#1880 Fixes modal showing while another hiding unsucessfully attaches callback to 'hide others'. Dimmer no longer hides between modals appearances with allowMultiple
- **Form** - `<select>` now receive error formatting on `form error` **Thanks @davialexandre**
- **Transition** - Added more reasonable default durations for each animation
- **Loader** - `inline loader` now has a `centered` variation
- **Modal** - Modal no longer hides and reshows dimmer when opening a modal with another modal open with `exclusive: true`
- **Popup** - Added `exclusive` parameter to automatically close other popups on open
- **Transition** - Added `toggle` behavior and docs for `show` and `hide`
- **Transition** - transition now has `stop`, `stop all`, and `clear queue` for removing transitions, (undocumented method `stop`, and `start` renamed to `enable` and `disable`)