- **Dropdown** - Dropdowns will now change opening directions automatically based on available screen space. If you need to force a dropdown direction use `dropdown({ direction: 'upward'})`
- **Form Validation** - Form validation now passes settings through a `fields` object. This is to make form initialization match other components. The previous syntax will continue to work but will produce deprecation notices in console
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown item `description` now are floated in default theme and should be included before other `item` content
- **Form** - `grouped inline field` no longer display horizontally. Use `inline field` instead for horizontal inline field groups.
- **Popup** - Popups are no longer exclusive by default. Opening a popup will not necessarily close other visible popups. You can change this behavior by using the setting `exclusive: true`. Additionally the default theme now uses `1rem` size for standard popups.
- **Colors** - Default colors have been adjusted, which may cause slight changes in your design. New colors have also been added to fill in missing gaps in [color naming](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_relativity_and_the_color_naming_debate#Berlin_and_Kay).
- **Segment** - Segment no longer includes a [clearfix](http://learnlayout.com/clearfix.html) by default. You will need to specify a `clearing segment` to clear floated content.