleted error, and focus states
  76. - **Form** - Added placeholder color rules for IE, `ms-input-placeholder`
  77. - **Form** - Fix `errored field` dropdown keyboard selection color
  78. - **Form** - Adds form `success` state
  79. - **Form Validation** - Added `is valid` behavior, returns `true/false` if form is valid
  80. - **Form Validation** - Added `different[field]` rule which requires a field to be different than another field
  81. - **Form Validation** - `data-validate` now takes precedence over other validation matching schemes like `name` or `id`
  82. - **Form Validation** - New rules for matching against custom regular expressions
  83. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now has `minCount`, `maxCount`, and `exactCount` for validating multiple selections
  84. - **Grid** - `celled grid` now removes internal cells on mobile and tablet when used with `doubling` grid responsive variation.
  85. - **Grid** - `equal width` grids now works without `row` wrappers
  86. - **Grid** - rows can now be `stretched` as well as `middle aligned`, `bottom aligned` and `top aligned`!
  87. - **Grid** - Fixed margins on `internally celled` grid
  88. - **Grid** - `celled` and `internally celled` grid now use flexbox instead of `display: table;`
  89. - **Input** - Added placeholder color rules for IE, `ms-input-placeholder`
  90. - **Input** - Action input now supports multiple buttons, and dropdown
  91. - **Label** - Labels now have `active` and `active hover` states
  92. - **Label** - Label now sets an `img` height even when not using an `image label`
  93. - **List** - Any content inside a `ui list` can now be vertically aligned
  94. - **Menu** - Add examples/documentation for `fixed menu`
  95. - **Menu** - Added `stackable` menu variation for simple responsive menus
  96. - **Menu** - Added many new variables to menu
  97. - **Menu** - Fixed several inheritance issues for `dropdown item` inside `menu` appearing as `menu item`.
  98. - **Menu** - Horizontal menus now set a default image size for images / logos
  99. - **Menu** - Menus items are now slightly more padded
  100. - **Menu** - The hover/active state of `dropdown item` have been adjusted to match `item`. Dropdown styles can be themed specifically inside `menu`.
  101. - **Menu** - Vertical dropdown menus are no longer 100% `min-width`
  102. - **Modal** - Modal now uses an adjusted `scale in` transition in the default theme, that should be more subtle and work better with long modal content.
  103. - **Modal** - Modal `onApprove` and `onDeny` now receive the activating element as the first parameter. Added documentation about using `return false` to avoid hiding element on click.
  104. - **Modal** - Modal content now uses flex, image content now requires `image content` class on parent to allow for flex stylings.
  105. - **Popup** - Popup now defines a `transform-origin` so animations will be affected by the direction the element is placed
  106. - **Popup** - `onShow` and `onHide` callback can now cancel popup from showing or hiding by returning false
  107. - **Popup** - Added more size variations for popup `mini`, `tiny`
  108. - **Progress** - `indicating` labels now are more legible use separate css variables from `indicating` bar color
  109. - **Reveal** - Added new `active` state that allows you to show `reveal` programatically
  110. - **Search** - Cache can now be cleared using `$('.search').search('clear cache')`
  111. - **Segment** - Added `padded` and `very padded` segment variations
  112. - **Search** - Search now operates off a unique id generated by result position to retrieve results. For example category #1's first result is 'A1' . Previously result titles were used as their "id", which could cause issues with duplicate titles, or results that do not contain a title.
  113. - **Search** - Search will now automatically add class `category` when using `type: category`.
  114. - **Search** - Search will now generate `results` container if one is not present on init
  115. - **Search** - Search `prompt` now has focus styles defined if not using `ui input`
  116. - **Sidebar** - Improved animation performance through performance debugging. Sidebar now caches, width, height, rtl direction on load.
  117. - **Site** - Fixed mixed globals `@defaultDuration` and `@transitionDuration` usage to use a single variable across all UI `@defaultDuration`, the same for `@defaultEasing` and `@transitionEasing`
  118. - **Site** - Added in `pageOverflowX` variable, default theme hides horizontal scrollbars on `body`
  119. - **Site** - Added default `focus` colors for all color variations
  120. - **Site** - All floating/raised variations now inherit from a global `@floatedShadow` making theming easier
  121. - **Sticky** - Sticky now internally caches current scroll position when `cantFit = true` to avoid getting DOM property on scroll.
  122. - **Statistic** - Added new evenly divided group variation, for example `three statistics` shows 3 per row
  123. - **Statistic** - Statitic group now use `flex`. Styles have been updated.
  124. - **Tabs** - Tab will now manually correct page scroll position when linking to an in-page anchor in a hidden tab
  125. - **Tabs** - Added new callbacks `onTabVisible` and `onRequest`
  126. - **Tabs** - Added `parseScripts` option, defaults to `once` parsing inline scripts only first load
  127. - **Table** - Added `vertical alignment` variations to `ui table`
  128. - **Table** - Added `single line` table variation which prevents text from wrapping
  129. - **Transition** - Adjusting `style` or `class` during a transition, will no longer reset the change after transition completes.
  130. - **Transition** - Transition will no longer force visible/hidden with inline styles if `onComplete` callback sets visibility.
  131. - **Visibility/Sticky** - Visibility and sticky now refresh automatically after page content loading to deal with changes in position from images loading
  132. - **Visibility/Sticky** - Visibility now uses pub/sub pattern to greatly improve scroll performance when attaching multiple events
  133. - **Visibility** - Visibility `image` will now wait to lazy load images that are *above* the current screen position, not just below.
  134. **New Variations**
  135. - **Headers** - Added new header type `sub header`, useful for displaying small headers alongside text content. See examples [in the header docs](
  136. - **Menu** - `vertical tabular menu`, a vertical tab menu, has been added
  137. - **Dropdown** - Added new dropdown variation `scrolling dropdown` and `scrolling menu`, this can be used to include a scrollable section inside a dropdown menu.
  138. - **Image** - Images now include a `spaced` variation for adding whitespace around images when used inline with text.
  139. - **Dimmer** - Dimmers now have a `blurring` variation which apply a glass-like effect when dimmed
  140. - **Segment** - Added `clearing` segment for cases that need a [clearfix](
  141. - **Steps** - Added `attached` steps, which can now be attached to other UI like `segment`
  142. - **Table** - Adds `selectable table` variation, which shows hover effect on row when hovering
  143. **Bugs**
  144. - **All Modules** - Performance logging now delays 500ms instead of 100ms for console logging to ensure all logs are captured in one group
  145. - **All Modules/Transition** - Transitions no longer use `rotateZ(0deg)` to trigger GPU display of visible state. This causes issues with `transform` creating new stacking context that can disrupt `z-index`.
  146. - **Accordion** - Fixed bug where `exclusive: true` could sometimes cause other accordion element animations to get stuck when animating rapidly
  147. - **API** - API longer uses `readyState = 0` as sole check for request abort, this may accidentally trigger with `JSONP` or `CORS` requests.
  148. - **API** - Fixed `this` context of `beforeSend` to use `stateContext` not `element`
  149. - **API** - Fixed `loadingDuration` not correctly delaying requests when invoking with `.api('query')`
  150. - **Build Tools** - Fixes issue with out of date minify dependency causing rules with `background: inherit;` to be removed.
  151. - **Button** - Fixed `attached buttons` 1px offset when attached to segment and menu (border vs box shadow border)
  152. - **Card** - IE11 now can correctly use `flexbox` cards **THanks @Widcket**
  153. - **Checkbox** - Fix `disabled checkbox` sometimes displaying hand cursor
  154. - **Checkbox** - Fixes nested `dropdown` inside `checkbox` causing issues
  155. - **Checkbox** - Fix `:focus` styles only applying if checkbox is unchecked
  156. - **Divider** - Hidden divider now correctly hides vertical dividers
  157. - **Divider** - Fixes single icon alignment inside `vertical divider` or `horizontal divider`
  158. - **Divider** - Fixed slight offset in `vertical divider` when it automatically adjusts to `horizontal divider` inside a `stackable grid`
  159. - **Dropdown** - `focus` after changing tabs will no longer cause menu to re-open **Thanks @trevorharwell**
  160. - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search dropdown refocusing on self the first time after "tabbing" away in Chrome
  161. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with headers disappearing inside of `ui dropdown` when nested in `ui menu`
  162. - **Dropdown** - Fixes `onChange` to fire when input value changes, not just when menu UI changes
  163. - **Dropdown** - Dropdowns with `transition: none` now work correctly.
  164. - **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where `sortSelect` was relying on object key enumeration order which is browser dependent and unreliable. It now uses a sort function which functions the same in all browsers
  165. - **Dropdown** - Fixed issue with `search selection` not changing text when reselecting same value from list
  166. - **Dropdown** - Fixed `min-width` issues causing background to not appear behind unwrapped text with `white-space: nowrap`
  167. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown `menu` now use same font size as dropdown
  168. - **Dropdown** - Fixed dropdown `metadata` attribute caching causing issues with React integration
  169. - **Dropdown** - Fixed border radius on `sub menu` when aligned `left`
  170. - **Dropdown** - Fixed `inline dropdown` icon not aligning with content
  171. - **Dropdown** - Fixed behaviors called on `<select>` after initialization not being correctly applied to `ui dropdown`
  172. - **Dropdown** - Fixed issue with matching boolean values, and using `set selected` with `true` or `false`
  173. - **Dropdown** - Fixed `search dropdown` submitting parent form when enter shortcut pressed
  174. - **Dropdown** - Fixed dropdown menu items should not center inside of a center aligned container.
  175. - **Form** - Form will no longer set a height for `textarea` using the `rows` property
  176. - **Form** - `inline fields` are now `1em` and do not match label's reduced size
  177. - **Form** - `field` inside `fields` no longer produce double sized margins.
  178. - **Form** - Form sizes and input sizes now inherit from `site.variables`
  179. - **Form Validation** - Fixed bug causing `match` rule not to work as expected.
  180. - **Form Validation** - Fixed `clear` and `reset` causing validation error to appear on checkbox if empty rule was set on checkbox.
  181. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now validates correctly on `<select>` change
  182. - **Form** - Fixed autocompleted `ui selection dropdown` having dropdown icon z-index issues
  183. - **Form/Input** - `ui labeled input` inside `form` will no longer escape column width. `ui fluid input` will now use input widths shorter than browser default.
  184. - **Grid** - Fix `doubling row` not working correctly inside a different `doubling grid` (css spec issue)
  185. - **Grid** - Fix `doubling grid` incorrectly applying width to `(x) column row`
  186. - **Grid** - First column on `stackable grid` no longer receives top margin
  187. - **Grid** - `x column wide` inside `equal width/height` now cannot grow beyond column size
  188. - **Grid** - Fixes colored grid columns not appearing when not nested in rows
  189. - **Icon** - Fixes `ascending` and `descending` icon being swapped
  190. - **Icon** - Fixes phone icon only appearing as alias `call`
  191. - **Input** - Fixed improper left padding on `transparent left icon input` **Thanks @zxfwinder**
  192. - **Input** - Fixed `placeholder` color not changing correctly on focus **Thanks @zxfwinder**
  193. - **Input** - Fixed right padding on `labeled input` that were not `corner labeled`
  194. - **Label** - Labels inside `header` now vertical align better by accounting for line height offset
  195. - **List** - `horizontal list` are now aligned `middle` by default, while vertical lists are aligned `top`.
  196. - **List** - Fixes numbers not appearing when using `inverted ordered list` **Thanks @pcj**
  197. - **List** - `a` elements inside a `ui list` will no longer apply styles on `ui` elements like `button` **Thanks @ahtinurme**
  198. - **List** - Bullets and numbers are no longer selectable in `bulleted list` and `ordered list`
  199. - **List** - Fixed `inverted bulleted list` bullet color
  200. - **List** - Fix first element touches border on `ui horizontal celled list`
  201. - **Loader** - Fix position of `inline centered loader` to be centered correctly
  202. - **Message** - Message now uses `@lineHeight` from `site.variables`
  203. - **Menu** - Fixed menus like `left fixed` `right fixed` are all now class order dependent.
  204. - **Menu** - Fixed 1px border on last element of inline menus like `pagination menu` or `compact menu`
  205. - **Modal** - Modal no longer hides page scroll bar causing dimmed page content to jump positions.
  206. - **Modal** - Fixed bug where clicking an element detached from dom would cause modal to hide prematurely
  207. - **Modal** - Clicking on other modals will no longer close open modal when `allowMultiple: true`
  208. - **Modal** - Fixed `scrolling` class not being removed after opening a normal modal after a `scrolling` modal.
  209. - **Message** - Updated all message colors for legibility
  210. - **Message** - Close icon position adjusted to align with headers
  211. - **Menu** - Fixes divider appears on last element of `(x) item menu`
  212. - **Menu** - Fixed `top attached menu` not having margin-top, and `bottom attached menu` not having `margin-bottom`
  213. - **Menu** - Menu now has a `min-height` that matches standard item padding
  214. - **Menu** - `dropdown menu` in a `secondary pointing menu` or `tabular menu` now receive distinct active styling from other `active item`
  215. - **Menu** - Fixed arrow position in `pointing menu` to be more consistent, round to exact pixels and account for arrow border width
  216. - **Menu** - Fix issue with `pointing` arrow having too high a `z-index` and appearing above `ui dropdown menu`
  217. - **Modal** - `scrollable modal` now correctly adds padding below modal
  218. - **Modal** - Modal with `detachable: false` inside `ui sidebar` `pusher` element will now show correctly
  219. - **Popup** - Popup now correctly adjusts if `data` attributes change
  220. - **Popup** - Fixes issue with `min-width` in firefox exceeding `max-width` causing element to not wrap correctly
  221. - **Popup** - Popup will now produce an error message and not mistakenly appear in the top left corner of page, if called with a `popup` or `target` that does not exist.
