#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os import sys PY2EXE = len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'py2exe' try: import py2exe except ImportError as e: if PY2EXE: print e sys.exit(1) from distutils.core import setup from youtube_dl_gui import ( __author__, __appname__, __contact__, __version__, __license__, __projecturl__, __description__, __descriptionfull__ ) ICONS_SIZE = ('16x16', '32x32', '48x48', '64x64', '128x128', '256x256') ICONS_NAME = 'youtube_dl_gui/icons/youtube-dl-gui_%s.png' ICONS_LIST = [ICONS_NAME % size for size in ICONS_SIZE] py2exe_includes = [ 'wx.lib.pubsub.*', 'wx.lib.pubsub.core.*', 'wx.lib.pubsub.core.arg1.*' ] py2exe_options = { 'includes': py2exe_includes } py2exe_windows = { 'script': 'youtube_dl_gui\\__main__.py', 'icon_resources': [(0, 'youtube_dl_gui\\icons\\youtube-dl-gui.ico')] } py2exe_dependencies = [ 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\ffmpeg.exe', 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\ffprobe.exe', 'C:\\python27\\DLLs\MSVCP90.dll' ] # Set icons path if PY2EXE: icons_path = 'icons' fallback_icons_path = '' else: # On windows you have to copy the icons manually if you dont use py2exe icons_path = '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/' fallback_icons_path = '/usr/share/pixmaps/' # Set params if PY2EXE: data_files = [ ('', py2exe_dependencies), (icons_path, ICONS_LIST) ] params = { 'data_files': data_files, 'windows': [py2exe_windows], 'options': {'py2exe': py2exe_options} } else: data_files = [] if os.name != 'nt': # Create all the hicolor icons for index, size in enumerate(ICONS_SIZE): data_file = (icons_path + size + '/apps', [ICONS_LIST[index]]) data_files.append(data_file) if fallback_icons_path != '': # Add the 48x48 icon as fallback in /usr/share/pixmaps data_file = (fallback_icons_path, [ICONS_LIST[2]]) data_files.append(data_file) params = { 'data_files': data_files } setup( name=__appname__, author=__author__, url=__projecturl__, version=__version__, license=__license__, author_email=__contact__, description=__description__, long_description=__descriptionfull__, packages=['youtube_dl_gui'], **params )