diff --git a/client/components/admin/admin-auth.vue b/client/components/admin/admin-auth.vue
index 2e02e106..be07acb6 100644
--- a/client/components/admin/admin-auth.vue
+++ b/client/components/admin/admin-auth.vue
@@ -1,112 +1,103 @@
- v-card(flat)
- v-card(color='grey lighten-5')
- .pa-3.pt-4
- .headline.primary--text Authentication
- .subheading.grey--text Configure the authentication settings of your wiki
- v-tabs(color='grey lighten-4', fixed-tabs, slider-color='primary', show-arrows)
- v-tab(key='settings'): v-icon settings
- v-tab(v-for='provider in activeProviders', :key='provider.key') {{ provider.title }}
+ v-card(tile, color='grey lighten-5')
+ .pa-3.pt-4
+ .headline.primary--text Authentication
+ .subheading.grey--text Configure the authentication settings of your wiki
+ v-tabs(color='grey lighten-4', fixed-tabs, slider-color='primary', show-arrows)
+ v-tab(key='settings'): v-icon settings
+ v-tab(v-for='strategy in activeStrategies', :key='strategy.key') {{ strategy.title }}
- v-tab-item(key='settings', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false')
- v-card.pa-3
- .body-2.pb-2 Select which authentication providers to enable:
- v-form
- v-checkbox(
- v-for='(provider, n) in providers',
- v-model='auths',
- :key='provider.key',
- :label='provider.title',
- :value='provider.key',
- color='primary',
- :disabled='provider.key === `local`'
- hide-details
- )
- v-divider
- v-btn(color='primary')
- v-icon(left) chevron_right
- | Set Providers
- v-btn(color='black', dark)
- v-icon(left) layers_clear
- | Flush Sessions
- v-btn(icon, @click='refresh')
- v-icon.grey--text refresh
+ v-tab-item(key='settings', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false')
+ v-card.pa-3(flat, tile)
+ v-subheader.pl-0.pb-2 Select which authentication strategies to enable:
+ v-form
+ v-checkbox(
+ v-for='strategy in strategies',
+ v-model='selectedStrategies',
+ :key='strategy.key',
+ :label='strategy.title',
+ :value='strategy.key',
+ color='primary',
+ :disabled='strategy.key === `local`'
+ hide-details
+ )
- v-tab-item(v-for='(provider, n) in activeProviders', :key='provider.key', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false')
- v-card.pa-3
- v-form
- v-subheader Provider Configuration
- .body-1(v-if='!provider.props || provider.props.length < 1') This provider has no configuration options you can modify.
- v-text-field(v-else, v-for='prop in provider.props', :key='prop', :label='prop', prepend-icon='mode_edit')
- v-divider
- v-subheader Registration
- v-switch.ml-3(
- v-model='auths',
- label='Allow self-registration',
- :value='true',
- color='primary',
- hint='Allow any user successfully authorized by the provider to access the wiki.',
- persistent-hint
- )
- v-text-field(label='Limit to specific email domains', prepend-icon='mail_outline')
- v-text-field(label='Assign to group', prepend-icon='people')
- v-divider
- v-btn(color='primary')
- v-icon(left) chevron_right
- | Save Configuration
+ v-tab-item(v-for='(strategy, n) in activeStrategies', :key='strategy.key', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false')
+ v-card.pa-3(flat, tile)
+ v-form
+ v-subheader.pl-0 Strategy Configuration
+ .body-1.ml-3(v-if='!strategy.config || strategy.config.length < 1') This strategy has no configuration options you can modify.
+ v-text-field(v-else, v-for='cfg in strategy.config', :key='cfg.key', :label='cfg.key', prepend-icon='settings_applications')
+ v-divider
+ v-subheader.pl-0 Registration
+ v-switch.ml-3(
+ v-model='auths',
+ label='Allow self-registration',
+ :value='true',
+ color='primary',
+ hint='Allow any user successfully authorized by the strategy to access the wiki.',
+ persistent-hint
+ )
+ v-text-field.ml-3(label='Limit to specific email domains', prepend-icon='mail_outline')
+ v-text-field.ml-3(label='Assign to group', prepend-icon='people')
+ v-divider.my-0
+ v-card-actions.grey.lighten-4
+ v-btn(color='primary')
+ v-icon(left) chevron_right
+ span Save
+ v-spacer
+ v-btn(icon, @click='refresh')
+ v-icon.grey--text refresh
- v-snackbar(
- color='success'
- top
- v-model='refreshCompleted'
- )
- v-icon.mr-3(dark) cached
- | List of providers has been refreshed.