@ -62,19 +62,31 @@ class SubtitlesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
return sub
return sub
def _get_available_subtitles ( self , video_id ) :
def _get_available_subtitles ( self , video_id ) :
""" returns {sub_lang: url} or {} if not available """
""" Must be redefined by the subclasses """
returns { sub_lang : url } or { } if not available
Must be redefined by the subclasses
def _request_automatic_caption ( self , video_id , webpage ) :
def _request_automatic_caption ( self , video_id , webpage ) :
""" returns {sub_lang: sub} or {} if not available """
""" Must be redefined by the subclasses """
returns { sub_lang : sub } or { } if not available
Must be redefined by the subclasses that support automatic captions ,
otherwise it will return { }
self . _downloader . report_warning ( u ' Automatic Captions not supported by this server ' )
return { }
def extract_subtitles ( self , video_id , video_webpage = None ) :
Extract the subtitles and / or the automatic captions if requested .
Returns None or a dictionary in the format { sub_lang : sub }
video_subtitles = None
if self . _downloader . params . get ( ' writesubtitles ' , False ) or self . _downloader . params . get ( ' allsubtitles ' , False ) :
video_subtitles = self . _extract_subtitles ( video_id )
elif self . _downloader . params . get ( ' writeautomaticsub ' , False ) :
video_subtitles = self . _request_automatic_caption ( video_id , video_webpage )
return video_subtitles
class NoAutoSubtitlesInfoExtractor ( SubtitlesInfoExtractor ) :
""" A subtitle class for the servers that don ' t support auto-captions """
def _request_automatic_caption ( self , video_id , webpage ) :
self . _downloader . report_warning ( u ' Automatic Captions not supported by this server ' )
return { }