const ACME = require('acme') const Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs') const _ = require('lodash') const moment = require('moment') const CSR = require('@root/csr') const PEM = require('@root/pem') // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api
const punycode = require('punycode')
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = { apiDirectory: WIKI.dev ? 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' : 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory', acme: null, async init () { if (!_.get(WIKI.config, 'letsencrypt.payload', false)) { await this.requestCertificate() } else if (WIKI.config.letsencrypt.domain !== WIKI.config.ssl.domain) { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Domain has changed. Requesting new certificates...`) await this.requestCertificate() } else if (moment(WIKI.config.letsencrypt.payload.expires).isSameOrBefore(moment().add(5, 'days'))) { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Certificate is about to or has expired, requesting a new one...`) await this.requestCertificate() } else { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Using existing certificate for ${WIKI.config.ssl.domain}, expires on ${WIKI.config.letsencrypt.payload.expires}: [ OK ]`) } WIKI.config.ssl.format = 'pem' WIKI.config.ssl.inline = true WIKI.config.ssl.key = WIKI.config.letsencrypt.serverKey WIKI.config.ssl.cert = WIKI.config.letsencrypt.payload.cert + '\n' + WIKI.config.letsencrypt.payload.chain WIKI.config.ssl.passphrase = null WIKI.config.ssl.dhparam = null }, async requestCertificate () { try { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Initializing Let's Encrypt client...`) this.acme = ACME.create({ maintainerEmail: WIKI.config.maintainerEmail, packageAgent: `wikijs/${WIKI.version}`, notify: (ev, msg) => { if (_.includes(['warning', 'error'], ev)) { WIKI.logger.warn(`${ev}: ${msg}`) } else { WIKI.logger.debug(`${ev}: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`) } } })
await this.acme.init(this.apiDirectory)
// -> Create ACME Subscriber account
if (!_.get(WIKI.config, 'letsencrypt.account', false)) { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Setting up account for the first time...`) const accountKeypair = await Keypairs.generate({ kty: 'EC', format: 'jwk' }) const account = await this.acme.accounts.create({ subscriberEmail: WIKI.config.ssl.subscriberEmail, agreeToTerms: true, accountKey: accountKeypair.private }) WIKI.config.letsencrypt = { accountKeypair: accountKeypair, account: account, domain: WIKI.config.ssl.domain } await WIKI.configSvc.saveToDb(['letsencrypt']) WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Account was setup successfully [ OK ]`) }
// -> Create Server Keypair
if (!WIKI.config.letsencrypt.serverKey) { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Generating server keypairs...`) const serverKeypair = await Keypairs.generate({ kty: 'RSA', format: 'jwk' }) WIKI.config.letsencrypt.serverKey = await Keypairs.export({ jwk: serverKeypair.private }) WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Server keypairs generated successfully [ OK ]`) }
// -> Create CSR
WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Generating certificate signing request (CSR)...`) const domains = [ punycode.toASCII(WIKI.config.ssl.domain) ] const serverKey = await Keypairs.import({ pem: WIKI.config.letsencrypt.serverKey }) const csrDer = await CSR.csr({ jwk: serverKey, domains, encoding: 'der' }) const csr = PEM.packBlock({ type: 'CERTIFICATE REQUEST', bytes: csrDer }) WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) CSR generated successfully [ OK ]`)
// -> Verify Domain + Get Certificate
WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Requesting certificate from Let's Encrypt...`) const certResp = await this.acme.certificates.create({ account: WIKI.config.letsencrypt.account, accountKey: WIKI.config.letsencrypt.accountKeypair.private, csr, domains, challenges: { 'http-01': { init () {}, set (data) { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Setting HTTP challenge for ${data.challenge.hostname}: [ READY ]`) WIKI.config.letsencrypt.challenge = data.challenge WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Waiting for challenge to complete...`) return null // <- this is needed, cannot be undefined
}, get (data) { return WIKI.config.letsencrypt.challenge }, async remove (data) { WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) Removing HTTP challenge: [ OK ]`) WIKI.config.letsencrypt.challenge = null return null // <- this is needed, cannot be undefined
} } } }) WIKI.logger.info(`(LETSENCRYPT) New certificate received successfully: [ COMPLETED ]`) WIKI.config.letsencrypt.payload = certResp WIKI.config.letsencrypt.domain = WIKI.config.ssl.domain await WIKI.configSvc.saveToDb(['letsencrypt']) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(`(LETSENCRYPT) ${err}`) throw err } } }