  222. - **Popup** - Popup will no longer appear incorrectly if the targeted element is not visible on page
  223. - **Popup** - Fixed bug which could cause pre-existing inline popup to be removed from DOM after hiding
  224. - **Popup** - Fixes popup offstage position calculations with pages including horizontal scrollbars
  225. - **Popup** - Added `addTouchEvents` to specify whether touch events should be added to trigger popup on mobile
  226. - **Rail** - Rail 100% height now uses `border-box` to ensure exact height match to container
  227. - **Rating** - Rating now correctly adjusts if `data` attributes change
  228. - **Reveal** - Removed `masked` reveal, all reveals are masked by default
  229. - **RTL** - Fixed `rtl: 'both'` in `semantic.json` not building both versions of source correctly.
  230. - **Search** - Search will no longer incorrectly produce an error when API settings are passed through metadata
  231. - **Sidebar** - Top/Bottom sidebar will now show scroll bars correctly when taller than 100% page height
  232. - **Sidebar** - Fixed bug where having a `style[title]` in page causing page not to be pushed correctly
  233. - **Sidebar** - Last menu item now has a border when sidebar and menu are used together
  234. - **Segment** - Segment groups can now be `raised` or `piled` or `stacked`
  235. - **Search** - Fixed `category search` not applying active styles correctly to category names
  236. - **Search** - Fixed `onSelect` not returning the correct value when using `type: category`
  237. - **Search** - Fixed `onSelect` returning the first term that matches the beginining of the selected value not the exact value.
  238. - **Search** - Fix `loading search` with an `icon button` causing double loaders.
  239. - **Search** - `searchFields` setting now correctly replaces default fields instead of adding the user fields to defaults
  240. - **Search** - Calls to `set value` or `query` now obey `minCharacterLength`
  241. - **Search** - Search API calls now use the same level debug settings as search
  242. - **Steps** - Fixes bug where `ordered steps` had smaller numbers in `IE10`
  243. - **Steps** - Fixed bug where `stackable steps` were not working correctly
  244. - **Sticky** - Fix issue with sticky content scroll css transition causing element to scroll too slowly when cannot fit on screen.
  245. - **Sticky** - Fix issues when `pushing: true` with sticky content having incorrect bottom spacing, when container has bottom padding
  246. - **Sticky** - Fixed issue with sticky content animating width on display in some cases.
  247. - **Tab** - Tab name is no longer case sensitive
  248. - **Table** - Fixes `sorted` column are not correctly centered with `center aligned` due to margin on sort icon
  249. - **Table** - Fixes `ascending` and `descending` icons were reversed in table
  250. - **Table** - `very basic table` now works together with `padded table`
  251. - **Table** - Fix inheritance of text alignment and vertical alignment
  252. - **Transition** - Calling an `out` animation during an `in` animation with `queue: false` now correctly calls the `complete` event of the original animation
  253. - **Transition** - Fixed bug where transition could sometimes not occur when an element was determined to always be hidden
  254. **Changes**
  255. - **All Modules** - All modules now default to `verbose: false`
  256. - **Accordion** - Accordion no longer sets a `font-size` to better couple with other components defaults
  257. - **Button** - Button focus color now uses hoverColor background instead of blue box shadow
  258. - **Button** - `basic colored button` now grow their border size to 2px in default theme on hover
  259. - **Breadcrumb** - Fixed breadcrumb `em` rounding, adjusted distance in default theme
  260. - **Card** - Card styles have been adjusted, `link card` now raise to show selection. Colored variations now have shadows.
  261. - **Checkbox** - Toggle now uses `@primaryColor`
  262. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown padding values now resolve to exact pixel values from em
  263. - **Dropdown** - `item` `description` is now floated by default
  264. - **Feed** - Removed `extra text` pointer border
  265. - **Form** - `set value` no longer automatically calls `validate form`
  266. - **Grid** - Small computer `page grid` gutters have been adjusted from 8% to 3% to allow for roomier layouts on small screens.
  267. - **Grid** - Vertically divided grids now double row spacing to account for dividers
  268. - **Grid** - `center aligned` no longer centers rows, just text. Use `centered grid` to center a grid column on the page.
  269. - **Header/Table/Divider** - These components now pull border color defaults from `site.variables` instead of using their own values
  270. - **Image** - `avatar image` size has been slightly decreased
  271. - **Image** - `mini image` default width has been increased to `35px`
  272. - **Item** - item `description` now longer sets a `max-width`
  273. - **Icon** - `disabled icon` now have `pointer-events` again.
  274. - **Label** - Label size now varies by type. `pointing label` are now `1em` by default.
  275. - **Label** - Padding on `corner label` has been increased
  276. - **Input** - Input now use `em` instead of `rem` so they will inherit the size of the elements they are nested inside
  277. - **Progress** - Update contrast on `indicating`, update default styles. Fixed some examples
  278. - **Menu** - Menu now uses `border` for borders instead of `box-shadow`
  279. - **Menu** - `secondary pointing menu` has had some slight design tweaks, thinner lines, more padding
  280. - **Menu** - Active sub-menu items are now `bold`
  281. - **Menu** - Menus no longer have additional borders on `active item` in the default theme
  282. - **Menu** - `tiered menu` has been removed
  283. - **Menu** - Increased contrast on `inverted` menu selection for legibility
  284. - **Modal** - Modals now used fixed widths and not percentage widths. Widths might be slightly different.
  285. - **Modal** - Modal no longer observes DOM changes by default, added setting to enable
  286. - **Message** - Slightly increases `box-shadow`
  287. - **Popup** - Popups now default to `exclusive: false` and will not hide other popups when opening
  288. - **Popup** - Popup no longer produces a console error when a position cannot be found on the page.
  289. - **Rating** - Rating styles have been adjusted to use subtle transitions and tweaked color values.
  290. - **Segment** - **Clearfix** has been removed from `ui segment`
  291. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar now defaults to `useLegacy: false` to avoid the overhead of feature detection for most users
  292. - **Search** - Slightly adjusted search result theme for clarity
  293. - **Segment** - Segment now uses `border` for border instead of a second `box-shadow`, this may adjust position by 1pixel
  294. - **Statistic** - Statistic label styles have been updated
  295. - **Site** - Additional font variables have been added to site to help clarify variable purpose.
  296. - **Site** - Increase contrast on default hovered/down colors for colored variations
  297. - **Site** - Page background is now `#FFFFFF` by default instead of an offwhite `#F7F7F7`
  298. - **Site** - Adjusted global line height to the closest even pixel value
  299. - **Table** - Table header colors and padding defaults have been slightly adjusted
  300. - **Table** - Horizontal cell padding has been slightly reduced, and cell borders are slightly lighter.
  301. - **Transition** - Transition no longer checks for vendor prefixed `animation-name` css property. This was introduced in jQuery `1.8`
  302. - **Transition** - Some transition have been modified so that the `in` animation is more telegraphed than the `out` animation, which may now recede more gently.
  303. - **Visibility** - In returned `calculations` object, `visible` and `hidden` are renamed to `onScreen` and `offScreen`, since this describes more accurately what the value represents.
  304. ### Version 1.12.3 - May 20, 2015
  305. **Announcement**
  306. Version 2.0 will be launching on June 1st, which will include 100+ bug fixes, enhancements, new ui, and default theme improvements.
  307. **Bugs**
  308. - **Grid** - Fixes bug causing colored variations not to work on columns without row wrappers. Backport from `2.x`
  309. ### Version 1.12.2 - May 4, 2015
  310. **Bugs**
  311. - **Dropdown** - Fixed `left` and `right` arrow does not move input cursor with `visible selection dropdown`. Event accidentally prevented by `sub menu` shortcut keys.
  312. ### Version 1.12.1 - April 26, 2015
  313. **Bugs**
  314. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with chained dropdown methods used on a `<select>` not applying to the generated `ui dropdown` **Backport from 2.0**
  315. - **Input** - Fixes labeled inputs not adjusting correctly with flex. **Backported from 2.0**
  316. - **Input** - Fixes placeholder text color prefixes for `webkit` **Backport from 2.0**
  317. - **Progress* - Fixes rounding error in precision settings *Thanks @aaroncox*
  318. - **Popup** - Removes `min-width: moz-max-content` from popups, which may cause display differences between chrome and FF
  319. ### Version 1.12.0 - April 13, 2015
  320. **Enhancements**
  321. - **Visibility** - Adds updated visibility module from `2.x` channel. Visibility will automatically refresh by default after images load on page refresh. Fixes issues with element positions after image loading.
  322. - **Sticky** - Adds sticky module from `2.x` branch. Sticky elements now use pub/sub with drastically improved performance. Sticky elements that do not fit on page will now scroll at the same speed as the page is scrolled instead of slower.
  323. **Changes**
  324. - **Popup** - Popup no longer produces a console error when it cannot find an adequate position in the browser viewport.
  325. **Bugs**
  326. - **Build Tools** - Fixes issue with component glob matching twice (causing build to include file twice) if duplicate values found in `semantic.json` component.
  327. - **Input** - Backports fix from `2.x` for `ui fluid input` not appearing correctly.
  328. - **Visibility** - Fixed issue where `precache` behavior was missing from visibility causing `image` lazy loading to fail
  329. ### Version 1.11.8 - April 13, 2015
  330. **Bugs**
  331. - **Build Tools** - Fixed `npm install` without `semantic.json` to merge changes with site theme and packaged themes in a similar fashion to `npm update`
  332. - **Build** - `gulp build` now properly warns against missing `semantic.json` **Thanks @rudyrk**
  333. ### Version 1.11.7 - April 13, 2015
  334. **Bugs**
  335. - **Sticky** - Fixes errant `console.log` statement appearing in source
  336. - **Card** - Fixes card `flex` display issues in IE
  337. - **Build Tools** - Fixes issue where `npm update` install scripts would remove custom themes from `src/themes/` during copy after updating Semantic UI
  338. ### Version 1.11.6 - March 27, 2015
  339. More critical bug backports from `2.x` branch, as well as fixes for browserify
  340. **Bugs**
  341. - **Menu/Dropdown** - Fix dropdown headers disappearing inside menus
  342. - **Dropdown** - Fix unescaped character in css property causing css validation errors
  343. - **Form** - Fix `grouped required` fields display issues **Thanks @palmsey**
  344. - **All UI** - Fix `index.js` npm build to work with browserify in individual component repos **Thanks @sdimit**
  345. - **LESS Repo** - Add missing `semantic.less` file to less repo for importing components
  346. ### Version 1.11.5 - March 23, 2015
  347. This version backports several bugs that were being packed in `2.0` to `1.x`.
  348. 2.0 will be coming in the next 1-2 weeks.
  349. **Bugs**
  350. - **Build Tools** - Adjusting site.variables will now rebuild all UI, instead of just site.less
  351. - **Build Tools** - LESS will now throw errors correctly in `watch`
  352. - **Card** - Fixes dimmer background shorthand property causes transparent dimmer in minified version
  353. - **Dimmer** - Fixed `variation` setting not working correctly
  354. - **Dropdown** - `onChange` no longer fires when reselecting same value
  355. - **Dropdown** - Fix bug where element will not blur on tab key when search selection and no selection made
  356. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown init on `select` now returns `ui dropdown` created for chaining
  357. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown `focus` color has been adjusted to match forms more closely
  358. - **Dropdown** - Fixes IE10 scrollbar width in menu (calc was being precompiled in LESS) **Thanks @gabormeszoly**
  359. ### Version 1.11.3-4 - March 6, 2015
  360. **Enhancements**
  361. - **Grid** - Added opt-in `stretched` variation for `equal height` instead of forcing `flex` on all `equal height columns` which may cause layout issues due to changes in rendering with `flexbox`.
  362. **Fixes**
  363. - **Build Tools** - Fix issues with minified CSS `@import` not being on top of minified semantic ui concatenated release due to [bug in clean-css](
  364. - **Grid** - Fixes `stackable` `equal height/width` grid to remove `flex` on mobile when stacking
  365. - **Grid** - Fixed `right/left/center aligned` to adjust `align-items` in flex containers like `equal height/width`
  366. ### Version 1.11.2 - March 6, 2015
  367. **Enhancements**
  368. - **Accordion** - Accordion can now specify a trigger element instead of `title`, added an [example in docs](
  369. - **Accordion** - Accordion can now hide while opening animation is still occuring
  370. - **Grid** - Equal width grids will now make column content stretch to full height, not just the column itself (requires flexbox). See examples [in the grid docs](
  371. - **Header** - Labels inside headers have been slightly increased in size
  372. - **Search** - Search now uses internally [fuzzy search]( as its new full text search algorithm.
  373. **Important Fixes**
  374. - **Build Tools** - Fix issues with minified component CSS `@import` not always being on top of files due to [bug in clean-css](
  375. **Bugs**
  376. - **Accordion** - Removed mistaken extra `1px` top border on nested `styled accordion`
  377. - **Modal** - Fixes modal `buttons` on mobile devices to not have extra bottom padding.
