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  2. ### Version 0.7.2 - Oct 23, 2013
  3. **Fixes**
  4. - **Modal** - Fixes issue with modal hiding twice onApprove
  5. ### Version 0.7.1 - Oct 23, 2013
  6. **Fixes**
  7. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with dropdown icon position in chrome
  8. - **Popup** - Fixes issue with popup's using setting inline: true
  9. ### Version 0.7.0 - Oct 22, 2013
  10. **New**
  11. - **Table** - Added aweosome new responsive style to ui tables
  12. - **Button** - New social buttons for Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest
  13. - **List** - Adds documentation for module format
  14. - **List** - Adds onTabInit for local tabs on first load
  15. - **List** - Popups can now have a different target than itself
  16. - **Modal** - Modal hide can be cancelled from ``onApprove`` and ``onDeny`` by returning false from callback
  17. - **Transition** - onShow and onHide callbacks for visibilit changing transitions
  18. - **Shape** - New 'cube' and 'text' shape type
  19. - **Shape** - Transition duration can now be set programatically
  20. - **Shape** - New beforeChange callback
  21. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar will now default to being exclusive and hiding other sidebars on show
  22. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar now has onChange, onShow, onHide callbacks
  23. - **Sidebar** - Sidebar now have several size variations, and a new styled variation that comes preformatted
  24. **Docs**
  25. - **Dimmer** - Adds more dimmer examples, fixes settings
  26. - **Modules** - New examples and docs for all modules
  27. - Adds sortable tables to docs
  28. - New tabbed doc style for modules
  29. - Code samples will now automatically format indention
  30. **Fixes**
  31. - **Button** - Fixes vertical fluid buttons not taking up full width
  32. - **Shape** - Shape now works with no additional stylings
  33. - **Shape** - Fixes calculation of next side size to work correctly by using offstage element
  34. - **Modules** - Fixed issue when altering settings using ``module('setting')`` with an object
  35. - **Dimmer** - Dimmer now obeys border radius of parent
  36. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown cannot display inside item image
  37. - **Dropdown** - Dropdown links were being prevented by event.preventDefault used for touch devices
  38. - **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with borders on selection dropdown
  39. - **Dropdown** - Fixes pointing dropdown to appear correctly in menu
  40. - **List** - Celled tables now have celled table headers
  41. - **Menu** - Fixes border radius on tabular menu, fixes one pixel jump on active state
  42. - **Menu** - Removes vertical label width missing units in menu
  43. - **Popup** - Popup .toggle() now always hides/shows popup correctly
  44. - **Popup** - Popup fixed a bug where "top right" placed popup might sometimes be too large
  45. - **Popup** - Popup will not reshow a visible popup on hover
  46. **Updates**
  47. - **Accordion** - Reduces vertical padding on basic accordion content
  48. - **Header** - Block header now uses RGBA instead of solid color by default
  49. - **Label** - Ribbon labels now have a shadow color
  50. - **List** - Horizontal padding on icon list slightly increased, fixes to icon position
  51. - **List** - Increased padding on attached labels
  52. - **List** - Leading on bulleted and ordered list slightly increased
  53. - **Message** - Increase opacity of icons on icon messages
  54. - **Modal** - Optimizes dimmer init on modal to occur on modal init and not modal show
  55. - **Popup** - Popup border now uses RGBA to look sexier on dark backgrounds
  56. - **Popup** - Popup default duration is now 200ms (slighty slower)
  57. - **Popup** - Popup metadata attribute arrowOffset is now offset for simplicities sake
  58. - **Popup** - Popup no-longer receives class name 'visible' on show, this allows popups to be used on dropdowns and other elements with a visible state
  59. - **Popup** - Popups are no longer inline by default
  60. - **Table** - Table headers are now darker to increase contrast with rainbow striped rows
  61. - **Sidebar** - Floating sidebar is slightly less heavily shadowed
  62. ### Version 0.6.5 - Oct 18, 2013
  63. **Fixes**
  64. - Fixes issue where browser default action, like link clicking, was prevented on dropdown item click
  65. - Modal keyboard shortcuts now obey settings.closable (credit to luisrudge)
  66. ### Version 0.6.4 - Oct 16, 2013
  67. **Fixes**
  68. - Fixes issue where browser default action, like link clicking, was prevented on dropdown item click
  69. ### Version 0.6.3 - Oct 15, 2013
  70. **Deprecation**
  71. - Dropdown changeText and updateForm have been deprecated and will be removed in 1.0
