'use strict' /* global lang, winston */ const Git = require('git-wrapper2-promise') const Promise = require('bluebird') const path = require('path') const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra')) const _ = require('lodash') const URL = require('url') const moment = require('moment') const securityHelper = require('../helpers/security') /** * Git Model */ module.exports = { _git: null, _url: '', _repo: { path: '', branch: 'master', exists: false }, _signature: { email: 'wiki@example.com' }, _opts: { clone: {}, push: {} }, onReady: null, /** * Initialize Git model * * @return {Object} Git model instance */ init() { let self = this // -> Build repository path if (_.isEmpty(appconfig.paths.repo)) { self._repo.path = path.join(ROOTPATH, 'repo') } else { self._repo.path = appconfig.paths.repo } // -> Initialize repository self.onReady = self._initRepo(appconfig) if (appconfig.git) { // Set repo branch self._repo.branch = appconfig.git.branch || 'master' // Define signature self._signature.email = appconfig.git.serverEmail || 'wiki@example.com' } return self }, /** * Initialize Git repository * * @param {Object} appconfig The application config * @return {Object} Promise */ _initRepo(appconfig) { let self = this winston.info('Checking Git repository...') // -> Check if path is accessible return fs.mkdirAsync(self._repo.path).catch((err) => { if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') { winston.error('Invalid Git repository path or missing permissions.') } }).then(() => { self._git = new Git({ 'git-dir': self._repo.path }) // -> Check if path already contains a git working folder return self._git.isRepo().then((isRepo) => { self._repo.exists = isRepo return (!isRepo) ? self._git.exec('init') : true }).catch((err) => { // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err self._repo.exists = false }) }).then(() => { if (appconfig.git === false) { winston.info('Remote Git syncing is disabled. Not recommended!') return Promise.resolve(true) } // Initialize remote let urlObj = URL.parse(appconfig.git.url) if (appconfig.git.auth.type !== 'ssh') { urlObj.auth = appconfig.git.auth.username + ':' + appconfig.git.auth.password } self._url = URL.format(urlObj) let gitConfigs = [ () => { return self._git.exec('config', ['--local', 'user.name', 'Wiki']) }, () => { return self._git.exec('config', ['--local', 'user.email', self._signature.email]) }, () => { return self._git.exec('config', ['--local', '--bool', 'http.sslVerify', _.toString(appconfig.git.auth.sslVerify)]) } ] if (appconfig.git.auth.type === 'ssh') { gitConfigs.push(() => { return self._git.exec('config', ['--local', 'core.sshCommand', 'ssh -i "' + appconfig.git.auth.privateKey + '" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no']) }) } return self._git.exec('remote', 'show').then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() return Promise.each(gitConfigs, fn => { return fn() }).then(() => { if (!_.includes(out, 'origin')) { return self._git.exec('remote', ['add', 'origin', self._url]) } else { return self._git.exec('remote', ['set-url', 'origin', self._url]) } }).catch(err => { winston.error(err) }) }) }).catch((err) => { winston.error('Git remote error!') throw err }).then(() => { winston.info('Git repository is OK.') return true }) }, /** * Gets the repo path. * * @return {String} The repo path. */ getRepoPath() { return this._repo.path || path.join(ROOTPATH, 'repo') }, /** * Sync with the remote repository * * @return {Promise} Resolve on sync success */ resync() { let self = this // Is git remote disabled? if (appconfig.git === false) { return Promise.resolve(true) } // Fetch winston.info('Performing pull from remote Git repository...') return self._git.pull('origin', self._repo.branch).then((cProc) => { winston.info('Git Pull completed.') }) .catch((err) => { winston.error('Unable to fetch from git origin!') throw err }) .then(() => { // Check for changes return self._git.exec('log', 'origin/' + self._repo.branch + '..HEAD').then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() if (_.includes(out, 'commit')) { winston.info('Performing