mirror of https://github.com/Requarks/wiki.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
101 lines
3.3 KiB
101 lines
3.3 KiB
<template lang="pug">
p.control(v-bind:class='{ "is-loading": searchload > 0 }')
input.input#search-input(type='text', v-model='searchq', autofocus, @keyup.esc='closeSearch', @keyup.down='moveDownSearch', @keyup.up='moveUpSearch', @keyup.enter='moveSelectSearch', debounce='400', v-bind:placeholder='$t("search.placeholder")')
.searchresults(v-show='searchactive', v-cloak)
p.searchresults-label {{ $t('search.results') }}
li(v-if='searchres.length === 0')
a: em {{ $t('search.nomatch') }}
li(v-for='sres in searchres', v-bind:class='{ "is-active": searchmovekey === "res." + sres.entryPath }')
a(v-bind:href='"/" + sres.entryPath') {{ sres.title }}
p.searchresults-label(v-if='searchsuggest.length > 0') {{ $t('search.didyoumean') }}
ul.searchresults-list(v-if='searchsuggest.length > 0')
li(v-for='sug in searchsuggest', v-bind:class='{ "is-active": searchmovekey === "sug." + sug }')
a(v-on:click='useSuggestion(sug)') {{ sug }}
import * as _ from 'lodash'
import * as $ from 'jquery'
export default {
data () {
return {
searchq: '',
searchres: [],
searchsuggest: [],
searchload: 0,
searchactive: false,
searchmoveidx: 0,
searchmovekey: '',
searchmovearr: []
watch: {
searchq: function (val, oldVal) {
let self = this
self.searchmoveidx = 0
if (val.length >= 3) {
self.searchactive = true
socket.emit('search', { terms: val }, (data) => {
self.searchres = data.match
self.searchsuggest = data.suggest
self.searchmovearr = _.concat([], self.searchres, self.searchsuggest)
if (self.searchload > 0) { self.searchload-- }
} else {
self.searchactive = false
self.searchres = []
self.searchsuggest = []
self.searchmovearr = []
self.searchload = 0
searchmoveidx: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val > 0) {
this.searchmovekey = (this.searchmovearr[val - 1])
? 'res.' + this.searchmovearr[val - 1].entryPath
: 'sug.' + this.searchmovearr[val - 1]
} else {
this.searchmovekey = ''
methods: {
useSuggestion: function (sug) {
this.searchq = sug
closeSearch: function() {
this.searchq = ''
moveSelectSearch: function () {
if (this.searchmoveidx < 1) { return }
let i = this.searchmoveidx - 1
if (this.searchmovearr[i]) {
window.location.assign('/' + this.searchmovearr[i].entryPath)
} else {
this.searchq = this.searchmovearr[i]
moveDownSearch: function () {
if (this.searchmoveidx < this.searchmovearr.length) {
moveUpSearch: function () {
if (this.searchmoveidx > 0) {
mounted: function () {
let self = this
$('main').on('click', self.closeSearch)