  72. **Updates**
  73. - Dropdown hide no longer selects current item as active (useful for menus)
  74. - Simplified possible dropdown actions changeText and updateForm are now consolidated into activate which is the new default
  75. ### Version 0.6.2 - Oct 15, 2013
  76. **Fixes**
  77. - Fixes touch+mouse like touchscreen laptops to work with dropdowns
  78. - Fixes input position inside menus with no other content
  79. - Fixes input sizing on small/large menus
  80. **Updates**
  81. - Dropdown vastly improved for touch, now can scroll with touch without closing dropdown
  82. - Dropdown active style now slightly more noticable
  83. ### Version 0.6.1 - Oct 15, 2013
  84. **Updates**
  85. - Adds onApprove/onDeny callbacks to modal
  86. - Adds small/large sizing of modal, reformats default modal size to be slightly inset from page grid
  87. - Adds clockwise/counterclockwise rotated icon and default rotate
  88. - Adds orange label/segment
  89. - Adds automatic menu formatting for buttons inside menus
  90. - Dropdowns in vertical menu automatically receive proper triangle pointer direction
  91. **Fixes**
  92. - Fixes modal spacing on left/right content to match up with grid gutters
  93. - Fixes inheritance issues with rotated icon
  94. - Fixes tests not passing for modal/dimmer
  95. - Fixes overflow on item corner label
  96. - Fixes right menu formatting in secondary menus
  97. - Fixed shadow overlap on dropdown in menus
  98. ### Version 0.6.0 - Oct 14, 2013
  99. **Updates**
  100. - Adds travis CI support with preliminary test coverage for all javascript modules
  101. **Fixes**
  102. - Minor Fixes caught with testing suite, related to ensuring proper destroy, init,
  103. - Minor fixes to edge cases with seting and retrieving internals/settings as default, init, or during run-time on some modules
  104. ### Version 0.5.1 - Oct 11, 2013
  105. **Fixes**
  106. - Fixes issue with modal sometimes closing/opening multiple times caused by changes in 0.5.0
  107. **Updates**
  108. - Fixes vertical alignment of checkboxes
  109. ### Version 0.5.0 - Oct 10, 2013
  110. **Critical Fixes**
  111. - Fixes in some UI modules, issue where settings being shared across elements initialized at the same time instead of each instance.
  112. - Fixes regression where popup was overriding variation class name on positioning
  113. **Fixes**
  114. - Fixes an issue where popup that was set to inline: false was being removed prematurely
  115. - Fixes inheritance issue where grid column may sometimes not appear the correct size
  116. - Fixes modal hide/show dependency issue where dimmer would not always hide modal and vice-versa
  117. **Updates**
  118. - Adds an example to popup where inline is set to false
  119. - Accordion now comes bundled with proper easing
  120. - Added onCreate to popup module
  121. ### Version 0.4.3 - Oct 10, 2013
  122. **Fixes**
  123. - Updates dropdown to include proper invoke
  124. ### Version 0.4.2 - Oct 9, 2013
  125. **Fixes**
  126. - Fixes issue with event bubbling being cancelled on dropdown item click
  127. ### Version 0.4.1 - Oct 9, 2013
  128. **Fixes**
  129. - Fixes heart rating color
  130. ### Version 0.4.0 - Oct 8, 2013
  131. **Updates**
  132. - Updated some checkbox stylings
  133. - Checkboxes markup now more semantic with default markup including only one label tag that can be inside ui checkbox
  134. ### Version 0.3.8 - Oct 8, 2013
  135. **Fixes**
  136. - Display issues with accordion
  137. ### Version 0.3.7 - Oct 8, 2013
  138. **Fixes**
  139. - Fixes modal show/hide action reversal in Webkit
  140. **Updates**
  141. - Dimmer can now take different durations for its show and hide
  142. ### Version 0.3.6 - Oct 7, 2013
  143. **Fixes**
  144. - Fixes popup position sometimes appearing off-stage on second apperance
  145. - Fixes popup positions top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right being flipped
  146. **Docs**
  147. - Updates form and accordion docs
  148. **Updates**
  149. - Dropdown action default is now automatically determined based on type of dropdown, select dropdowns now will update form fields with default options
  150. - Adds fluid variation to accordion
  151. - Adds more html5 form support for forms (deneuxa)
  152. - Fields can include both field and another level of fields
  153. ### Version 0.3.5 - Oct 2, 2013
  154. **Fixes**
  155. - Fixes radio checkboxes (again)
  156. - Fixes header content display in icon headers
  157. ### Version 0.3.4 - Oct 2, 2013
  158. **Fixes**
  159. - Transitions now work in Safari versions that do not support animation-direction
  160. - Fixes accordion in safari styles getting stuck
  161. - Centering of content in icon header
  162. ### Version 0.3.3 - Oct 2, 2013
  163. **Fixes**
  164. - Fixes modal not working due to destroy teardown in dimmer Issue #153