push to remote Git repository...') return self._git.push('origin', self._repo.branch).then(() => { return winston.info('Git Push completed.') }) } else { winston.info('Git Push skipped. Repository is already in sync.') } return true }) }) .catch((err) => { winston.error('Unable to push changes to remote Git repository!') throw err }) }, /** * Commits a document. * * @param {String} entryPath The entry path * @return {Promise} Resolve on commit success */ commitDocument(entryPath, author) { let self = this let gitFilePath = entryPath + '.md' let commitMsg = '' return self._git.exec('ls-files', gitFilePath).then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() return _.includes(out, gitFilePath) }).then((isTracked) => { commitMsg = (isTracked) ? lang.t('git:updated', { path: gitFilePath }) : lang.t('git:added', { path: gitFilePath }) return self._git.add(gitFilePath) }).then(() => { let commitUsr = securityHelper.sanitizeCommitUser(author) return self._git.exec('commit', ['-m', commitMsg, '--author="' + commitUsr.name + ' <' + commitUsr.email + '>"']).catch((err) => { if (_.includes(err.stdout, 'nothing to commit')) { return true } }) }) }, /** * Move a document. * * @param {String} entryPath The current entry path * @param {String} newEntryPath The new entry path * @return {Promise} Resolve on success */ moveDocument(entryPath, newEntryPath) { let self = this let gitFilePath = entryPath + '.md' let gitNewFilePath = newEntryPath + '.md' let destPathObj = path.parse(this.getRepoPath() + '/' + gitNewFilePath) return fs.ensureDir(destPathObj.dir).then(() => { return self._git.exec('mv', [gitFilePath, gitNewFilePath]).then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() if (_.includes(out, 'fatal')) { let errorMsg = _.capitalize(_.head(_.split(_.replace(out, 'fatal: ', ''), ','))) throw new Error(errorMsg) } return true }) }) }, /** * Delete a document. * * @param {String} entryPath The entry path * @return {Promise} Resolve on success */ deleteDocument(entryPath, author) { let self = this let gitFilePath = entryPath + '.md' return this._git.exec('rm', [gitFilePath]).then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() if (_.includes(out, 'fatal')) { let errorMsg = _.capitalize(_.head(_.split(_.replace(out, 'fatal: ', ''), ','))) throw new Error(errorMsg) } let commitUsr = securityHelper.sanitizeCommitUser(author) return self._git.exec('commit', ['-m', lang.t('git:deleted', { path: gitFilePath }), '--author="' + commitUsr.name + ' <' + commitUsr.email + '>"']).catch((err) => { if (_.includes(err.stdout, 'nothing to commit')) { return true } }) }) }, /** * Commits uploads changes. * * @param {String} msg The commit message * @return {Promise} Resolve on commit success */ commitUploads(msg) { let self = this msg = msg || 'Uploads repository sync' return self._git.add('uploads').then(() => { return self._git.commit(msg).catch((err) => { if (_.includes(err.stdout, 'nothing to commit')) { return true } }) }) }, getHistory(entryPath) { let self = this let gitFilePath = entryPath + '.md' return self._git.exec('log', ['--max-count=25', '--skip=1', '--format=format:%H %h %cI %cE %cN', '--', gitFilePath]).then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() if (_.includes(out, 'fatal')) { let errorMsg = _.capitalize(_.head(_.split(_.replace(out, 'fatal: ', ''), ','))) throw new Error(errorMsg) } let hist = _.chain(out).split('\n').map(h => { let hParts = h.split(' ', 4) let hDate = moment(hParts[2]) return { commit: hParts[0], commitAbbr: hParts[1], date: hParts[2], dateFull: hDate.format('LLLL'), dateCalendar: hDate.calendar(null, { sameElse: 'llll' }), email: hParts[3], name: hParts[4] } }).value() return hist }) }, getHistoryDiff(path, commit, comparewith) { let self = this if (!comparewith) { comparewith = 'HEAD' } return self._git.exec('diff', ['--no-color', `${commit}:${path}.md`, `${comparewith}:${path}.md`]).then((cProc) => { let out = cProc.stdout.toString() if (_.startsWith(out, 'fatal: ')) { throw new Error(out) } else if (!_.includes(out, 'diff')) { throw new Error('Unable to query diff data.') } else { return out } }) } }