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10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python2
  2. import os
  3. import sys
  4. PY2EXE = len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'py2exe'
  5. try:
  6. import py2exe
  7. except ImportError as e:
  8. if PY2EXE:
  9. print e
  10. sys.exit(1)
  11. from distutils.core import setup
  12. from youtube_dl_gui import (
  13. __author__,
  14. __appname__,
  15. __contact__,
  16. __version__,
  17. __license__,
  18. __projecturl__,
  19. __description__,
  20. __descriptionfull__
  21. )
  22. ICONS_SIZE = ('16x16', '32x32', '64x64', '128x128', '256x256')
  23. ICONS_NAME = 'youtube_dl_gui/icons/youtube-dl-gui_%s.png'
  24. ICONS_LIST = [ICONS_NAME % size for size in ICONS_SIZE]
  25. py2exe_includes = [
  26. 'wx.lib.pubsub.*',
  27. 'wx.lib.pubsub.core.*',
  28. 'wx.lib.pubsub.core.arg1.*'
  29. ]
  30. py2exe_options = {
  31. 'includes': py2exe_includes
  32. }
  33. py2exe_windows = {
  34. 'script': 'youtube_dl_gui\\',
  35. 'icon_resources': [(0, 'youtube_dl_gui\\icons\\youtube-dl-gui.ico')]
  36. }
  37. py2exe_dependencies = [
  38. 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\ffmpeg.exe',
  39. 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\ffprobe.exe',
  40. 'C:\\python27\\DLLs\MSVCP90.dll'
  41. ]
  42. # Set icons path
  43. if PY2EXE:
  44. icons_path = 'icons'
  45. else:
  46. # On windows you have to copy the icons manually if you dont use py2exe
  47. xdg_data_dirs = os.getenv('XDG_DATA_DIRS')
  48. if xdg_data_dirs is None:
  49. icons_path = '/usr/share/pixmaps/'
  50. else:
  51. icons_path = '/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/'
  52. # Set params
  53. if PY2EXE:
  54. data_files = [
  55. ('', py2exe_dependencies),
  56. (icons_path, ICONS_LIST)
  57. ]
  58. params = {
  59. 'data_files': data_files,
  60. 'windows': [py2exe_windows],
  61. 'options': {'py2exe': py2exe_options}
  62. }
  63. else:
  64. data_files = []
  65. if != 'nt':
  66. if xdg_data_dirs is not None:
  67. for index, size in enumerate(ICONS_SIZE):
  68. data_file = (icons_path + size + '/apps', [ICONS_LIST[index]])
  69. data_files.append(data_file)
  70. else:
  71. data_files = [(icons_path, ICONS_LIST)]
  72. params = {
  73. 'data_files': data_files
  74. }
  75. setup(
  76. name=__appname__,
  77. author=__author__,
  78. url=__projecturl__,
  79. version=__version__,
  80. license=__license__,
  81. author_email=__contact__,
  82. description=__description__,
  83. long_description=__descriptionfull__,
  84. packages=['youtube_dl_gui'],
  85. **params
  86. )