  165. - Fixes selector for checkbox to fix radio boxes Issue #154
  166. - Fixes issue with popup display in some edge cases Issue #128
  167. **Updates**
  168. - Headers and lists with icons now do not break with multiline content
  169. - Examples resize with browser width
  170. - Updates ACE editor library
  171. - Code samples now do not change after interacting with examples
  172. ### Version 0.3.2 - Oct 2, 2013
  173. **Updates**
  174. - Dropdown now formats top and right arrow icons automatically with icon coupling with sub menus
  175. - Updates feed example with more feature examples
  176. - Adds more sizes to ratings
  177. - Makes active pagination item style more clear
  178. - Adds attach events method to modal for attaching modal events to other elements
  179. - Adds input focus/blur to modal, see Issue #124
  180. - Adds new methods to rating: 'get rating', 'clear rating', 'disable', 'enable', adds new setting 'clearable'
  181. **Fixes**
  182. - Fixes position of menu dropdowns in some cases
  183. - Updates modal to refocus elements after close
  184. - Right floated list content now receives left margin
  185. - List items display issues with icons + content
  186. - Fixes rating line height issue
  187. - Fixes rating not being sent as first callback parameter on 'onRate'
  188. - Lists items now auto clear floats
  189. - Fixes icon input inside a menu placement issues
  190. ### Version 0.3.1 - Sep 30, 2013
  191. **Fixes**
  192. - Fixes Page Grid still receiving negative margin
  193. ### Version 0.3.0 - Sep 30, 2013
  194. **Fixes**
  195. - Responsive Grid is now called "Page Grid". Responsive grids are now deprecated. This reduces confusion.
  196. - Negative margins are now automatically removed from grids that are descendents of body tag.
  197. ### Version 0.2.5 - Sep 28, 2013
  198. **Fixes**
  199. - Fixes checkbox selector issue with multiple inputs inside a checkbox
  200. - Modal no longer uses inline css to center when in fixed position mode
  201. - Fixes dropdown to now set active item to whatever hidden input field is when using action updateForm
  202. ### Version 0.2.4 - Sep 28, 2013
  203. **Updates**
  204. - Fixes issue with display on Chromebook Pixel and some devices
  205. - Fixes issues with concatenated version receiving conflicted icon definitions causing icons to not function
  206. ### Version 0.2.3 - Sep 28, 2013
  207. **Updates**
  208. - Fixes issues with modal not swapping to absoultely positioned from fixed when content cannot fit in viewport
  209. ### Version 0.2.2 - Sep 28, 2013
  210. **Updates**
  211. - Fixes invoke returning found function instead of results of found function in dropdown, modal
  212. ### Version 0.2.1 - Sep 28, 2013
  213. **Updates**
  214. - Modals can now have an icon in its left content that will be automatically formatted
  215. - Preserve 3D animations are now on by default for dimmers
  216. **Fixes**
  217. - Transition now forces browser repaint after animation
  218. - Refactored modal and dimmer components
  219. - Modal will now resize when browser window resizes if vertical height changes
  220. - Fixes issues with dimmer settings sticking between separate modals with the same dimmer.
  221. ### Version 0.2.0 - Sep 28, 2013
  222. **New**
  223. - Adds responsive modal styling, modal always now sits with 5% gutters under page grid responsive styling
  224. - Adds basic modal variation
  225. **Fixes**
  226. - Issue with modal active state not being removed correctly from modals
  227. - Swaps modal and dropdown to use same variable naming pattern as rest of modules
  228. - Removed selector count from performance logs
  229. ### Version 0.1.0 - Sep 25, 2013
  230. **New**
  231. - Added new font icon set using Font Awesome port
  232. - Adds dropdown icon sexiness to accordions, now with rotating pointing arrows
  233. - Added old icon set as a separate basic icon set
  234. - Added fluid input variation
  235. - Increased size of corner labels
  236. - Adds relaxed grid variation with increased gutters
  237. - Added relaxed and very relaxed list type with increased padding
  238. **Fixes**
  239. - Rating icon missing font content with icon font update
  240. - Padding on side of rating
  241. - Adds horizontally padded, vertically padded menu item variations to allow menu items to remove padding
  242. - Added fixes to tabular menu especially with attached content
  243. - UI Loaders now positioned automatically in all circumstances, even with long text
  244. - Connected items no longer assume 3 items per row
  245. - Fixes display of left corner icon labels
  246. **Updates**
  247. - Updated documentation for sidebar, transition, and form validation
  248. - Updated list docs
  249. - Accordion settings documentation
  250. - Rating settings documentation