You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

659 lines
23 KiB

  1. <template lang="pug">
  2. v-app(v-scroll='upBtnScroll', :dark='$vuetify.theme.dark', :class='$vuetify.rtl ? `is-rtl` : `is-ltr`')
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  71. v-card.mb-5(v-if='tags.length > 0')
  72. .pa-5
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  79. :key='`tag-` + tag.tag'
  80. )
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  84. label
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  92.'$vuetify.theme.dark ? `text--lighten-3` : `text--darken-2`')
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  110. small
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  112.'$vuetify.theme.dark ? `text--lighten-1` : `text--darken-2`') {{$t('common:comments.viewDiscussion')}}
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  133. icon
  134. :href='"/h/" + locale + "/" + path'
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  136. x-small
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  141. span {{$t('common:header.history')}}
  142. .body-2.grey--text(:class='$vuetify.theme.dark ? `` : `text--darken-3`') {{ authorName }}
  143. .caption.grey--text.text--darken-1 {{ updatedAt | moment('calendar') }}
  144. //- v-card.mb-5
  145. //- .pa-5
  146. //- .overline.pb-2.yellow--text(:class='$vuetify.theme.dark ? `text--darken-3` : `text--darken-4`') Rating
  147. //- .text-center
  148. //- v-rating(
  149. //- v-model='rating'
  150. //- color='yellow darken-3'
  151. //- background-color='grey lighten-1'
  152. //- half-increments
  153. //- hover
  154. //- )
  155. //- .caption.grey--text 5 votes
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  261. @click='pageDelete'
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  264. span {{$t('common:header.delete')}}
  265. span {{$t('common:page.editPage')}}
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  267. .caption {{$t('common:page.unpublishedWarning')}}
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  270. .comments-container#discussion(v-if='commentsEnabled && && !printView')
  271. .comments-header
  272. mdi-comment-text-outline
  273. span {{$t('common:comments.title')}}
  274. .comments-main
  275. slot(name='comments')
  276. nav-footer
  277. notify
  278. search-results
  279. v-fab-transition
  280. v-btn(
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  282. fab
  283. fixed
  284. bottom
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  287. small
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  290. color='primary'
  291. dark
  292. :style='upBtnPosition'
  293. :aria-label='$t(`common:actions.returnToTop`)'
  294. )
  295. v-icon mdi-arrow-up
  296. </template>
  297. <script>
  298. import { StatusIndicator } from 'vue-status-indicator'
  299. import Tabset from './tabset.vue'
  300. import NavSidebar from './nav-sidebar.vue'
  301. import Prism from 'prismjs'
  302. import mermaid from 'mermaid'
  303. import { get, sync } from 'vuex-pathify'
  304. import _ from 'lodash'
  305. import ClipboardJS from 'clipboard'
  306. import Vue from 'vue'
  307. Vue.component('tabset', Tabset)
  308. Prism.plugins.autoloader.languages_path = '/_assets/js/prism/'
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  321. text: () => { return env.code }
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  327. clip.on('error', () => {
  328. linkCopy.textContent = 'Press Ctrl+C to copy'
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  332. function resetClipboardText() {
  333. setTimeout(() => {
  334. linkCopy.textContent = 'Copy'
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  338. export default {
  339. components: {
  340. NavSidebar,
  341. StatusIndicator
  342. },
  343. props: {
  344. pageId: {
  345. type: Number,
  346. default: 0
  347. },
  348. locale: {
  349. type: String,
  350. default: 'en'
  351. },
  352. path: {
  353. type: String,
  354. default: 'home'
  355. },
  356. title: {
  357. type: String,
  358. default: 'Untitled Page'
  359. },
  360. description: {
  361. type: String,
  362. default: ''
  363. },
  364. createdAt: {
  365. type: String,
  366. default: ''
  367. },
  368. updatedAt: {
  369. type: String,
  370. default: ''
  371. },
  372. tags: {
  373. type: Array,
  374. default: () => ([])
  375. },
  376. authorName: {
  377. type: String,
  378. default: 'Unknown'
  379. },
  380. authorId: {
  381. type: Number,
  382. default: 0
  383. },
  384. isPublished: {
  385. type: Boolean,
  386. default: false
  387. },
  388. toc: {
  389. type: String,
  390. default: ''
  391. },
  392. sidebar: {
  393. type: String,
  394. default: ''
  395. },
  396. navMode: {
  397. type: String,
  398. default: 'MIXED'
  399. },
  400. commentsEnabled: {
  401. type: Boolean,
  402. default: false
  403. },
  404. effectivePermissions: {
  405. type: String,
  406. default: ''
  407. },
  408. commentsExternal: {
  409. type: Boolean,
  410. default: false
  411. }
  412. },
  413. data() {
  414. return {
  415. navShown: false,
  416. navExpanded: false,
  417. upBtnShown: false,
  418. pageEditFab: false,
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  420. duration: 1500,
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  427. initialScrollX: 0.01, // fix scrollbar not disappearing on load
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  429. speed: 50
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  431. rail: {
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  435. onlyShowBarOnScroll: false,
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  438. background: '#64B5F6'
  439. }
  440. }
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  443. }
  444. },
  445. computed: {
  446. isAuthenticated: get('user/authenticated'),
  447. commentsCount: get('page/commentsCount'),
  448. commentsPerms: get('page/effectivePermissions@comments'),
  449. rating: {
  450. get () {
  451. return 3.5
  452. },
  453. set (val) {
  454. }
  455. },
  456. breadcrumbs() {
  457. return [{ path: '/', name: 'Home' }].concat(_.reduce(this.path.split('/'), (result, value, key) => {
  458. result.push({
  459. path: _.get(_.last(result), 'path', `/${this.locale}`) + `/${value}`,
  460. name: value
  461. })
  462. return result
  463. }, []))
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  465. pageUrl () { return window.location.href },
  466. upBtnPosition () {
  467. if (this.$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp) {
  468. return this.$vuetify.rtl ? `right: 235px;` : `left: 235px;`
  469. } else {
  470. return this.$vuetify.rtl ? `right: 65px;` : `left: 65px;`
  471. }
  472. },
  473. sidebarDecoded () {
  474. return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(this.sidebar, 'base64').toString())
  475. },
  476. tocDecoded () {
  477. return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(this.toc, 'base64').toString())
  478. },
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  480. hasWritePagesPermission: get('page/effectivePermissions@pages.write'),
  481. hasManagePagesPermission: get('page/effectivePermissions@pages.manage'),
  482. hasDeletePagesPermission: get('page/effectivePermissions@pages.delete'),
  483. hasReadSourcePermission: get('page/'),
  484. hasReadHistoryPermission: get('page/'),
  485. hasAnyPagePermissions () {
  486. return this.hasAdminPermission || this.hasWritePagesPermission || this.hasManagePagesPermission ||
  487. this.hasDeletePagesPermission || this.hasReadSourcePermission || this.hasReadHistoryPermission
  488. },
  489. printView: sync('site/printView')
  490. },
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  493. this.$store.set('page/authorName', this.authorName)
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  500. this.$store.set('page/tags', this.tags)
  501. this.$store.set('page/title', this.title)
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  547. methods: {
  548. goHome () {
  549. window.location.assign('/')
  550. },
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  564. window.print()
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