
A menu is a ui collection made up of items. These items can be links, dropdowns, menus themselves, or other item types.

Items containing menus are formatted as sub menus. Menus containing menus are formatted as the same tier as the parent menu.

  • Collection
  • Elements
  • Variations
  • Group
  • Collection


    This example uses several menu elements, an unclickable block, a clickable text link, a clickable icon link, and a dropdown group

    Vertical Menu

    This example uses several menu elements, an unclickable block, a clickable text link, a clickable icon link, and a dropdown group


    Text Item

    Your menu may have a simple text item

    Link Item

    Your menu may have either a real page link or an item that behaves as a link.



    Pointing (Horizontal)

    A horizontal menu can point to content below itself to show ownership

    Pointing (Horizontal)

    A menu can point to content adjacent to itself to show ownership


    Menu Groups

    Menu can exist side by side to show relation