<i class="large help icon link" data-content="Hello, I am a pop-up."></i>
<i class="large heart circular icon link" data-content="Hello, I am a pop-up."></i>
<h2 class="ui dividing header">Variations</h2>
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ type : 'UI Module'
<div class="example">
<h4 class="ui header">Size</h4>
<p>A popup can be large or small</p>
<i class="help icon link" data-content="Hello. This is a small popup" data-variation="small"></i>
<i class="help icon link" data-content="Hello. This is a large popup" data-variation="large"></i>
<i class="circular heart icon link" data-content="Hello. This is a small popup" data-variation="small"></i>
<i class="circular heart icon link" data-content="Hello. This is a large popup" data-variation="large"></i>
<div class="example">
<h4 class="ui header">Inverted</h4>
<p>A popup can have its colors inverted</p>
<i class="help icon link" data-content="Hello. This is an inverted popup" data-variation="inverted"></i>
<i class="circular heart icon link" data-content="Hello. This is an inverted popup" data-variation="inverted"></i>
@ -69,40 +69,65 @@ type : 'UI Module'
<div class="code" data-type="html">
<i class="help icon link" data-content="Here is some popup content." data-position="top left" data-variation="black"></i>
<i class="circular heart icon link" data-content="Here is some popup content." data-position="top left" data-variation="black"></i>
<h2 class="ui dividing header">Examples</h2>
<div class="example segment">
<h4 class="ui header">Inline or Body</h4>
<p>A popup can either be inserted directly after an element, or added as a child element to the page's <code>body</code>.</p>
<div class="ui warning message">
An inline popup will remain in your page's html after being hidden, while a non-inline popup will remove itself after being hidden.
<div class="ui info message">
If you want to style each popup individually it makes sense to keep popup <code>inline: true</code>. If you are worried that your pop up might mistakingly inherit styles that it shouldn't, you should set <code>inline: false</code>.
<div class="evaluated code">
inline: false
inline: true
<i class="mail page circular icon link" data-content="This is a child element to the page's body" ></i>
<i class="mail inline circular icon link" data-content="This is sibling of the icon" ></i>
<div class="example segment">
<h4 class="ui header">Positioning</h4>
<p>A popup can be positioned to any side of an element. If space is not available, it will automatically search for a similar alternative position to use.</p>
<i class="help icon link" data-title="Dog Breeds" data-content="There are many types of dogs. We don't have time to list them all"></i>
<i class="circular heart icon link" data-title="Dog Breeds" data-content="There are many types of dogs. We don't have time to list them all"></i>
<div class="example segment">
<h4 class="ui header">HTML</h4>
<p>A popup can be formatted with html</p>
<i class="help icon link" data-html="<strike>I rescind my comment about cats</strike>"></i>
<i class="circular heart icon link" data-html="<strike>I rescind my comment about cats</strike>"></i>
<div class="no example">
<h4 class="ui header">Transitions</h4>
<p>A popup can have different <a href="/modules/transition.html">transitions</a>. Any transition with both an in and out animation can be specified. The following are just a few examples.</p>
<i class="help icon fade link" data-content="This is a different transition"></i>
<i class="heart icon fade link" data-content="This is a different transition"></i>