  378. - **Card/Dimmer** - Fix dimmer z-index being too high when inside a `ui card`. Added variable for specifying default dimmer color inside card.
  379. - **Site** - `h1-h5` now have no top margin when `first-child` and no bottom margin when `last-child`
  380. - **Dropdown** - Fix issue in `setup reference` (added in `1.11.1`) where chaining would not return `ui dropdown` immediately after initialization
  381. ### Version 1.11.1 - March 5, 2015
  382. **Enhancements**
  383. - **Dropdown** - Calling behaviors on a dropdown `select` will now automatically route them to the appropriate parent `ui dropdown`
  384. **Bugs**
  385. - **Grid** - Fix issue in `centered grid` not centering `column` inside `row`
  386. - **Dropdown** - Added select styles for elements before they are initialized instead of FOIC (Flash of invisible content)
  387. ### Version 1.11.0 - March 3, 2015
  388. **New Components**
  389. - **Visibiliity** - Attach callbacks to elements visibility conditions like `top visible` `bottom visible`, `passing`. Useful for things like: image lazy loading, infinite scroll content, and recording tracking metrics.
  390. [See the examples]( online for a demonstration.
  391. **Enhancements**
  392. - **Menu** - Horizontal menus now use flexbox so they can resize automatically to content size.
  393. - **Form** - `<select>` now receive error formatting on `form error` **Thanks @davialexandre**
  394. - **Transition** - Added more reasonable default durations for each animation
  395. - **Loader** - `inline loader` now has a `centered` variation
  396. - **Modal** - Modal no longer hides and reshows dimmer when opening a modal with another modal open with `exclusive: true`
  397. - **Popup** - Added `exclusive` parameter to automatically close other popups on open
  398. - **Transition** - Added `toggle` behavior and docs for `show` and `hide`
  399. - **Transition** - transition now has `stop`, `stop all`, and `clear queue` for removing transitions, (undocumented method `stop`, and `start` renamed to `enable` and `disable`)
  400. - **Dimmer** - Add `opacity` setting to override css value. Add to docs several undocumented settings, like `useCSS`, and `variation`.
  401. - **Icon** - added `@src` variable to make it adjustable with themes that dont support all types like `woff2`
  402. **Deprecations**
  403. - **Menu** - `ui tiered menu` has been deprecated. It has been removed from the docs, and will be removed eventually in `2.0`
  404. **Bugs**
  405. - **Input** - Fix bug with vertical centering of `ui action input` inside `menu` due to `flexbox` changes
  406. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where dropdown would not open after restoring previus value on failed `search dropdown` search
  407. - **Grid** - Fixes specificity of grid `column` colors to not affect other elements with columns
  408. - **Icon** - Fix `clockwise rotated icon` causing `clockwise` icon to appear
  409. - **Popup** - Fix issue with `popup` not re-opening until another element gains focus on a mobile touchscreen
  410. - **Modal** - Fixed issue with modal not appearing when calling `show` during another modal `hide`
  411. - **Popup** - Popup will now fire `onHidden` when an element is hidden by opening a different popup
  412. - **Popup** - Fix popup not namespacing `window` events and unbinding on `destroy` **Thanks @revov**
  413. - **Table** - Fixes table on `mobile` sizes can surpass parent container width
  414. - **Transition** - Fixes `swing out` animations not working correctly
  415. - **Transition** - Fixed display state other than `block` not determined when using `show` and `hide` without an animation
  416. - **Transition** - Fix bug in `remove looping` causing next animation to use same duration
  417. - **Segment** - Fix first/last margins on `ui segments`
  418. - **Search** - Fix special characters not searching correctly with local search
  419. - **Search** - Fix a bug with `onSelect` returning `null` when `minCharacters: 0`
  420. - **Search** - Fix a bug with `onSelect returning `null` when results retrieved from cached API query
  421. - **Sticky** - Fixed sticky position when page loads and content is below sticky content.
  422. - **Sticky** - Fix bottom attached position not adjusting for bottom padding on container element
  423. - **Menu** - Fix vertical pointing menu, sub menu arrow color
  424. - **Item ** - `img` inside of `ui item content` now do not receive size formatting by default
  425. - **Form** - Added `input[type="search"]` styles to `ui form`
  426. **Docs**
  427. - **Transition** - Adds examples of `hide, `show`, `toggle`, `stop`, `stop all`, and `clear queue`
  428. - **Item** - Significant rewrite of `ui item` documentation
  429. ### Version 1.10.4 - February 28, 2015
  430. - **API** - Remove console error message when no API url is specified but element is a `form` (defaults to `form` action)
  431. - **API** - `api` check for [serialize object]( optional dependency no longer produces error when `serializeForm: true` and dependency is not found.
  432. ### Version 1.10.3 - February 27, 2015
  433. **Bugs**
  434. - **Build Tools** - All UI components now have component name in comment banners and release version
  435. - **Menu** - Fixes dropdown menu item not having a hover state inside inverted menu
  436. - **Search** - Fixes bug in category search causing item selection to sometimes produce a javascript error.
  437. - **Button** - Fixes `<button>` inside `vertical buttons` not taking full container width
  438. ### Version 1.10.1-2 - February 24, 2015
  439. No changes, fixes stale pm component builds
  440. ### Version 1.10.0 - February 23, 2015
  441. **New Features**
  442. - **Transition** - Transitions now have `interval` to allow grouped elements to animate one by one with a delay between each animation. Grouped animations determine order based on transition direction to avoid reflows, or can manually be reversed by using <code>reverse: true</code> [See Examples]( for more details.
  443. **Critical Fixes**
  444. - **Transition** - Webkit `failSafe` used for [Chromium Bug #437860]( now also works for queued animations
  445. **Enhancements**
  446. - **Form Validation** - Adds `containsExactly`, `notExactly`, `isExactly` case sensitive validation rules, make `contains`, `not`, `is` case insensitive.
  447. - **Form Validation** - `contains` rule is now case insensitive
  448. - **Form Validation** - Validation messages no longer increase field height on `inline fields` like checkboxes after error appears
  449. - **API** - Added `was cancelled` to determine whether request was cancelled by `beforeSend`
  450. - **Image* - Added `hidden image` state
  451. **Fixes**
  452. - **Build Tools** - Fixed issue with recursive merge for site themes in update scripts, [details here]( Thanks @derekslife
  453. - **Cards** - Fix ` > .ui.card` margins to match ` > .card` margins
  454. - **Cards** - Fix consecutive card groups to preserve row flow (similar to consecutive grids)
  455. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar using `exclusive: true` now queue animations after hiding previous sidebar (unless `overlay`) to avoid rendering issues
  456. - **State** - Text states now handle `cancelled` API requests correctly
  457. - **Search** - Category search no longer displays unnecessary error message about maxResults
  458. - **Composer** - Composer.json should now read version from tags, adjusted some fields.
  459. - **Grid** - Stackable grid now has horizontal padding by default on mobile unless nested inside a `ui grid` or `ui segment` (not vertical)
  460. - **Menu** - Fixes pointing menu displaying under dropdown menu
  461. -**Docs**
  462. -**Transition** - `useFailSafe` was incorrectly shown as `false` by default
  463. ### Version 1.9.3 - February 20, 2015
  464. **Bugs**
  465. - **RTL** - Fixes `rtl` tasks not running correctly on `gulp build` due to name typo, `build rtl` instead of `build-rtl`
  466. - **Tab** - Fixed bug when loading `remote` content with `tab` where current tab would not hide while another tab is loading
  467. - **Tab** - Tab with remote content and `auto: true` now removes duplicate slashes from url path
  468. - **API** - Simplified `api` debug output to console to more clearly label url and data sent
  469. **Docs**
  470. - **Tab** - Added new tab remote content example with stubbed AJAX using SinonJS
  471. ### Version 1.9.2 - February 19, 2015
  472. Added new repositories for css and less only versions, can be installed with
  473. ```bash
  474. npm install semantic-ui-less
  475. npm install semantic-ui-css
  476. ```
  477. **Bug Fixes**
  478. - **Modal** - Fixes typo causing `middle aligned` image not to work correctly.
  479. - **Build** - `gulp watch` now compiles concatenated css (missing in `1.9.1` only)
  480. ### Version 1.9.1 - February 18, 2015
  481. **LESS Changes**
  482. Importing individual components into other less files now requires scoping. This is to prevent issues with variable scope that cannot be resolved inside definitions.
  483. ```less
  484. /* Import a specific component */
  485. & { @import 'src/definitions/elements/button'; }
  486. ```
  487. Importing `semantic.less` still does not require any special syntax
  488. @import 'src/semantic';
  489. **Bugs**
  490. - Fixed issue directly importing `semantic.less` caused by variable scoping in `.loadOverrides()`.
  491. - Fix bug where `equal height` row could not be `centered`, or less than full width
  492. ### Version 1.9.0 - February 17, 2015
  493. ### Build Tools
  494. ##### NPM Install
  495. - `npm install semantic-ui` is now the recommended path for getting Semantic UI
  496. - Added `npm` `post-install` scripts which automatically install or update semantic
  497. ##### Gulp Task Imports
  498. - Semantic tasks are now each defined [in their own file](, and can be directly imported into external gulpfiles. Read more about [importing tasks here](
  499. - If you are using Grunt, you may be able to import these tasks using [Grunt-gulp](
  500. ##### LESS Component Imports
  501. - Semantic LESS files can now be directly included in other LESS files.
  502. * You can import all UI with `@import 'src/semantic';`
  503. * You can also import individual definitions using `@import 'src/definitions/elements/button'`.
  504. ### UI Changes
  505. **Major Enhancements**
  506. - **Card** - Cards now equalize height by default using `display: flex`. No longer are card heights required to be specified manually to align
  507. - **Flag** - Reduced the file size of flag sprite to a measly 28kb (500%+ file size reduction)
  508. - **Icon** - Added Font Awesome 4.3 including many new icons
  509. - **Input** - Input with dropdowns is now much easier, see docs. `action input` and `labeled input` now use `display: flex`. `ui action input` now supports `<button>` tag usage (!) which support `flex` but not `table-cell`
  510. - **Segment** - Added plural variation `ui segments` that stack together in groups without using additional class names
  511. **Enhancement**
  512. - **API** - API now has an ``onRequest`` callback setting that receives the XHR promise after initializing the request
  513. - **Button** - Loading buttons no longer receive `pointer-events` in default theme. Added variable for `loading button` opacity.
  514. - **Card** - Card now has colored variations **Tahnks @romuloctba**
  515. - **Dropdown** - `search selection dropdown` will now close the menu when a `dropdown icon` is clicked
  516. - **Dropdown** - Added new dropdown setting, `forceSelection` which forces `search selection` to a selected value on blur. Defaults to `true`.
  517. - **Flag** - Updated Burma/Myanmar flag to current flag (was pre-2010 flag)
  518. - **Form** - Input rules now apply to `input[type="time"]`
  519. - **Form Validation** - `get values`, `set values` now support multiple select e.g. `field[]`
  520. - **Form Validation** - Dropdown and checkbox will now validate after interaction with `on: 'blur'`
  521. - **Headers** - Headers can now contain images alongside text, added examples to docs
  522. - **Icon** - Added woff2 icon files for supported browsers (20% file-size decrease) **Thanks FontAwesome**
  523. - **Label** - `ribbon label` can now be used inside `ui image` and `ui card` correctly
  524. - **Sidebar** - Sidebars in IE now work correctly with `context` specified
  525. - **Rating** - Vertical alignment of `ui rating` with inline content now accounts for parent line height
  526. **Bugs**
  527. - **All Modules** - Fixed bug where element `destroy` could remove third party events when re-initialized
  528. - **Breadcrumb** - Breadcrumb icon now has exact px value to alleviate vertical align issues
  529. - **Card** - Star / Like button colors have been fixed to match `ui rating` inside `card`
  530. - **Card** - Hiding a card with `display: none` no longer causes layout issues with `(x) cards`
  531. - **Card** - `image` inside `content` no longer has a fixed size **Thanks @romuloctba**
  532. - **Form** - `info message` are no longer hidden by default inside `ui form`
  533. - **Form** - Lightened error dropdown hover text color to be more legible
  534. - **Dropdown** - Upward dropdown now has upward arrow icon
  535. - **Icon** - `external link` and `external link square` has been renamed to `external icon` to no longer receive `link` styles by default
  536. - **Modal** - Modal now swaps to `scrolling modal` when `close icon` no longer can be displayed, instead of modal `content`
  537. - **Steps** - Fixed bug where evenly divided steps were no longer fluid
  538. - **Transition** - Fixes bug where `moduleNamespace` was being omitted
  539. - **Transition** - Transitions with direction now use word order dependency to prevent conflict with component directions, for example `bottom left popup slide down in transition
  540. **Docs**
  541. - Fixed bug with chinese mirror modal appearing on every page load when selecting chinese language
  542. ### Version 1.8.1 - January 26, 2015
  543. **Bugs**
  544. - **Grid** - Removed `text-align: left` from column definition. Now inherits from grid.
