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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
<template lang="pug"> |
v-list(nav, dense) |
v-list-item(@click='', ref='copyUrlButton') |
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v-list-item-title.px-3 Copy URL |
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v-list-item-title.px-3 Email |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + `&title=` + encodeURIComponent(title) + `&description=` + encodeURIComponent(description))') |
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v-list-item-title.px-3 Facebook |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + `&title=` + encodeURIComponent(title) + `&summary=` + encodeURIComponent(description))') |
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v-list-item-title.px-3 LinkedIn |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`https://www.reddit.com/submit?url=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + `&title=` + encodeURIComponent(title))') |
v-icon(color='grey', small) mdi-reddit |
v-list-item-title.px-3 Reddit |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`https://t.me/share/url?url=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + `&text=` + encodeURIComponent(title))') |
v-icon(color='grey', small) mdi-telegram |
v-list-item-title.px-3 Telegram |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + `&text=` + encodeURIComponent(title))') |
v-icon(color='grey', small) mdi-twitter |
v-list-item-title.px-3 Twitter |
v-list-item(:href='`viber://forward?text=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + ` ` + encodeURIComponent(description)') |
v-icon(color='grey', small) mdi-phone-in-talk |
v-list-item-title.px-3 Viber |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?url=` + encodeURIComponent(url) + `&title=` + encodeURIComponent(title))') |
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v-list-item-title.px-3 Weibo |
v-list-item(@click='openSocialPop(`https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=` + encodeURIComponent(title) + `%0D%0A` + encodeURIComponent(url))') |
v-icon(color='grey', small) mdi-whatsapp |
v-list-item-title.px-3 Whatsapp |
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import ClipboardJS from 'clipboard' |
export default { |
props: { |
url: { |
type: String, |
default: window.location.url |
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title: { |
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default: 'Untitled Page' |
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type: String, |
default: '' |
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data () { |
return { |
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height: 436, |
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top: 0 |
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methods: { |
openSocialPop (url) { |
const popupWindow = window.open( |
url, |
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popupWindow.focus() |
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mounted () { |
const clip = new ClipboardJS(this.$refs.copyUrlButton.$el, { |
text: () => { return this.url } |
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clip.on('success', () => { |
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style: 'success', |
message: `URL copied successfully`, |
icon: 'content-copy' |
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}) |
clip.on('error', () => { |
this.$store.commit('showNotification', { |
style: 'red', |
message: `Failed to copy to clipboard`, |
icon: 'alert' |
}) |
}) |
/** |
* Center the popup on dual screens |
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4068373/center-a-popup-window-on-screen/32261263 |
*/ |
const dualScreenLeft = window.screenLeft !== undefined ? window.screenLeft : screen.left |
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this.top = ((height / 2) - (this.height / 2)) + dualScreenTop |
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