You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

25 lines
685 B

  1. extends ../layout.pug
  2. block rootNavCenter
  3. h2.nav-item= pageData.meta.title
  4. block rootNavRight
  5. loading-spinner
  6. span.nav-item
  8. i.icon-cross
  9. span= t('nav.discard')
  10. a.button(v-on:click='$root.$emit("editor/save")')
  11. i.icon-check
  12. span= t('nav.savechanges')
  13. block content
  14. editor(inline-template, current-path=pageData.meta.path, v-cloak)
  15. .editor-area
  16. textarea(ref='editorTextArea', v-pre)= pageData.markdown
  17. editor-file
  18. editor-video
  19. editor-codeblock
  20. modal-discard-page(mode='edit', current-path=pageData.meta.path)
  21. page-loader(text=t('loading.editor'))