  545. - **Input** - `ui labeled input` now uses `flex` added example in ui docs with dropdown
  546. - **Input** - Fix border radius on `ui action input` with button groups, aka `ui buttons`
  547. - **Popup** - Popup `hide all` will now use transition set in `settings.transition` when closing other popups
  548. - **Grid** - Fix `doubling grid` setting `100% width` which may cause
  549. ### Version 1.8.0 - January 23, 2015
  550. [View Closed Issues](
  551. [View Commits](
  552. **Key Features**
  553. - **Form** - Form now has new methods `reset`, `clear`, `set value(s)`, and `read value(s)` for modifying and reading form data. Check docs for details on implementation. **Thanks @mktm**
  554. - **Search** - Search `onSelect` now recieves JSON object matching currently selected element, you can now programmatically retrieve result JSON using `.search('get result', 'query')` or `.search('get results')`. `get result` will default to current value unless specified as first parameter.
  555. - **Transition** - Added many new transitions, and new directions for existing transitions **Thanks @ph7vc**
  556. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown now stores `placeholder text` (prompt text) as separate from `default text` (text set on page load). You can now reset placeholder conditions using `$('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('clear');``
  557. **Enhancements**
  558. - **API** - Added new behavior `$.api('abort')` which cancels current request
  559. - **Dropdown** - Keyboard navigation will now allow opening of sub menus with right/left arrow. Enter will open sub-menus on an unselectable category (`allowCategorySelection: false`) as well.
  560. - **Dropdown** - Mutation observers will now observe changed in `<select>` values after initialization, and will automatically update dropdown menu when changed
  561. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown behavior `set selected` will now also call `set value` automatically, so you do not have to invoke two behaviors to update a `selection dropdown` **Thanks @mktm**
  562. - **Form** - Form will now prevent browsers from resubmitting form repeatedly when keydown is pressed on input field.
  563. - **Header** - Content headers now inherit `@h1-h6` sizes from `site.variables`
  564. - **Header** - Sub headers now adjust in size depending on header size, added new variables for subheader resizing
  565. - **Search** - Greatly reduced search delay from `300ms` to `100ms`. Previous request will automatically abort `xhr` when new request made
  566. - **Search** - Search `onSelect` and `onResultsAdd` can now cancel default actions by returning `false`.
  567. - **Transition** - Transition duration now defaults to what is specified in `css`, to set custom duration you can still pass at run-time as a different value. Animation duration no longer set by default during animation.
  568. - **Transition** - Transition will now prevent repeated animations when using an inferred direction i.e. animation without `in` or `out` specified. When `queue: true` only animations with explicit direction, e.g. `fade in`, will be ignored when called repeatedly.
  569. **Bugs**
  570. - **API** - Fixed bug where `$.api('get xhr')` was not correctly returning xhr promise
  571. - **API** - Fixed bug where API would query resource immediately when specifying `on: false`
  572. - **Button** - ``ui vertical basic buttons` now have dividers in default theme
  573. - **Button** - Fixes formatting for `disabled button` inside `ui buttons`
  574. - **Checkbox** - Checkbox now only modifies `input[type="radio"]` and `input[type="checkbox"]` ignoring any other inputs
  575. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown no longer will not show menu when no `item` are present in menu. Dropdown will now only filter results for `ui search dropdown` #1632 **Thanks PSyton**.
  576. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown will now produce an error if behaviors on an initialized `<select>` are not invoked on `ui dropdown`
  577. - **Dropdown** - Fixed bug where link items would not open in sub-menus due to `event.preventDefault`
  578. - **Label** - Fixed `ui corner label` appearing on-top of `ui dropdown` menu due to issue in z-index heirarchy
  579. - **Label** - Fixed issue with `ui ribbon label` not positioning itself correctly when using sizes like `small` or `large`
  580. - **List** - `relaxed list` and `very relaxed list` no longer add padding to child menu items
  581. - **Popup** - Popup will now only use a max of one element when `settings.popup` mistakingly passes multiple DOM elements
  582. - **Popup** - Popups will now by default appear over all UI content, even dimmers.
  583. - **Search** - Search results no longer hide/show when user changes tab or page loses focus
  584. - **Sidebar** - Fixed bug with `pusher` inheriting first child margins due to `margin-collapse`
  585. - **Sidebar** - Mobile `is mobile` was using RegExp `test()` which would return an incorrect value when called multiple times
  586. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar will now only close if you click on `pusher` or underlayed `body` (scale out). Clicking on fixed elements will not close sidebar.
  587. - **Transition** - Fixed bug with animations that contain the strings 'in' or 'out' as part of their names, for example "swing"
  588. - **Sticky** - Fixes issue with container size not being set explicitly on rail due to improper method renaming
  589. ### Version 1.7.3 - January 16, 2015
  590. - **Installer** - Fix issue with component list in `semantic.json` not correctly overriding default components
  591. ### Version 1.7.(1-2) - January 15, 2015
  592. **Bugs**
  593. - **Installer** - Fixes installer not including RTL parameter correctly
  594. - **UI** - Fixes `progress`, `ad`, and `sidebar` not loading `.override` files correctly
  595. - Removed undocumented components from `theme.config.example`
  596. ### Version 1.7.0 - January 14, 2015
  597. **Major Changes**
  598. - **Project** - Right-to-left (RTL) support added. New gulp tasks for RTL file generation and install setting. Docs however do not yet support RTL.*Thanks @MohammadYounes for constant support with RTL!*.
  599. - **Project** - Install now let you specify the outputted file permissions (express/custom install)
  600. **Enhancements / Changes**
  601. - **Grid** - Added `equal width` variation using `flex-box`, `equal height` now also uses `flex-box` (this may have to be removed if causes unexpected browser issues)
  602. - **Sidebar** - Having a sidebar visible on page load is now much simpler. You can include ``ui visible sidebar`` on page load to have a sidebar element appear on page load. To close call `$('.ui.sidebar').sidebar('hide')`
  603. - **Sidebar** - Added documentation on using sidebar on a custom context. Sidebars using a custom context no longer add background colors like those initialized on `body`
  604. - **Site** - Form input highlighting color added (helps differentiate form colors with autocompleted fields). Default text highlighting color moved from highlighter yellow to a mellow blue.
  605. - **Dropdown** - Javascript Dropdown can now be disabled by adding ``disabled` class. No need to call `destroy`. **Thanks Psyton**
  606. - **Dropdown** - Search dropdown input can now have backgrounds. Fixes issues with autocompleted search dropdowns which have forced yellow "autocompleted" bg.
  607. - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search selection not correctly matching when values are not strings
  608. - **Progress** - Progress bars can now display percent or amount left using `{value}` in text templates
  609. - **Dropdown** - New `upward dropdown` variation, which opens its menu upward. Default animation now uses ``settings.transition = 'auto'` and determines direction of animation based on menu direction
  610. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown matching fields without values now trims whitespace by default
  611. - **Checkbox** - Checkbox now toggles on spacebar when focused (previously only toggled on enter key).
  612. - **Popup** - Popup now uses its own custom method for determining `offsetParent` meaning 3D contexts (like inside an animation) no longer should break positioning
  613. - **Popup** - Popup now uses `preserve: false` by default, this is slightly less performant but will reduce page clutter caused by leaving generated elements in the DOM
  614. **Code / Build**
  615. - **Build** - `Dist/` files now set file permissions in build. `644` by default. Can adjust in `semantic.json` or during gulp install. You will need to run `npm install` to add the new gulp-chmod dependency *Thanks @PeterDaveHello*
  616. - **Sidebar** - `setup layout` not occurs synchronously if you initialize a sidebar without the proper html. This makes sure calls to sidebar will occur correctly before the page is setup. A new setting `delaySetup` will override this, increasing performance.
  617. - **Modules** - Remove use of deprecated `.size()` for `.length` across all modules
  618. - **Modules** - Use of `$.proxy` swapped to native `` for performance gains across all modules
  619. **Bugs**
  620. - **Video** - Video component now uses `//` instead of defaulting to `http`
  621. - **Dropdown** - `restore defaults` will now set placeholder styling and remove active element. Added example in docs.
  622. - **Dropdown** - Fixed bug where sub menus may sometimes have dropdown icon overlap text
  623. - **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdown search input from filtering text values when input is inside menu, i.e "In-Menu Search"
  624. - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search selection not correctly creating RegExp when select values are not strings **Thanks @alufers**
  625. - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with `left floated` and `right floated` content sometimes not applying correctly
  626. - **Popup** - `wide` and `very wide` popup will now appear when screen size is below their `max-width`
  627. - **Popup** - Popup no longer blurs element on popup hide
  628. - **Segment** - ``ui tabular menu`` now correctly aligns with attached segment when using fluid variation *Thanks @MohammadYounes*
  629. - **Segment** - `basic segment` no longer removes padding on first and last elements
  630. - **Steps** - Steps now use ``table-cell`` to allow steps to be equal height by default, even with different content height.
  631. - **Button** - Fix issue with labeled icon groups in material theme
  632. - **Progress** - Fixes bug with progress that use ``total`` and ``value`` receiving the wrong values for text templates
  633. - **List** - Fix some styling issues with `ui list` inside `ui menu`
  634. ### Version 1.6.4 - January 12, 2015
  635. - `1.6.3` contained an unintentional character at beginning of `label.less` re-released as `1.6.4`
  636. **Bugs**
  637. - **Build** - Fix CSS property typo in list icon, and label causing issues with some custom build tools
  638. ### Version 1.6.3 - January 12, 2015
  639. - `1.6.3` contained an unintentional character at beginning of `label.less` re-released as `1.6.4`
  640. **Bugs**
  641. - **Build** - Fix CSS property typo in list icon, and label causing issues with some custom build tools
  642. - **Label** - Fix attached labels to have correct border radius inside of attached segments of all kinds
  643. ### Version 1.6.2 - January 06, 2015
  644. **Site Variables**
  645. - **Site** - EM values for `small` `large` etc are now all calculated from ``@emSize`` allowing you to only change one variable.
  646. **Bugs**
  647. - **Button** - Fixes active orange button color
  648. - **Menu** - Fixes ``fluid text menu`` to have correct margins
  649. ### Version 1.6.1 - January 05, 2015
  650. **Bugs**
  651. - **Accordion** - Accordion now uses ``useFailSafe: true`` to avoid callbacks not occurring because of race conditions with `transitionend` in webkit
  652. ### Version 1.6.0 - January 05, 2015
  653. **Build**
  654. - **Dist** - Build will now output version number in comment banner
  655. **Updates / Enhancements**
  656. - **Accordion** - Child element animations now use ``$.fn.transition`` and css animations by default (if available)
  657. - **Accordion** - Added ``animateChildren`` option to disable/enable opacity animation on child elements
  658. - **Accordion** - Accordion now uses `easeOutQuint`` instead of ``easeInOutQuint`` to increase perceived responsiveness of drawers
  659. - **Grid** - ``stackable grid`` now only adds horizontal padding when using ``stackable page grid``, otherwise content will take up full width of parent element
  660. **Bugs**
  661. - **Tab/Segment** - Fixes first tab being 1pixel taller than all other tabs
  662. - **Popup** - Fix issue with `ui popup` receiving error ``$offsetParent is undefined`` when using a pre-defined popup
  663. - **Popup** - Fix issue with ``ui popup` not appearing with ``ui flowing popup`` due to newly added ``min-width: max-content``
  664. - **Form** - ``ui search dropdown`` inside a form has incorrect focus style
  665. - **Menu** - Fixes ``ui fluid labeled icon menu`` to not have `min-width`
  666. ### Version 1.5.2 - January 02, 2015
  667. **Bugs**
  668. - **Sidebar** - Fix bug with `useLegacy` introduced in `1.5.1`
  669. ### Version 1.5.1 - January 01, 2015
  670. **Bugs**
  671. - **Button** - Fixed vertical alignment of ``ui animated button``
  672. - **Search** - Fixed issue with local search returning all results due to improper regexp
  673. ### Version 1.5.0 - December 30, 2014
  674. **Critical Bugs**
  675. - **Build Tools** `1.4.0` introduced a bug with concatenated uncompressed ``dist/`` release including minified code. This would occur only when no components were specified in installer or ``semantic.json``.
  676. **Enhancements**
  677. - **Dropdown** - New setting ``allowCategorySelection`` lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs.
  678. - **Reset** - Reset now inherits ``box-sizing`` [from html tag](
  679. - **Label** - ``ui ribbon label`` can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ``ui right ribbon label``
  680. - **Checkbox** - Checkboxes now can handle labels with multiple lines of text
  681. - **Progress** - Progress bars now display all intermediary percentage values when animating. Improved performance when progress bar is rapidly updated.
  682. - **Popup** - Popup now uses the new property ``min-width: max-content`` to allow for better display with ``inline`` in some circumstances where it escapes parent element.
  683. - **Table** - Table now has coupling with image to make sure size is preserved correctly with table sizing when used inside a table cell.
  684. - **Menu** - ``ui fixed menu`` now defaults to ``ui top fixed menu``
  685. **Bugs**
  686. - **Form** - Fixed (x) wide field not having correct bottom field margin when in ``fields`` group on tablet or mobile
  687. - **Tab** - Calls to global ``$.tab()`` would not pass arguments correctly
  688. - **Dropdown/Search** - Fixed issues with ``ui search`` and ``ui search dropdown`` using ``RegExp test`` which [advances pointer on match]( causing results to display incorrectly
  689. - **Form** - ``ui input`` now receives the same formatting as a normal input inside an ``inline field``
  690. - **Grid** - Fix display of equal height stackable grid. Add padding to divided stackable grid for dividers
  691. - **Input** - Fixed bug when ``ui action input`` uses a ``ui icon button``, button was receiving `i.icon` formatting.
