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23 lines
1007 B

  1. extends master.pug
  2. block body
  3. #root
  4. .login-deprecated!= t('outdatedBrowserWarning', { modernBrowser: '<a href="" rel="nofollow">' + t('modernBrowser') + '</a>', interpolation: { escapeValue: false } })
  5. .login
  6. .login-dialog
  7. if err
  8. .login-error= err.message
  9. form(method='post', action='/login')
  10. h1= config.title
  11. select(name='strategy')
  12. each str in formStrategies
  13. option(value=str.key, selected)= str.title
  14. input(type='text', name='user', placeholder=t('auth:fields.emailUser'))
  15. input(type='password', name='pass', placeholder=t('auth:fields.password'))
  16. button(type='submit')= t('auth:actions.login')
  17. if socialStrategies.length
  18. .login-social
  19. h2= t('auth:orLoginUsingStrategy')
  20. each str in socialStrategies
  21. a.login-social-icon(href='/login/' + str.key, class=str.color)
  22. != str.icon