Version 0.3.3
Refactor code
Fix DASH to Audio bug
When "Clear DASH audio/video files"
option was enable. Youtube-dlG would
also remove audio output files
*.mp3, *.wav, etc..
Add DataPack class
Add OutputHandler class
Now OutputHandler handles the stdout
Reduce user input errors:
Change to int
--> startTrack, endTrack, maxDownloads, retries
Remove empty string check
--> startTrack, endTrack, maxDownloads, retries
Change wx.TextCtrl to wx.SpinCtrl
--> startTrack, endTrack, maxDownloads, retries
Add check_input function for
--> maxFileSize, minFileSize
11 years ago |
#!/usr/bin/env python2
"""Youtubedlg module for managing the download process.
This module is responsible for managing the download process and update the GUI interface.
Note: It's not the actual module that downloads the urls thats the job of the 'downloaders' module. """
import time import os.path from threading import Thread
from wx import CallAfter from wx.lib.pubsub import setuparg1 from wx.lib.pubsub import pub as Publisher
from .parsers import OptionsParser from .updthread import UpdateThread from .downloaders import YoutubeDLDownloader
from .utils import YOUTUBEDL_BIN
class DownloadManager(Thread): """Manages the download process.
Attributes: PUBLISHER_TOPIC (string): Subscription topic for the wx Publisher. WORKERS_NUMBER (int): Size of custom thread pool. WAIT_TIME (float): Time in seconds to sleep. Args: urls_list (list): Python list that contains multiple dictionaries with the url to download and the corresponding column(index) in which the worker should send the download process information. opt_manager (optionsmanager.OptionsManager): Object responsible for managing the youtubedlg options. log_manager (logmanager.LogManager): Object responsible for writing erros to the log. """
PUBLISHER_TOPIC = 'dlmanager' WORKERS_NUMBER = 3 WAIT_TIME = 0.1 def __init__(self, urls_list, opt_manager, log_manager=None): super(DownloadManager, self).__init__() self.opt_manager = opt_manager self.log_manager = log_manager self.urls_list = urls_list self._time_it_took = 0 self._successful = 0 self._running = True self._workers = self._init_workers() self.start() @property def successful(self): """Return number of successful downloads. """ return self._successful @property def time_it_took(self): """Return time in seconds it took for the
download process to finish. """
return self._time_it_took def increase_succ(self): """Increase number of successful downloads. """ self._successful += 1 def run(self): self._check_youtubedl() self._time_it_took = time.time() while self._running: for worker in self._workers: if worker.available() and self.urls_list: time.sleep(self.WAIT_TIME) if not self.urls_list and self._jobs_done(): break # Clean up for worker in self._workers: worker.close() worker.join() self._time_it_took = time.time() - self._time_it_took if not self._running: self._talk_to_gui('closed') else: self._talk_to_gui('finished') def active(self): """Return number of active items.
active_items = workers that work + items waiting in the url_list. """
counter = 0 for worker in self._workers: if not worker.available(): counter += 1 counter += len(self.urls_list) return counter def stop_downloads(self): """Stop the download process. Also send 'closing'
signal back to the GUI. Note: It does NOT kill the workers thats the job of the clean up task in the run() method. """
self._talk_to_gui('closing') self._running = False for worker in self._workers: worker.stop_download() def add_url(self, url): """Add given url to the urls_list.
Args: url (dictionary): Python dictionary that contains two keys, the url and the index of the corresponding column to send the download information back. """
self.urls_list.append(url) def _talk_to_gui(self, data): """Send data back to the GUI using wx CallAfter and wx Publisher.
Args: data (string): Unique signal string that informs the GUI for the download process. Note: DownloadManager supports 3 signals for the moment. 1) closing: The download process is closing. 2) closed: The download process has closed. 3) finished: The download process terminated normally. """
CallAfter(Publisher.sendMessage, self.PUBLISHER_TOPIC, data) def _check_youtubedl(self): """Check if youtube-dl binary exists. If not try to download it. """ if not os.path.exists(self._youtubedl_path()): UpdateThread(self.opt_manager.options['youtubedl_path'], True).join() def _jobs_done(self): """Return True if the workers have finished their jobs.
Else return False. """
for worker in self._workers: if not worker.available(): return False return True def _youtubedl_path(self): """Return the path of the youtube-dl binary. """ path = self.opt_manager.options['youtubedl_path'] path = os.path.join(path, YOUTUBEDL_BIN) return path def _init_workers(self): """Initialise the custom thread pool.
Returns: Python list that contains the workers. """
youtubedl = self._youtubedl_path() return [Worker(self.opt_manager, youtubedl, self.increase_succ, self.log_manager) for i in xrange(self.WORKERS_NUMBER)]
class Worker(Thread): """Simple worker that downloads the given url using a downloader.
Attributes: PUBLISHER_TOPIC (string): Subscription topic for the wx Publisher. WAIT_TIME (float): Time in seconds to sleep. Args: opt_manager (optionsmanager.OptionsManager): Check DownloadManager description. youtubedl (string): Absolute path to youtube-dl binary. increase_succ (DownloadManager.increase_succ() method): Callback to increase the number of successful downloads. log_manager (logmanager.LogManager): Check DownloadManager description. """
PUBLISHER_TOPIC = 'dlworker' WAIT_TIME = 0.1 def __init__(self, opt_manager, youtubedl, increase_succ, log_manager=None): super(Worker, self).__init__() self.increase_succ = increase_succ self.opt_manager = opt_manager self._downloader = YoutubeDLDownloader(youtubedl, self._data_hook, log_manager) self._options_parser = OptionsParser() self._running = True self._url = None self._index = -1 self.start() def run(self): while self._running: if self._url is not None: options = self._options_parser.parse(self.opt_manager.options) ret_code =, options) if (ret_code == YoutubeDLDownloader.OK or ret_code == YoutubeDLDownloader.ALREADY): self.increase_succ() # Reset self._url = None time.sleep(self.WAIT_TIME) def download(self, item): """Download given item.
Args: item (dictionary): Python dictionary that contains two keys, the url and the index of the corresponding column to send the download information back. """
self._url = item['url'] self._index = item['index'] def stop_download(self): """Stop the download process of the worker. """ self._downloader.stop() def close(self): """Kill the worker after stopping the download process. """ self._running = False self._downloader.stop() def available(self): """Return True if the worker has no job. Else False. """ return self._url is None def _data_hook(self, data): """Callback method.
This method takes the data from the downloader, merges the playlist_info with the current status (if any) and sends the data back to the GUI. Args: data (dictionary): Python dictionary that contains information about the download process. (See YoutubeDLDownloader class). """
if data['status'] is not None and data['playlist_index'] is not None: playlist_info = ' ' playlist_info += data['playlist_index'] playlist_info += '/' playlist_info += data['playlist_size'] data['status'] += playlist_info
self._talk_to_gui(data) def _talk_to_gui(self, data): """Send the data back to the GUI after inserting the index. """ data['index'] = self._index CallAfter(Publisher.sendMessage, self.PUBLISHER_TOPIC, data)
if __name__ == '__main__': """Direct call of module for testing.
Raises: ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package Note: Before you run the tests change relative imports else an exceptions will be raised. You need to change relative imports on all the modules you are gonna use. """
print "No tests available"