  692. - **List** - Fixed bug when using ``ui icon button`` or ``ui icon header`` causing element to receive icon formatting
  693. - **Grid** - Fixed issues where negative margins on ``ui stackable grid`` could cause horizontal scroll bars on mobile
  694. - **Popup** - Popup destroy will now also destroy any unfired timers (show/hide delay)
  695. - **Popup** - Popup now moves to the same offset context to avoid positioning errors when using a named pre-existing popup.
  696. ### Version 1.4.1 - December 23, 2014
  697. **Build Tools**
  698. - ``gulp build`` will now only build `dist/components/` for components selected in install
  699. - Fixed bug where interactive installer was not correctly setting components in ``express`` and ``custom`` install
  700. **Bugs**
  701. - **Dropdown** - ``<select>`` elements will now preserve original ``<option>`` order by default. Added ``sortSelect`` setting (disabled by default) to automatically sort ``<option>`` on initialization
  702. - **Button** - Fixes issue with ``will-change`` property added to ``ui button`` causing layout z-indexing issues (dropdown button)
  703. ### Version 1.4.0 - December 22, 2014
  704. [Browse Issues for 1.4.0](
  705. **Enhancements**
  706. - **Modal** - Modal now accepts custom dimmer settings with setting `dimmerSettings``
  707. - **Form** - Form inputs without ``type`` specified are now formatted **Thanks PSyton**
  708. - **Accordion** - Added inverted accordion variation
  709. **Bugs**
  710. - **Progress** - Fixes bug where ``ui indicating progress`` would not update its label immediately in webkit
  711. - **Button** - Fix Chrome bug with buttons sometimes not correctly repainting (particularly evenly divided groups)
  712. - **Menu** - Fix border radius of dropdown menu inside `ui vertical menu`
  713. - **Menu** - Fix formatting of ``ui selection dropdown`` inside ``menu``
  714. **Docs**
  715. - Improved documentation for API and Tab to be slightly more comprehensive
  716. ### Version 1.3.2 - December 17, 2014
  717. - **Modal** - Fixed issue with modal dimmer appearing cut off in some browsers, and not hiding
  718. ### Version 1.3.1 - December 17, 2014
  719. - **Button** - Dist version of button accidentally included ``chubby`` theme instead of ``default`` theme
  720. ### Version 1.3.0 - December 17, 2014
  721. [Browse Closed Issues for 1.3.0](
  722. **Critical Bugs**
  723. - **Build Tools** - Fixed issue with ``theme.config`` causing ``gulp watch`` to throw an error
  724. **Enhancement**
  725. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown can now specify which direction a menu should appear left/right, dropdown icons can also appear on the left
  726. - **Dropdown** - Full text search now defaults to ``false``, meaning search terms will return only results beginning with letters
  727. - **Dropdown** - Search Dropdown is now much more responsive, js improvements and input throttling added.Throttling defaults to `50ms` and can be modified with settings ````
  728. - **Dropdown** - Search Dropdown now correctly replaces placeholder text when backspacing to empty value
  729. - **Dropdown** - Search Dropdown now has a callback when all results filtered ``onNoResults``
  730. - **Dropdown** - Search dropdown will now strip html before searching values when searching html
  731. - **Dropdown** - Search now has keyboard shortcut to open dropdown on arrow down
  732. - **Form** - Form will no longer process validation rules on disabled fields
  733. - **Label** - Corner attached labels now display correctly inside of attached segments
  734. - **Steps** - Steps are now responsive for mobile by default, and have optional responsive styles for tablet
  735. - **Table** - Table has now variations to remove responsive stylings, specify responsiveness for tablet
  736. - **Table** - Table now has a ``structured table`` type, which removes some formatting considerations to support complex table layouts with ``colspan`` and ``rowspan``
  737. **Bugs**
  738. - **Button** - Button "or" positioning variables have been adjusted to be automatically calculated without magic numbers
  739. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown now always scrolls to active element on menu open, calculates position with new ``loading`` class
  740. - **Dropdown** - Fix bug in position of sub menus with ``floating dropdown``
  741. - **Form** - Fixed positioning of horizontal field groups, aka ``fields`` for mobile.
  742. - **Grid** - ``stackable grid`` now display correctly when nested inside a different ``stackable grid``
  743. - **Image** - UI image now works with SVG
  744. - **Modal** - Fixed issue with modal losing scroll position on mobile
  745. - **Modal/Dimmer** - Fixed issues with modal hiding during showing and showing during hiding, fixed issues with "hiding other" modals while a modal is mid-animation.
  746. - **Segment** - Vertical segments now have padding on first/last element, fixing issues when using with grids
  747. - **Sidebar** - Mobile sidebars now only set ``overflow`` on page's ``html`` when browsing from ``iOS`` devices. Using overflow caused issues with page's scroll being lost when resizing a browser to mobile widths. This also affected modules that used `$(window).scrollTop()`` at mobile screen sizes
  748. - **Step** - Fix issue with completed ordered step icon alignment
  749. - **Table** - Fix responsive styles when applied to ``definition table``.
  750. - **All UI** - Adds error message when triggering an invalid module behavior i.e. typos ``$('.dropdown').dropdown('hid');``
  751. **Docs**
  752. - **Button** - Add tabindex /keyboard nav documentation
  753. - **Grid** - Add another grid example
  754. - Updates to reflect all new changes to UI listed above
  755. ### Version 1.2.0 - December 08, 2014
  756. [Browse Closed Issues](
  757. **Enhancement**
  758. - **Form** - Form validation now has parameter ``optional`` which will only validate a field against a set of rules if the user does not leave it blank **Thanks DHNCarlos**
  759. - **Fonts** - Add font subset variable for ``site.variables`` **Thanks gabormeszoly**
  760. - **Modal** - Default modal shadow now more subtle
  761. - **Sidebar** - Now has behaviors ``is open/closed`` that are aliases for ``is visible/hidden``
  762. - **Checkbox** - JS Checkbox now handles several variations of html. Labels can be before inputs, after, or not included at all. This should work better with server side form generation.
  763. - **Progress** - Adds ``limitValues`` setting to adjust values outside of 0-100 automatically to within range, defaults to true
  764. **Bugs**
  765. - **Grid** - Fixes ``ui stackable grid`` sometimes not aligning correctly at mobile sizes with ``ui page grid``
  766. - **Progress** - Fixes issues with setting progress to 0% not working as expected
  767. - **Modal** - Fixes issues with multiple modals sometimes not closing dimmers
  768. - **Modal** - When a second modal that is not scrolling is opened after a scrolling modal it no longer causes the first modal to not be scrollable
  769. - **Modal** - "Hammer" clicking multiple times on a hiding dimmer no longer causes animation issues
  770. - **Sidebar** - Fixes issue with multiple sidebars sometimes causing dimmer to close prematurely
  771. - **Sidebar** - Dimmer can now be clicked even before sidebar has finished showing to immediately close sidebar
  772. - **Item/Card** - Default link formatting inside element simplified to avoid adjusting other nested ``ui`` link styles
  773. - **Dropdown** - Fixes bug with dropdown converted from ``select`` that use ``<option`` values with capital letters not being selectable
  774. - **Form** - Fixes required checkbox asterisks formatting incorrect
  775. **Docs / Build**
  776. - Fixed documentation on dropdown actions, form field widths, form validation types, and many odds & ends
  777. - Adds components to semantic.json.example
  778. - Theme.config.example now links to final site folder
  779. ### Version 1.1.2 - December 03, 2014
  780. - **NPM** - Fixes issue with ``dist/`` not being included when using NPM due to ``.gitignore``
  781. ### Version 1.1.1 - December 03, 2014
  782. **Bugs**
  783. - **Step** - Fixes step content appearing overlapped due to use of ``em`` instead of ``rem`` for line-height.
  784. - **Sidebar** - Fixes issue that may cause sidebars to stay open in some circumstances when using multiple sidebars
  785. ### Version 1.1.0 - December 02, 2014
  786. **Enhancements**
  787. - **Transition** - Transition's caching of final display state and animation existence now has improved performance.
  788. - **Popup** - Popup now has a ``settings.prefer`` that defaults to ``adjacent``. This setting sets prefered next placement when a popup cannot fit on screen in the chosen placement. ``prefer`` can also be set to ``opposite`` to prefer the same position on the opposite side
  789. - **Popup** - Popup can now use a setting ``lastResort``. When set to a position it will be used as a last resort even if popup does not entirely fit on the page. Setting this to ``false`` will produce an error when a popup cannot fit on screen.
  790. - **Transition** now has ``useFailSafe`` parameter (off by default) to ensure transition callback fires even if native ``onAnimationEnd`` event does not fire due to element visibility. [Chromium Bug Report by Product Manager @ Mozilla]( and [this open issue](
  791. - **All UI** - Many ``em`` measurements adjusted slightly to calculate out as exact pixel values (Fixes 1px rounding errors)
  792. - **Steps** - Now use global border color
  793. - **Progress** - Progress now has sizing variations
  794. - **Input** - ``transparent input`` can now be ``inverted``
  795. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown ``onChange`` callback now fires when calling ``setSelected`` programatically.
  796. **Bugs**
  797. - **Build Tools** - NPM now correctly pins dependencies instead of using bleeding-edge versions which may break builds
  798. - **Transition** - Transition now correctly detects missing animations, errors do not cause future image transitions to break
  799. - **Menu/Segment** Fixes double border on pointing menu with attached segment **Thanks davialexandre**
  800. - **Progress** - Fixes indicating progress appearing incorrectly at 100% complete **Thanks ordepdev**
  801. - **Icon** - ``remove icon`` is now formatted correctly when used as ``remove link icon``
  802. - **Input** - ``ui action input`` can now accomodate ``ui button`` that adjust padding from default
  803. - **Dropdown** - Fix ``action input`` used inside ``ui dropdown`` to appear correctly **Thanks ordepdev**
  804. **Docs**
  805. - **Progress** - Added missing settings docs for progress module
  806. ### Version 1.0.1 - November 28, 2014
  807. **Bugs**
  808. - **Site** - Add protocol variable for Google Font loader to avoid issues with ``//`` when loading locally causing freezing
  809. - **Icon** - Fix horizontal centering of circular icon
  810. - **Transition** - Fix vertical flip not working due to css typo **Thanks cgroner**
  811. - **Menu** - Removes missing image loader variable **Thanks ryan-mahoney**
  812. - **Card/Item** - Fix generic link stylings erroneously affecting linked ui elements like buttons
  813. - **Table** - Fixes table cell transition animating all properties
  814. ### Version 1.0.0 - November 24, 2014
  815. **Breaking Changes**
  816. - **Word Order** - Many multi word variations now require proper word order, for example ``left aligned`` or ``right floated`` classnames must be adjacent. This is to prevent conflicts with other multiple word variations
  817. - **Form** - Date field has been removed, use a ``ui icon input`` with a ``calendar icon`` instead
  818. - **Label** - Corner labels no longer support text, only icons.
  819. - **Dropdown** - Sub menus inside dropdowns now need a wrapping div **text** around sub-menu descriptions
  820. - **Checkbox** - Checkbox "enable" and "disable" have been replaced with "check" and "uncheck"
  821. - **Modal** - Modal ``left`` and ``right`` sections are now replaced with ``image`` and ``description``
  822. - **Accordion** - Accordions are now unstyled by default allowing for simpler coupling with other UI without having to override styles. Styled accordions are now included as a variation ``ui styled accordion``
  823. - **List** - List item selectors are now more strict, list items must be immediate children of ``ui list`` or ``ui list list``
  824. - **Item** - 0.x.x's UI card has been adjusted heavily. Vertically listed content should use ``ui item`` while floated grouped content should continue to use ``ui card``. Some 'card' view content has been slightly adjusted. Please refer to documentation
  825. - **Header / Icon** - Inverted headers and icons no longer invert background colors, but instead use a lighter version of colors more legible on dark backgrounds. Inverted circular icons, still however invert the color of the circle.
  826. - **Input** - Labeled inputs now have ``corner`` ``left`` and ``top`` label types. Any labeled inputs should be converted to ``corner labeled input`` to preserve functionality from ``0.x``
  827. - **Modal** - allowMultiple (allowing multiple modals at once) is now set to **false** by default.
  828. - **Table** - Tables are no longer striped by default, instead you must specify the 'striped' variation
  829. - **Transition** - Complete, and Start callbacks are now ``onComplete`` and ``onStart``
  830. **Enhancements**
  831. - **General** - CSS animations now hint with will change properties to increase performance in supported browsers
  832. - **General** - Many modules now use DOM Mutations and event delegation to allow content adjustment after initialization
  833. - **Accordion** - Accordion now includes all icons in an embedded font instead of requiring icons
  834. - **Button** - Now has compact form, used for fitting into tight spaces
  835. - **Button** - Now has CSS loaders to allow loading state to maintain other styles
  836. - **Checkbox** - Now correctly handles read-only and disabled, has read-only and disabled states
  837. - **Checkbox** - All styles have been redone. Standard checkboxes are now based around PX and not EM making sure there are no unusual circles or rounding issues. Checkboxes also now use a custom font for glyphs instead of CSS tricks.
