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17 lines
662 B

  1. extends master.pug
  2. block body
  4. v-app
  5. .unauthorized
  6. .unauthorized-content
  7. img.animated.fadeIn(src='/svg/icon-delete-shield.svg', alt='Unauthorized')
  8. .headline= t('unauthorized.title')
  9. t('unauthorized.action.' + action)
  10. .mt-5
  11. v-btn(color='red lighten-4', href='javascript:window.history.go(-1);', large, outline)
  12. v-icon(left) arrow_back
  13. span= t('unauthorized.goback')
  14. v-btn(color='red lighten-4', href='/login', large, outline)
  15. v-icon(left) person_outline
  16. span= t('unauthorized.login')