@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ const path = require('path')
const sgit = require ( 'simple-git/promise' )
const fs = require ( 'fs-extra' )
const _ = require ( 'lodash' )
const stream = require ( 'stream' )
const Promise = require ( 'bluebird' )
const pipeline = Promise . promisify ( stream . pipeline )
const klaw = require ( 'klaw' )
const pageHelper = require ( '../../../helpers/page.js' )
const localeFolderRegex = /^([a-z]{2}(?:-[a-z]{2})?\/)?(.*)/i
@ -154,66 +159,74 @@ module.exports = {
const diff = await this . git . diffSummary ( [ '-M' , currentCommitLog . hash , latestCommitLog . hash ] )
if ( _ . get ( diff , 'files' , [ ] ) . length > 0 ) {
for ( const item of diff . files ) {
const contentType = getContenType ( item . file )
if ( ! contentType ) {
const contentPath = getPagePath ( item . file )
await this . processFiles ( diff . files )
} ,
/ * *
* Process Files
* @ param { Array < String > } files Array of files to process
* /
async processFiles ( files ) {
for ( const item of files ) {
const contentType = getContenType ( item . file )
if ( ! contentType ) {
const contentPath = getPagePath ( item . file )
let itemContents = ''
try {
itemContents = await fs . readFile ( path . join ( this . repoPath , item . file ) , 'utf8' )
const pageData = WIKI . models . pages . parseMetadata ( itemContents , contentType )
const currentPage = await WIKI . models . pages . query ( ) . findOne ( {
path : contentPath . path ,
localeCode : contentPath . locale
} )
if ( currentPage ) {
// Already in the DB, can mark as modified
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as modified: ${ item . file } ` )
await WIKI . models . pages . updatePage ( {
id : currentPage . id ,
title : _ . get ( pageData , 'title' , currentPage . title ) ,
description : _ . get ( pageData , 'description' , currentPage . description ) ,
isPublished : _ . get ( pageData , 'isPublished' , currentPage . isPublished ) ,
isPrivate : false ,
content : pageData . content ,
authorId : 1 ,
skipStorage : true
} )
} else {
// Not in the DB, can mark as new
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as new: ${ item . file } ` )
const pageEditor = await WIKI . models . editors . getDefaultEditor ( contentType )
await WIKI . models . pages . createPage ( {
path : contentPath . path ,
locale : contentPath . locale ,
title : _ . get ( pageData , 'title' , _ . last ( contentPath . path . split ( '/' ) ) ) ,
description : _ . get ( pageData , 'description' , '' ) ,
isPublished : _ . get ( pageData , 'isPublished' , true ) ,
isPrivate : false ,
content : pageData . content ,
authorId : 1 ,
editor : pageEditor ,
skipStorage : true
} )
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err . code === 'ENOENT' && item . deletions > 0 && item . insertions === 0 ) {
// File was deleted by git, can safely mark as deleted in DB
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as deleted: ${ item . file } ` )
let itemContents = ''
try {
itemContents = await fs . readFile ( path . join ( this . repoPath , item . file ) , 'utf8' )
const pageData = WIKI . models . pages . parseMetadata ( itemContents , contentType )
const currentPage = await WIKI . models . pages . query ( ) . findOne ( {
path : contentPath . path ,
localeCode : contentPath . locale
} )
if ( currentPage ) {
// Already in the DB, can mark as modified
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as modified: ${ item . file } ` )
await WIKI . models . pages . updatePage ( {
id : currentPage . id ,
title : _ . get ( pageData , 'title' , currentPage . title ) ,
description : _ . get ( pageData , 'description' , currentPage . description ) ,
isPublished : _ . get ( pageData , 'isPublished' , currentPage . isPublished ) ,
isPrivate : false ,
content : pageData . content ,
authorId : 1 ,
skipStorage : true
} )
} else {
// Not in the DB, can mark as new
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as new: ${ item . file } ` )
const pageEditor = await WIKI . models . editors . getDefaultEditor ( contentType )
await WIKI . models . pages . createPage ( {
path : contentPath . path ,
locale : contentPath . locale ,
title : _ . get ( pageData , 'title' , _ . last ( contentPath . path . split ( '/' ) ) ) ,
description : _ . get ( pageData , 'description' , '' ) ,
isPublished : _ . get ( pageData , 'isPublished' , true ) ,
isPrivate : false ,
content : pageData . content ,
authorId : 1 ,
editor : pageEditor ,
skipStorage : true
} )
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err . code === 'ENOENT' && item . deletions > 0 && item . insertions === 0 ) {
// File was deleted by git, can safely mark as deleted in DB
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as deleted: ${ item . file } ` )
await WIKI . models . pages . deletePage ( {
path : contentPath . path ,
locale : contentPath . locale ,
skipStorage : true
} )
} else {
WIKI . logger . warn ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Failed to open ${ item . file } ` )
WIKI . logger . warn ( err )
await WIKI . models . pages . deletePage ( {
path : contentPath . path ,
locale : contentPath . locale ,
skipStorage : true
} )
} else {
WIKI . logger . warn ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Failed to open ${ item . file } ` )
WIKI . logger . warn ( err )
@ -278,5 +291,56 @@ module.exports = {
await this . git . commit ( ` docs: rename ${ page . sourcePath } to ${ destinationFilePath } ` , destinationFilePath , {
'--author' : ` " ${ page . authorName } < ${ page . authorEmail } >" `
} )
} ,
/ * *
* /
async importAll ( ) {
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Importing all content from local Git repo to the DB... ` )
await pipeline (
klaw ( this . repoPath , {
filter : ( f ) => {
return ! _ . includes ( f , '.git' )
} ) ,
new stream . Transform ( {
objectMode : true ,
transform : async ( file , enc , cb ) => {
const relPath = file . path . substr ( this . repoPath . length + 1 )
if ( relPath && relPath . length > 3 ) {
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Processing ${ relPath } ... ` )
await this . processFiles ( [ {
file : relPath ,
deletions : 0 ,
insertions : 0
} ] )
cb ( )
} )
WIKI . logger . info ( '(STORAGE/GIT) Import completed.' )
} ,
async syncUntracked ( ) {
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Adding all untracked content... ` )
await pipeline (
WIKI . models . knex . column ( 'path' , 'localeCode' , 'title' , 'description' , 'contentType' , 'content' , 'isPublished' , 'updatedAt' ) . select ( ) . from ( 'pages' ) . where ( {
isPrivate : false
} ) . stream ( ) ,
new stream . Transform ( {
objectMode : true ,
transform : async ( page , enc , cb ) => {
const fileName = ` ${ page . path } . ${ getFileExtension ( page . contentType ) } `
WIKI . logger . info ( ` (STORAGE/GIT) Adding ${ fileName } ... ` )
const filePath = path . join ( this . repoPath , fileName )
await fs . outputFile ( filePath , pageHelper . injectPageMetadata ( page ) , 'utf8' )
await this . git . add ( ` ./ ${ fileName } ` )
cb ( )
} )
await this . git . commit ( ` docs: add all untracked content ` )
WIKI . logger . info ( '(STORAGE/GIT) All content is now tracked.' )