  838. - **Checkbox** - Checkbox now have a ``fireOnInit`` setting for firing callbacks on page load
  839. - **Checkbox** - Checkbox now receive a ``checked`` class when checked, making it easier to write css selectors on checked checkboxes, for example when using sibling selectors ``.ui.checked.checkbox + .content { // style }``
  840. - **Dropdown** - New dropdown type, searchable selection for large lists of choices
  841. - **Dropdown** - Dropdowns can now be initialized directly on a ``<select>`` element without any html
  842. - **Dropdown** - New action combo will change text of adjacent button, select will select element but not change text
  843. - **Dropdown** - Many new content types now work inside dropdowns, headers, dividers, images, inputs, labels and more
  844. - **Form** - Form now has a success state which will automatically display success messages
  845. - **Dimmer** - Dimmer will now automatically determine whether click-to-close is enabled by ``settings.on``
  846. - **Dimmer** - Multiple dimmers can now be used on the same context with ``dimmerName``
  847. - **Dimmer** - Dimmer variations can be specified when creating a dimmer from javascript using ``variation`` setting.
  848. - **Form** - Grouped fields and inline fields can now have labels
  849. - **Form** - Forms in 'success' state will now show success messages inside
  850. - **Form** - Inputs now use 1em font size and correctly match selection dropdown height
  851. - **Form** - Inverted form now properly styles loader
  852. - **Form** - New field type ``required`` formats labels to show filling out field is mandatory
  853. - **Grid** - ``ui divider`` can now be used inside of row columns as well as ``vertically divided grid`` variation
  854. - **Grid** - Grid rows and columns now support color variations
  855. - **Grid** - Grid has been rewritten to automatically create row flow without row wrappers
  856. - **Grid** - Divided and celled grids can now be inverted for dark backgrounds
  857. - **Grid** - Elements inside a grid that are not rows or columns will now align properly
  858. - **Grid** - Fixed page grid allows for fixed pixel size containers used with a grid instead of percentage
  859. - **Grid** - Vertically divided grid now does not include left/right gutters in divider
  860. - **Header** - Linked headers now receive link colors
  861. - **Image** - New ``bordered image`` variation
  862. - **Item** - Items now have a horizontal list view for content lists
  863. - **Label** - Added tag label and empty circular label style
  864. - **Label** - Now has compact form, for fitting into tight spaces
  865. - **Label** - Now has more sizes available
  866. - **List** - Child lists can now be formatted to sit inside text content
  867. - **List** - List images can now specify vertical alignment
  868. - **List** - List spacing defaults have been adjusted to be more consistent
  869. - **Popup** - Popup can now allow itself not to be closed when hovered over
  870. - **Popup** - A popup element can now be specified on initialization.
  871. - **Reveal** - Reveals now all use css properties with GPU acceleration
  872. - **Popup** - Positioned popups will now extend in the opposite direction to fit better with floated content
  873. - **Rating** - Rating now uses an embedded icon font to maximize compatibility
  874. - **Rating** - Rating can now automatically generate icons without including them
  875. - **Rating** - Rating can use data attributes to specify individual ratings
  876. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar now has tall / very tall variations for resizing top/bottom sidebars
  877. - **Shape** - Shape now is better at calculating sizes when animating
  878. - **Shape** - You can now disable repeated animations by setting, so animation wont queue if side is currently visible
  879. - **Steps** - Steps can now have icons, descriptions and titles. Step default theme has been modified significantly to be more flexible.
  880. - **Table** - Tables now have 'basic' and 'very' basic variations
  881. - **Transition** - Transition will now keep block position of elements hidden with visibility hidden
  882. - **Transition** - Transitions now will handle multiple display types more consistently
  883. - **Transition** - Transition now has a new ``start`` callback, before animation starts
  884. - **Transition** - Complete callback now does not occur if animation is interrupted before completing
  885. - **Transition** - You can now specify the final displayType of a transitioning element in metadata or settings (not just automatically detected)
  886. - **More [untracked changes]( added as well**
  887. ** Bug Fixes **
  888. - See Closed GitHub Issues
  889. ### Version 0.19.3 - Sep 11, 2014
  890. **Bug Fixes**
  891. - **Grid** - Fixes issue where some responsive grid stylings were being overridden by other variations (for example stackable overriding )
  892. ### Version 0.19.2 - Sep 11, 2014
  893. **Bug Fixes**
  894. - **Grid** - (Backport from 1.0 branch) Fixes issue where some combinations of (tablet/mobile/computer) only does not function correctly
  895. ### Version 0.19.1 - Sep 5, 2014
  896. **Bug Fixes**
  897. - **Modal** - (Backport from 1.0 branch) Fixes issue where modal sometimes appears too low on second show
  898. ### Version 0.19.0 - July 3, 2014
  899. **Enhancements**
  900. - **Transition** - Adds "fade in left/right" variations to match "fade up/down" **Thanks AdamMaras**
  901. **Fixes**
  902. - **Accordion** - Fixes incompatibilities with ``ui list`` when used inside a ``ui accordion``, fixes issues with menu accordion display in some circumstances
  903. - **Menu** - Fixes ``ui inverted secondary pointing menu`` to have correct pointer color for all color variations **Thanks AdamMaras**
  904. - **Docs** - Language clarified for menu/rating definition **Thanks jnbt/ewiner**
  905. ### Version 0.18.0 - June 6, 2014
  906. **Enhancements**
  907. - **Modal** - Modals now focus on first input if available **Thanks Knotix**
  908. - **RTL** - RTL now uses RTLCSS instead of CSSJanus **Thanks MohammadYounes**
  909. **Fixes**
  910. - **Menu** - Fixes bug where pointing menu would sometimes appear below content **Thanks Skysplit**
  911. - **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdown 'is animating' with dropdowns when CSS animations were not included **Thanks nathankot**
  912. - **Accordion** - Accordion title does not know have to be :first-child to receive proper border **Thanks BigBlueHat**
  913. - **Popup** - Fixes javascript animation of popup missing easing dependency
  914. - **Label** - Fixes border radius on bottom left label
  915. **Docs**
  916. - **Modal** - Docs now have HTML examples
  917. - **Docs** - Fixes issue with overview mode not clearing code examples
  918. - **CSS Guide** - Fixes typos in css guide
  919. ### Version 0.17.0 - May 9, 2014
  920. **Enhancements**
  921. - **Dropdown** - Dropdowns can now receive focus and be navigated with a keyboard **Thanks Musatov**
  922. - **Popup** - Popup now has an ``onRemove`` callback after removing element from DOM
  923. **Fixes**
  924. - **Modal** - Element does not accurately close other modals when initialized at different times **Thanks nojhamster**
  925. - **Modal** - Fixes javascript error for browsers that don't support CSS animations if jquery.easing is not included
  926. - **Form, Input** - Fixes ``ui input`` to work correctly inside ``inline field``
  927. ### Version 0.16.1 - April 22, 2014
  928. **Fixes**
  929. - **Transition** - Fixes bug where transition could accidentally hide element on show due to error when determining original display type
  930. ### Version 0.16.0 - April 22, 2014
  931. **Enhancements**
  932. - **Form** - Fields can now be aligned to a grid **Thanks seralex-vi**
  933. **Critical Fixes**
  934. - **Modal** - Fixes issue where position sometimes appeared too low on second show
  935. - **Reveal** - Fixes reveal being broken in Chrome in ``0.15.5`` due to poor fix for reveal selectability
  936. **Fixes**
  937. - **Transition** - Fixes issue where transition hidden was sometimes overwriten by UI styles causing the element to stay visible
  938. - **Checkbox** - Fixes issue where checkboxes with multiple line labels were appearing formatted incorrectly.
  939. ### Version 0.15.5 - April 11, 2014
  940. **Critical Fixes**
  941. - **Checkbox** - Fixes ``ui checkbox`` to obey ``disabled`` property of input
  942. **Fixes**
  943. - **Reveal** - Hidden content now can be selected on reveal
  944. - **Message** - Fixes hidden/visible class to work with animations
  945. - **Message** - Fixes hidden/visible class to set proper display on ``ui icon message``
  946. - **Message** - Fixes hitbox/position of ``close icon`` inside message
  947. ### Version 0.15.4 - April 04, 2014
  948. **Fixes**
  949. - **Rating** - Fixes issue where rating was behaving erratically in Chrome
  950. ### Version 0.15.3 - April 04, 2014
  951. **Changes**
  952. - **Transition** - CSS Transitions now work in legacy FF (FF > 12)
  953. - **All UI** - Adds support for legacy FF vendor prefixes (FF > 12)
  954. **Docs**
  955. - Adds more examples for static checkbox/radio boxes with HTML only
  956. - Fixes a variety of issues with malformed examples (thanks community)
  957. ### Version 0.15.2 - Mar 28, 2014
  958. **Changes**
  959. - **All Modules** - Debug is now disabled by default
  960. **Fixes**
  961. - **Step** - Fixes issue with border radius on vertical steps
  962. - **Icon** - Orange color is now available for icon
  963. - **Menu** - Fixes formatting of attached segments with menus
  964. ### Version 0.15.1 - Mar 14, 2014
  965. **Critical Fixes**
  966. - **Dropdown** - Typo in dropdown css was causing selection dropdowns not to appear
  967. ### Version 0.15.0 - Mar 14, 2014
  968. **Enhancements**
  969. - **Step** - Vertical Steps now have option to have two line items
  970. - **Form** - Forms, Dropdowns, and Inputs now have matching padding size, and use 1em font size to appear same size as surrounding text
  971. - **Icon** - Icons on dark backgrounds should render better in OSX
  972. - **Modal** - Modals now have an onVisible and onHidden callback for after animation ends
  973. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now automatically revalidates a selection dropdown on change when invalid
  974. **Critical Fixes**
  975. - **Modal** - Browsers without RequestAnimationFrame (Opera) were erroring on modal show
  976. - **Dropdown** - Element's with numeric ``data-text`` values were erroring when selected
  977. **Fixes**
  978. - **Modal** - Modal onShow and onHide occurs before transition starts, allowing for class name changes not to be reset
  979. - **Dropdown** - Default selection text was not appearing when a dropdown had a value that was ``false`` or ``0``
  980. - **Input** - Fixes slight error in corner label rounding **Thanks MohammadYounes**
  981. - **Reveal** - Reveals will now show on active, for touch devices **Thanks Illyism**
  982. - **Table** - Fixes rounding on tables with multiple tfoot elements **Thanks webdesserts**
  983. - **Icon** - Hide and unhide icon were accidentally given opposite names
  984. - **Checkbox** - Checkboxes can now have multiple inputs inside, for use with .NET and other languages that insert their own hidden inputs
  985. **Project**
  986. - **iOS** - Active styles, for example pressed in buttons, now appear in docs on touch devices
  987. ### Version 0.14.0 - Mar 03, 2014
  988. **Enhancements**
  989. - **Modal** - Modal now uses requestAnimationFrame instead of debounced callback
  990. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown now has error state **Thanks Musatov**
  991. - **Form** - Form fields with errors will now properly style dropdown elements **Thanks Musatov**
  992. - **Step** - Steps can now appear vertically
  993. **Fixes**
  994. - **List** - Bulleted and horizontal lists now appear correctly in IE10-11
  995. **Project**
  996. - **NPM** - Docpad is now moved to a dev dependency **Thanks kapouer**
  997. ### Version 0.13.1 - Feb 28, 2014
  998. **Fixes**
  999. - **Modal** - Fixes modal positioning appearing slightly below center on second load
  1000. - **Checkbox** - Fixes checkbox appearance inside inverted forms
  1001. - **Input** - Fixes ui input to inherit form sizing
  1002. - **Accordion** - Fixes issues with accordion rules being too specific, causing several common usages of accordions to break
  1003. - **Form Validation** - Fixes form validation regular expression matching **Thanks icefox0801**
  1004. ### Version 0.13.0 - Feb 20, 2014
  1005. **Enhancements**
  1006. - **Label** - Corner labels now are coupled to have rounded edges with components with rounded edges like input
  1007. - **Form** - Grouped form fields now have responsive styles for mobile
  1008. - **Modal** - Modal will now work when modal is taller than page's content
  1009. - **Checkbox** - Checkboxes now also trigger DOM ``change`` event
  1010. - **Accordion** - Accordions now preserve inline styles when animating
  1011. - **Form Validation** - Form validation now rechecks on all form change events, not just input change
  1012. **Fixes**
  1013. - **Menu** - Fixes 2px border on last element in horizontal menus
  1014. - **Menu** - Fixes dropdown formatting when used **inside* a menu item
  1015. - **Menu** - Fixes formatting of grouped icon buttons inside menus
  1016. - **Modal** - Fixes z-index of modal close to appear above ``relative/absolute`` modal content on mobile
  1017. - **Dimmer** - Dimmers are less buggy when used with ``on: 'hover``
  1018. ### Version 0.12.5 - Feb 04, 2014
  1019. **Enhancement**
  1020. - **Button** - Or buttons can now have text specified using ``<div class="or" data-text"text">`` with alternate text *Thanks MohammadYounes*
  1021. **Fixes**
  1022. - **Popup** - Fixes issue where popups using ``title`` attribute to store data were losing title content instead of correctly restoring it
  1023. - **Modal** - Fixes an issue where modal may not position correctly in some cases *Thanks GianlucaGuarini*
  1024. - **Modal** - Fixes modal throwing an error when transition is not included *Thanks robertoles*
  1025. ### Version 0.12.4 - Jan 29, 2014
  1026. **Fixes**
  1027. - **Form** - Fixes issue with onSuccess not allowing cancellation of form submit in form validation
  1028. - **Input** - Fixes ``ui buttons`` to work inside an ``ui action input`` **Thanks MohammadYounes **
  1029. - **Items** - Fixes ``ui horizontal items`` to work correctly, missing comma **Thanks mishak87**
  1030. **Project**
  1031. - **RTL** - Adds RTL hinting for some files **Thanks MohammadYounes**
  1032. - **Specs** - Adds additional JSON spec files for future use with generators **Thanks brigand**
  1033. ### Version 0.12.3 - Jan 24, 2014
  1034. **Fixes**
  1035. - **Message** - Fixes some issues with margins sometimes not appearing with ``attached message`` **thanks joltmode**
  1036. - **Item** - Fixes color repeating to be consistent for items **thanks skysplit**
  1037. ### Version 0.12.2 - Jan 21, 2014
  1038. **Enhancement**
  1039. - **Form Validation** - Adding custom validation is now simpler, uses syntax ``$('.form').form('add prompt', identifier, 'Error message');``
  1040. **Fixes**
  1041. - **Menu** - Slightly updates input sizes inside menus
  1042. - **Grid** - Fixes grid ``only tablet/mobile/computer`` showing both devices on exact pixel of breakpoint, i.e. 768px
  1043. - **Icon** - Fixes ascending alphabetic inheritance
  1044. ### Version 0.12.1 - Jan 15, 2014
  1045. **Fixes**
  1046. - **LESS** - Fixes typo breaking less parsing **thanks DVSoftware**
  1047. - **Menu** - Fixes buttons using ``<a>`` tag from inheriting link styles. **thanks joltmode**
  1048. - **Menu** - Fixes ``action input`` to work inside menus **thanks joltmode**
  1049. - **Modal** - Fixes possible race conditions in animations of modal **thanks dos1**
  1050. - **Message** - Prevents close icon from being misformatted in icon message **thanks MohammadYounes**
  1051. **Docs**
  1052. - **Icons** - Fixes some icon code samples in docs **thanks mishak87**
  1053. Some updates to docs formatting
  1054. ### Version 0.12.0 - Jan 06, 2014
  1055. **Major Fixes**
  1056. - **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdowns links not working on touch devices
  1057. - **Input** - Fixes input placeholder styles to work (accidental regex replace)
  1058. **Major Updates**
  1059. - **Transition** - Transitions will now, by default, prevent the current animation from being queued while it is actively animating the same animation
  1060. - **Modal** - New setting ``allowMultiple`` lets you specify whether multiple modals can be shown at once
  1061. - **Modal** - New setting ``detachable`` allows you to specify whether modal DOM element can be moved (Thanks MohammadYounes)
  1062. **Updates**
  1063. - **Dropdown** - Default value is now stored on init, and can be restored using 'restore defaults' behavior
  1064. - **Modal** - Buttons can now use both ``cancel/deny`` or ``ok/approve``, for approve/deny events to fire (Thanks MohammadYounes)
  1065. - **Menu** - Fixed menu now adds padding on the next element if it is a grid
  1066. - **Progress Bar** - Adds warning color
  1067. **Fixes**
  1068. - **Icon** - Fixes unnecessary formatting on thumbs up/down
  1069. - **Dropdown** - Fixes touchmove event not clearing on touch devices causing unnecessary overhead
  1070. - **Input** - Action inputs can now be fluid
  1071. - **Sidebar** - Fixes issue where top sidebar was receiving left offset
  1072. - **Menu** - Fixes z-index on fixed menu to exist just below modals
  1073. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where last match was returned, not prioritizing value over text
  1074. - **Form** - Fixes all validation input to be trimmed for whitespace
  1075. ### Version 0.11.0 - Dec 25, 2013
  1076. ### Merry Christmas!
