#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Author: Sotiris Papadopoulos Last-Revision: 2017-04-19 Script to automatically check PO files """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import sys import logging import argparse from time import sleep from datetime import datetime, timedelta try: import polib import google_translate except ImportError as error: print(error) sys.exit(1) WTIME = 2.0 # Time in seconds to wait between requests to avoid ban PACKAGE = "youtube_dl_gui" PO_FILENAME = "{}.po".format(PACKAGE) LOCALE_PATH_TMPL = os.path.join(PACKAGE, "locale", "{lang}", "LC_MESSAGES", PO_FILENAME) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) def parse(): """Parse command line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script to automatically check PO files") parser.add_argument("language", help="language of the PO file to check") parser.add_argument("-w", "--werror", action="store_true", help="treat all warning messages as errors") parser.add_argument("-o", "--only-headers", action="store_true", help="check only the PO file headers") parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-translate", action="store_true", help="do not use the translator to check 'msgstr' fields") return parser.parse_args() def parse_date(date_string): """Parse date string into a datetime object.""" return datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+%Z") # Print helpers def my_print(msg, char="*", value=None, exit=False): """Print 'msg', debug 'value' and exit if 'exit' is True.""" print("[{}] {}".format(char, msg)) if value is not None: print("\tvalue= \"{}\"".format(value)) if exit: sys.exit(1) def perror(msg, value=None): my_print(msg, "-", value, True) def pwarn(msg, value=None, exit=False): my_print(msg, "!", value, exit) def pinfo(msg): my_print(msg) ############################# def main(args): os.chdir("..") # setup pot_file_path = LOCALE_PATH_TMPL.format(lang="en_US") po_file_path = LOCALE_PATH_TMPL.format(lang=args.language) if not os.path.exists(pot_file_path): perror("Failed to locate POT file, exiting...", pot_file_path) if not os.path.exists(po_file_path): perror("Failed to locate PO file, exiting...", po_file_path) pot_file = polib.pofile(pot_file_path) po_file = polib.pofile(po_file_path) # check headers pinfo("Checking PO headers") pot_headers = pot_file.metadata po_headers = po_file.metadata if pot_headers["Project-Id-Version"] != po_headers["Project-Id-Version"]: pwarn("'Project-Id-Version' headers do not match", exit=args.werror) if pot_headers["POT-Creation-Date"] != po_headers["POT-Creation-Date"]: pwarn("'POT-Creation-Date' headers do not match", exit=args.werror) po_creation_date = parse_date(po_headers["POT-Creation-Date"]) po_revision_date = parse_date(po_headers["PO-Revision-Date"]) timediff = po_revision_date - po_creation_date if timediff.days <= 0: pwarn("PO file seems outdated", exit=args.werror) if "Language" in po_headers and po_headers["Language"] != args.language: pwarn("'Language' header does not match with the given language", po_headers["Language"], args.werror) pinfo("Last-Translator: {}".format(po_headers["Last-Translator"])) # check translations if args.only_headers: sys.exit(0) pinfo("Checking translations, this might take a while...") eta = timedelta(seconds=len(pot_file) * WTIME) pinfo("Approximate time to check translations online: {}".format(eta)) pot_msgid = [entry.msgid for entry in pot_file] po_msgid = [entry.msgid for entry in po_file] # lists to hold reports missing_msgid = [] not_translated = [] same_msgstr = [] with_typo = [] verify_trans = [] fuzzy_trans = po_file.fuzzy_entries() for msgid in pot_msgid: if msgid not in po_msgid: missing_msgid.append(msgid) translator = google_translate.GoogleTranslator(timeout=5.0, retries=2, wait_time=WTIME) # Get a valid source language for Google # for example convert 'ar_SA' to 'ar' or 'zh_CN' to 'zh-CN' src_lang = args.language if src_lang not in translator._lang_dict: src_lang = src_lang.replace("_", "-") if src_lang not in translator._lang_dict: src_lang = src_lang.split("-")[0] for entry in po_file: if not entry.translated(): not_translated.append(entry) elif entry.msgid == entry.msgstr: same_msgstr.append(entry) else: if args.no_translate: continue word_dict = translator.get_info_dict(entry.msgstr, "en", src_lang) if word_dict is not None: if word_dict["has_typo"]: with_typo.append(entry) if word_dict["translation"].lower() != entry.msgid.lower(): found = False # Check verbs, nouns, adverbs, etc.. for key in word_dict["extra"]: if entry.msgid.lower() in word_dict["extra"][key].keys(): found = True break if not found: verify_trans.append((entry, word_dict["translation"])) sleep(WTIME) # time to report print("=" * 25 + "Report" + "=" * 25) if missing_msgid: print("Missing msgids") for msgid in missing_msgid: print(" \"{}\"".format(msgid)) if not_translated: print("Not translated") for entry in not_translated: print(" line: {} msgid: \"{}\"".format(entry.linenum, entry.msgid)) if same_msgstr: print("Same msgstr") for entry in same_msgstr: print(" line: {} msgid: \"{}\"".format(entry.linenum, entry.msgid)) if with_typo: print("With typo") for entry in with_typo: print(" line: {} msgid: \"{}\" msgstr: \"{}\"".format(entry.linenum, entry.msgid, entry.msgstr)) if verify_trans: print("Verify translation") for item in verify_trans: entry, translation = item print(" line: {} msgid: \"{}\" trans: \"{}\"".format(entry.linenum, entry.msgid, translation)) if fuzzy_trans: print("Fuzzy translations") for entry in fuzzy_trans: print(" line: {} msgid: \"{}\"".format(entry.linenum, entry.msgid)) total = len(missing_msgid) + len(not_translated) + len(same_msgstr) + len(with_typo) + len(verify_trans) + len(fuzzy_trans) print("") print("Missing msgids\t\t: {}".format(len(missing_msgid))) print("Not translated\t\t: {}".format(len(not_translated))) print("Same msgstr\t\t: {}".format(len(same_msgstr))) print("With typo\t\t: {}".format(len(with_typo))) print("Verify translation\t: {}".format(len(verify_trans))) print("Fuzzy translations\t: {}".format(len(fuzzy_trans))) print("Total\t\t\t: {}".format(total)) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main(parse()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt")