- **Menu** - Appearance of `labeled icon menu` has been modified. Horizontal menus now have icons above text, and icons are slightly larger than before.
- **Menu** - Appearance of `labeled icon menu` has been modified. Horizontal menus now have icons above text, and icons are slightly larger than before.
- **Site** - `html,body { height: 100% }` has been modified [based on reasonable feedback](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17555682/height-100-or-min-height-100-for-html-and-body-elements)
- **Site** - `html,body { height: 100% }` has been modified [based on reasonable feedback](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17555682/height-100-or-min-height-100-for-html-and-body-elements)
- **Menu** - Fixes tabular menu missing variable for background. **Thanks @frontdevde**
- **Sticky** - Sticky now sets width and height with `!important` to avoid inheritance issues in some cases **Thanks @lauri-elevant**#2710
- **API** - API debug is now `false` by default, like other modules. #2817
- **Dropdown** - Fixed issue where label could not be removed when using a numeric value due to mismatched types #2754#2755 **Thanks @dgurkaynak**
**Additional Bugs**
**Additional Bugs**
- **Build Tools** - Fixes issue on `win` platform where packaged theme would not correctly update when using watch due to regExp not matching windows path separators.
- **Build Tools** - Fixes issue on `win` platform where packaged theme would not correctly update when using watch due to regExp not matching windows path separators.
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will no longer fire native `onchange` event on hidden input when setting value during initial load (unless `fireOnInit: true`) #2795 **Thanks @lauri-elevant**
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will no longer fire native `onchange` event on hidden input when setting value during initial load (unless `fireOnInit: true`) #2795 **Thanks @lauri-elevant**