  1077. **Major Updates**
  1078. -**Transition**: Transition has been completely rewritten, performance should be about 10x after first animation due to caching and use of request animation frame
  1079. **New Features**
  1080. -**Transition**: Transitions now work with **any display type** not just display: block, meaning transitions can be used on buttons and other inline elements without affecting display
  1081. **Fixes**
  1082. -**Transition**: Fixes typo in "horizontal flip out" causing opacity to be fading in
  1083. -**Popup** - Fixes popup sometimes opening and closing when ``event:click`` is used and a user double clicks
  1084. -**Modules**: Fixed error in all modules where calling invoke would modify instance outside of scope, making it impossible to access some data (for instance cached positions) from outside of module.
  1085. -**Modal**: Fixes issues with modal in IE, IE11 can now use CSS animations with modals
  1086. ### Version 0.10.3 - Dec 22, 2013
  1087. **Critical Fixes**
  1088. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where dropdown animation does not occur sometimes (Thanks MohammadYounes)
  1089. **Fixes**
  1090. - **Popup** - Native browser popups no longer if using ``title`` attribute
  1091. - **Grid** - Fixes issue where stackable grid was not working correctly when using (x) wide column
  1092. - **Modal** - Fixes element detatching sometimes in case where it is already inside a dimmer
  1093. - **Input** - Removes duplicate sizes
  1094. ### Version 0.10.2 - Dec 13, 2013
  1095. **New**
  1096. - **Button** - Adds VK button
  1097. - **Input** - Action inputs now support button groups
  1098. **Fixes**
  1099. - **Rating** - Fixes vertical alignment with text
  1100. - **Dropdown** - Fixes missing easing equations for dropdown javascript animations. Would cause an error when no css transitions were included and jquery easing was not available.
  1101. ### Version 0.10.1 - Dec 06, 2013
  1102. **Fixes**
  1103. - **Modal** - Fixes issue with modal animation regression in 0.10.0
  1104. ### Version 0.10.0 - Dec 05, 2013
  1105. **New**
  1106. - **Grid** - Adds ``doubling`` responsive variation which automatically formats content spacing based on device type
  1107. - **Form Validation** - Adds two new parameters, to allow for changing of revalidation and delay on input
  1108. **Updates**
  1109. - **Grid** - Row padding is now EM not % based, this might shift layouts slightly
  1110. - **Grid** - Grid columns not inside a row will automatically receive row padding now. This will allow for content to flow correctly when row count is unknown
  1111. **Fixes**
  1112. - **Grid** - Fixes margin on stackable grids
  1113. - **Dropdown** - Value can be retrieved even in instances where forms arent used
  1114. ### Version 0.9.6 - Dec 04, 2013
  1115. **Updates**
  1116. - **Rating** - Ratings now recieve class disabled when read only, instead of recieving ``active`` when rateable since active are much more common
  1117. - **Grid** - Fixes some instances where grid column width ``x wide`` was being overruled by parent element ``x column``.
  1118. - **Header, Grid, Segment** - Adds justified alignemnt
  1119. - **Message** - Fixes issues with attached icon message (thanks overra)
  1120. ### Version 0.9.5 - Nov 25, 2013
  1121. **New**
  1122. - **Segment** - Segments now have a circular variation
  1123. **Fixes**
  1124. - LESS files now include vendor prefixes by default instead of only including them in css releases
  1125. ### Version 0.9.4 - Nov 24, 2013
  1126. **Fixes**
  1127. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where falsey value (i.e. 0) could not be selected
  1128. - **Transition** - Fixes transition exists function from not being called
  1129. - **Form** - Adds input type="url" to forms
  1130. - **Sidebar** - Fixes right sidebars to correctly allow for sizing (Thanks DveMac)
  1131. - **Sidebar** - Typo in sidebar header (Thanks slobo)
  1132. **Docs**
  1133. - Fixes various typos and missing closing html tags
  1134. ### Version 0.9.3 - Nov 17, 2013
  1135. **Fixes**
  1136. - **Dropdown** - Fixes "falsey" values (like 0) not being processed correctly
  1137. - **Segment** - Fixes segment text color when nested inside inverted segment
  1138. - **Button** - Fixes improper active/visible state due to :not specificity (most noticiable in mousedown on a dropdown button)
  1139. ### Version 0.9.2 - Nov 8, 2013
  1140. **Fixes** - Fixes popup not repositioning itself when offstage.
  1141. ### Version 0.9.1 - Nov 7, 2013
  1142. **New**
  1143. - **Popup** - Adds context option for popup (thanks jefmathiot)
  1144. - **Accordion** - Adds formatting for nested accordions
  1145. **Updates**
  1146. - **Accordion** - Fixes issue with accordion events inside accordions
  1147. ### Version 0.9.0 - Nov 5, 2013
  1148. **New**
  1149. - **Button** - Basic icons now have inverted style
  1150. - **Segment** - Segments can now be used with ``ui grid`` and ``ui grid column/row``
  1151. - **List** - Adds animated list variation
  1152. **Docs**
  1153. - **Release** - Fixes issues with minification in grunt
  1154. - **Examples** - Adds new homepage example to release zip
  1155. - **Code Samples** - Updates ACE editor version
  1156. **Updates**
  1157. - **List** - Updated some list styles for greater flexibility
  1158. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown now always receives pointer cursor in all types
  1159. - **Form** - Darkens placeholder text color to be more visible
  1160. - **Menu** - Dropdown position inside secondary menus should be more precise
  1161. - **Input** - Labeled icons now have smaller corner labels
  1162. - **Menu** - Floating dropdown menus now work inside menus
  1163. - **Button** - UI buttons no longer have shadows, this helps match colored buttons in layouts
  1164. **Fixes**
  1165. - **Header** - Fixes alignment of solo icons in headers
  1166. - **Button** - Fixes labeled icon placement in Chrome
  1167. - **Modal** - Fixes use of unsupported comma separated :not selector
  1168. - **Modal** - Fixes left/right ui content receiving modal styles inappropriately
  1169. - **Menu** - Fixes some inverted menu stylings not applying correctly in some instances
  1170. - **Grid** - Fixes comp/tablet/mobile only columns not working if not inside a row
  1171. ### Version 0.8.6 - Nov 2, 2013
  1172. **Fixes**
  1173. - **Modal** - Fixes issue with scrollable variation on mobile, updates mobile styles
  1174. **Docs**
  1175. - Fixes bug in jquery waypoint 2.0.3 causing menus to be lame
  1176. ### Version 0.8.5 - Nov 2, 2013
  1177. **Fixes**
  1178. - **Modal** - Fixed issue with modals not working in 0.8.4 due to mistake in transition invoke
  1179. - **Modules** - Invoke now gives user's query in error message for method not found
  1180. ### Version 0.8.4 - Nov 1, 2013
  1181. **Fixes**
  1182. - **Modules** - Fixes bug where invoking a sentence behavior that has a single word match would always invoke single word match. I.e. ``show modal`` would mistakenly call ``show`` if it existed.
  1183. - **Modules** - Adds CSS transition support detection to all modules using css transitions to allow for graceful degradation for IE8
  1184. **Docs**
  1185. - **Download** - Fixes issue where non minified source was being included with minified copy
  1186. - **IE** - Fixed some issue with IE display in docs
  1187. ### Version 0.8.3 - Oct 30, 2013
  1188. **Fixes**
  1189. - **Modal** - Adds fixes for opening modals when other modals are opened, adds a few new API behaviors
  1190. - **Form** - Fixes issues with form validation not escaping regex characters
  1191. - **Form** - Errored fields now have their icons and corner labels colored appropriately
  1192. - **Labels** - Fixes formatting of links inside labels
  1193. ### Version 0.8.2 - Oct 28, 2013
  1194. **Fixes**
  1195. - **Modal** - Quick Fix for modal events in IE
  1196. - **Menu** - Fixes arrow direction on vertical menu dropdown
  1197. - **Button** - Fixes button height issue with button groups including icon and normal buttons
  1198. **Docs**
  1199. - Fixes some missing closing tags
  1200. ### Version 0.8.1 - Oct 26, 2013
  1201. **Fixes**
  1202. - **Button** - Fixes colored version sometime losing white text color
  1203. - **Button** - Fixes 1pixel jump on animated fade buttons
  1204. **Docs**
  1205. - Prefixer now used for prefixing in grunt
  1206. - Spelling fixes
  1207. ### Version 0.8.0 - Oct 25, 2013
  1208. **New**
  1209. - **Button** - Default button styles have been significantly tweaked
  1210. - **Button** - Evenly divided buttons can use number classes instead of words ``class="2 buttons"``
  1211. - **Button** - New animated button styles, fade, horizontal, and vertical
  1212. **Fixes**
  1213. - **Button** - Fixes "or" sizing to work for all sizes
  1214. - **Dropdown** - Fixes border radius on non-selection dropdowns from changing on activation
  1215. - **Input** - Action buttons now have tactile feedback like normal buttons
  1216. **Docs**
  1217. - Added more detailed contributing guide
  1218. - Updates info on setting up server
  1219. - Added new examples to button and input
  1220. ### Version 0.7.2 - Oct 23, 2013
  1221. **Fixes**
  1222. - **Modal** - Fixes issue with modal hiding twice onApprove
  1223. ### Version 0.7.1 - Oct 23, 2013
  1224. **Fixes**
  1225. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with dropdown icon position in chrome
  1226. - **Popup** - Fixes issue with popup's using setting inline: true
  1227. ### Version 0.7.0 - Oct 22, 2013
  1228. **New**
  1229. - **Table** - Added aweosome new responsive style to ui tables
  1230. - **Button** - New social buttons for Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest
  1231. - **List** - Adds documentation for module format
  1232. - **List** - Adds onTabInit for local tabs on first load
  1233. - **List** - Popups can now have a different target than itself
  1234. - **Modal** - Modal hide can be cancelled from ``onApprove`` and ``onDeny`` by returning false from callback
  1235. - **Transition** - onShow and onHide callbacks for visibilit changing transitions
  1236. - **Shape** - New 'cube' and 'text' shape type
  1237. - **Shape** - Transition duration can now be set programatically
  1238. - **Shape** - New beforeChange callback
  1239. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar will now default to being exclusive and hiding other sidebars on show
  1240. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar now has onChange, onShow, onHide callbacks
  1241. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar now have several size variations, and a new styled variation that comes preformatted
  1242. **Docs**
  1243. - **Dimmer** - Adds more dimmer examples, fixes settings
  1244. - **Modules** - New examples and docs for all modules
  1245. - Adds sortable tables to docs
  1246. - New tabbed doc style for modules
  1247. - Code samples will now automatically format indention
  1248. **Fixes**
  1249. - **Button** - Fixes vertical fluid buttons not taking up full width
  1250. - **Shape** - Shape now works with no additional stylings
  1251. - **Shape** - Fixes calculation of next side size to work correctly by using offstage element
  1252. - **Modules** - Fixed issue when altering settings using ``module('setting')`` with an object
  1253. - **Dimmer** - Dimmer now obeys border radius of parent
  1254. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown cannot display inside item image
  1255. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown links were being prevented by event.preventDefault used for touch devices
  1256. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with borders on selection dropdown
  1257. - **Dropdown** - Fixes pointing dropdown to appear correctly in menu
  1258. - **List** - Celled tables now have celled table headers
  1259. - **Menu** - Fixes border radius on tabular menu, fixes one pixel jump on active state
  1260. - **Menu** - Removes vertical label width missing units in menu
  1261. - **Popup** - Popup .toggle() now always hides/shows popup correctly
  1262. - **Popup** - Popup fixed a bug where "top right" placed popup might sometimes be too large
  1263. - **Popup** - Popup will not reshow a visible popup on hover
  1264. **Updates**
  1265. - **Accordion** - Reduces vertical padding on basic accordion content
  1266. - **Header** - Block header now uses RGBA instead of solid color by default
  1267. - **Label** - Ribbon labels now have a shadow color
  1268. - **List** - Horizontal padding on icon list slightly increased, fixes to icon position
  1269. - **List** - Increased padding on attached labels
  1270. - **List** - Leading on bulleted and ordered list slightly increased
  1271. - **Message** - Increase opacity of icons on icon messages
  1272. - **Modal** - Optimizes dimmer init on modal to occur on modal init and not modal show
  1273. - **Popup** - Popup border now uses RGBA to look sexier on dark backgrounds
  1274. - **Popup** - Popup default duration is now 200ms (slighty slower)
  1275. - **Popup** - Popup metadata attribute arrowOffset is now offset for simplicities sake
  1276. - **Popup** - Popup no-longer receives class name 'visible' on show, this allows popups to be used on dropdowns and other elements with a visible state
  1277. - **Popup** - Popups are no longer inline by default
  1278. - **Table** - Table headers are now darker to increase contrast with rainbow striped rows
  1279. - **Sidebar** - Floating sidebar is slightly less heavily shadowed
  1280. ### Version 0.6.5 - Oct 18, 2013
  1281. **Fixes**
  1282. - Fixes issue where browser default action, like link clicking, was prevented on dropdown item click
  1283. - Modal keyboard shortcuts now obey settings.closable (credit to luisrudge)
  1284. ### Version 0.6.4 - Oct 16, 2013
  1285. **Fixes**
  1286. - Fixes issue where browser default action, like link clicking, was prevented on dropdown item click
  1287. ### Version 0.6.3 - Oct 15, 2013
  1288. **Deprecation**
  1289. - Dropdown changeText and updateForm have been deprecated and will be removed in 1.0
  1290. **Updates**
  1291. - Dropdown hide no longer selects current item as active (useful for menus)
  1292. - Simplified possible dropdown actions changeText and updateForm are now consolidated into activate which is the new default
  1293. ### Version 0.6.2 - Oct 15, 2013
  1294. **Fixes**
  1295. - Fixes touch+mouse like touchscreen laptops to work with dropdowns
  1296. - Fixes input position inside menus with no other content
  1297. - Fixes input sizing on small/large menus
  1298. **Updates**
  1299. - Dropdown vastly improved for touch, now can scroll with touch without closing dropdown
  1300. - Dropdown active style now slightly more noticable
  1301. ### Version 0.6.1 - Oct 15, 2013
  1302. **Updates**
  1303. - Adds onApprove/onDeny callbacks to modal
  1304. - Adds small/large sizing of modal, reformats default modal size to be slightly inset from page grid
  1305. - Adds clockwise/counterclockwise rotated icon and default rotate
  1306. - Adds orange label/segment
  1307. - Adds automatic menu formatting for buttons inside menus
  1308. - Dropdowns in vertical menu automatically receive proper triangle pointer direction
  1309. **Fixes**
  1310. - Fixes modal spacing on left/right content to match up with grid gutters
  1311. - Fixes inheritance issues with rotated icon
  1312. - Fixes tests not passing for modal/dimmer
  1313. - Fixes overflow on item corner label
  1314. - Fixes right menu formatting in secondary menus
  1315. - Fixed shadow overlap on dropdown in menus
  1316. ### Version 0.6.0 - Oct 14, 2013
  1317. **Updates**
  1318. - Adds travis CI support with preliminary test coverage for all javascript modules
  1319. **Fixes**
  1320. - Minor Fixes caught with testing suite, related to ensuring proper destroy, init,
  1321. - Minor fixes to edge cases with seting and retrieving internals/settings as default, init, or during run-time on some modules
  1322. ### Version 0.5.1 - Oct 11, 2013
  1323. **Fixes**
  1324. - Fixes issue with modal sometimes closing/opening multiple times caused by changes in 0.5.0
  1325. **Updates**
  1326. - Fixes vertical alignment of checkboxes
  1327. ### Version 0.5.0 - Oct 10, 2013
  1328. **Critical Fixes**
  1329. - Fixes in some UI modules, issue where settings being shared across elements initialized at the same time instead of each instance.
  1330. - Fixes regression where popup was overriding variation class name on positioning
  1331. **Fixes**
  1332. - Fixes an issue where popup that was set to inline: false was being removed prematurely
  1333. - Fixes inheritance issue where grid column may sometimes not appear the correct size
  1334. - Fixes modal hide/show dependency issue where dimmer would not always hide modal and vice-versa
  1335. **Updates**
  1336. - Adds an example to popup where inline is set to false
  1337. - Accordion now comes bundled with proper easing
  1338. - Added onCreate to popup module
  1339. ### Version 0.4.3 - Oct 10, 2013
  1340. **Fixes**
  1341. - Updates dropdown to include proper invoke
  1342. ### Version 0.4.2 - Oct 9, 2013
  1343. **Fixes**
  1344. - Fixes issue with event bubbling being cancelled on dropdown item click
  1345. ### Version 0.4.1 - Oct 9, 2013
  1346. **Fixes**
  1347. - Fixes heart rating color
  1348. ### Version 0.4.0 - Oct 8, 2013
  1349. **Updates**
  1350. - Updated some checkbox stylings
  1351. - Checkboxes markup now more semantic with default markup including only one label tag that can be inside ui checkbox
  1352. ### Version 0.3.8 - Oct 8, 2013
  1353. **Fixes**
  1354. - Display issues with accordion
  1355. ### Version 0.3.7 - Oct 8, 2013
  1356. **Fixes**
  1357. - Fixes modal show/hide action reversal in Webkit
  1358. **Updates**
  1359. - Dimmer can now take different durations for its show and hide
  1360. ### Version 0.3.6 - Oct 7, 2013
  1361. **Fixes**
  1362. - Fixes popup position sometimes appearing off-stage on second apperance
  1363. - Fixes popup positions top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right being flipped
  1364. **Docs**
  1365. - Updates form and accordion docs
  1366. **Updates**
  1367. - Dropdown action default is now automatically determined based on type of dropdown, select dropdowns now will update form fields with default options
  1368. - Adds fluid variation to accordion
  1369. - Adds more html5 form support for forms (deneuxa)
  1370. - Fields can include both field and another level of fields
  1371. ### Version 0.3.5 - Oct 2, 2013
  1372. **Fixes**
  1373. - Fixes radio checkboxes (again)
  1374. - Fixes header content display in icon headers
  1375. ### Version 0.3.4 - Oct 2, 2013
  1376. **Fixes**
  1377. - Transitions now work in Safari versions that do not support animation-direction
  1378. - Fixes accordion in safari styles getting stuck
  1379. - Centering of content in icon header
  1380. ### Version 0.3.3 - Oct 2, 2013
  1381. **Fixes**
  1382. - Fixes modal not working due to destroy teardown in dimmer Issue #153
  1383. - Fixes selector for checkbox to fix radio boxes Issue #154
  1384. - Fixes issue with popup display in some edge cases Issue #128
  1385. **Updates**
  1386. - Headers and lists with icons now do not break with multiline content
  1387. - Examples resize with browser width
  1388. - Updates ACE editor library
  1389. - Code samples now do not change after interacting with examples
  1390. ### Version 0.3.2 - Oct 2, 2013
  1391. **Updates**
  1392. - Dropdown now formats top and right arrow icons automatically with icon coupling with sub menus
  1393. - Updates feed example with more feature examples
  1394. - Adds more sizes to ratings
  1395. - Makes active pagination item style more clear
  1396. - Adds attach events method to modal for attaching modal events to other elements
  1397. - Adds input focus/blur to modal, see Issue #124
  1398. - Adds new methods to rating: 'get rating', 'clear rating', 'disable', 'enable', adds new setting 'clearable'
  1399. **Fixes**
  1400. - Fixes position of menu dropdowns in some cases
  1401. - Updates modal to refocus elements after close
  1402. - Right floated list content now receives left margin
  1403. - List items display issues with icons + content
  1404. - Fixes rating line height issue
  1405. - Fixes rating not being sent as first callback parameter on 'onRate'
  1406. - Lists items now auto clear floats
  1407. - Fixes icon input inside a menu placement issues
  1408. ### Version 0.3.1 - Sep 30, 2013
  1409. **Fixes**
  1410. - Fixes Page Grid still receiving negative margin
  1411. ### Version 0.3.0 - Sep 30, 2013
  1412. **Fixes**
  1413. - Responsive Grid is now called "Page Grid". Responsive grids are now deprecated. This reduces confusion.
  1414. - Negative margins are now automatically removed from grids that are descendents of body tag.
  1415. ### Version 0.2.5 - Sep 28, 2013
  1416. **Fixes**
  1417. - Fixes checkbox selector issue with multiple inputs inside a checkbox
  1418. - Modal no longer uses inline css to center when in fixed position mode
  1419. - Fixes dropdown to now set active item to whatever hidden input field is when using action updateForm
  1420. ### Version 0.2.4 - Sep 28, 2013
  1421. **Updates**
  1422. - Fixes issue with display on Chromebook Pixel and some devices
  1423. - Fixes issues with concatenated version receiving conflicted icon definitions causing icons to not function
  1424. ### Version 0.2.3 - Sep 28, 2013
  1425. **Updates**
  1426. - Fixes issues with modal not swapping to absoultely positioned from fixed when content cannot fit in viewport
  1427. ### Version 0.2.2 - Sep 28, 2013
  1428. **Updates**
  1429. - Fixes invoke returning found function instead of results of found function in dropdown, modal
  1430. ### Version 0.2.1 - Sep 28, 2013
  1431. **Updates**
  1432. - Modals can now have an icon in its left content that will be automatically formatted
  1433. - Preserve 3D animations are now on by default for dimmers
  1434. **Fixes**
  1435. - Transition now forces browser repaint after animation
  1436. - Refactored modal and dimmer components
  1437. - Modal will now resize when browser window resizes if vertical height changes
  1438. - Fixes issues with dimmer settings sticking between separate modals with the same dimmer.
  1439. ### Version 0.2.0 - Sep 28, 2013
  1440. **New**
  1441. - Adds responsive modal styling, modal always now sits with 5% gutters under page grid responsive styling
  1442. - Adds basic modal variation
  1443. **Fixes**
  1444. - Issue with modal active state not being removed correctly from modals
  1445. - Swaps modal and dropdown to use same variable naming pattern as rest of modules
  1446. - Removed selector count from performance logs
  1447. ### Version 0.1.0 - Sep 25, 2013
  1448. **New**
  1449. - Added new font icon set using Font Awesome port
  1450. - Adds dropdown icon sexiness to accordions, now with rotating pointing arrows
  1451. - Added old icon set as a separate basic icon set
  1452. - Added fluid input variation
  1453. - Increased size of corner labels
  1454. - Adds relaxed grid variation with increased gutters
  1455. - Added relaxed and very relaxed list type with increased padding
  1456. **Fixes**
  1457. - Rating icon missing font content with icon font update
  1458. - Padding on side of rating
  1459. - Adds horizontally padded, vertically padded menu item variations to allow menu items to remove padding
  1460. - Added fixes to tabular menu especially with attached content
  1461. - UI Loaders now positioned automatically in all circumstances, even with long text
  1462. - Connected items no longer assume 3 items per row
  1463. - Fixes display of left corner icon labels
  1464. **Updates**
  1465. - Updated documentation for sidebar, transition, and form validation
  1466. - Updated list docs
  1467. - Accordion settings documentation
  1468. - Rating settings documentation