<template lang='pug'> v-card.editor-modal-media.animated.fadeInLeft(flat, tile) v-container.pa-3(grid-list-lg, fluid) v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex(xs9) v-card.radius-7.animated.fadeInLeft.wait-p1s(light) v-card-text .d-flex v-toolbar.radius-7(color='teal lighten-5', dense, flat, height='44') .body-2.teal--text Images v-btn.ml-3.my-0.radius-7(outline, large, color='teal', disabled) v-icon(left) keyboard_arrow_up span Parent Folder v-btn.my-0.radius-7(outline, large, color='teal') v-icon(left) add span New Folder v-list.mt-3(dense, two-line) template(v-for='(item, idx) of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]') v-list-tile(@click='') v-list-tile-avatar v-avatar.radius-7(color='teal') v-icon(dark) image v-list-tile-content v-list-tile-title Image {{item}} v-list-tile-sub-title 1024x768, 10 KBs v-list-tile-action .caption.pr-3 2019-04-07 v-list-tile-action v-chip.teal--text(label, small, color='teal lighten-5') JPG v-divider(v-if='idx < 10 - 1') .d-flex.mt-3 v-toolbar.radius-7(flat, color='grey lighten-4', dense, height='44') .body-2 / universe v-spacer .body-1.grey--text.text--darken-1 10 files v-btn.ml-3.my-0.radius-7(color='teal', large, @click='insert', disabled) v-icon(left) save_alt span Insert
v-flex(xs3) v-card.radius-7.animated.fadeInRight.wait-p3s(light) v-card-text v-toolbar.radius-7(color='teal lighten-5', dense, flat) v-icon.mr-3(color='teal') cloud_upload .body-2.teal--text Upload Images file-pond.mt-3( name='mediaUpload' ref='pond' label-idle='Browse or Drop files here...' allow-multiple='true' accepted-file-types='image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/svg' :files='files' max-files='10' ) v-divider v-card-actions.pa-3 .caption.grey--text.text-darken-2 Max 10 files, 5 MB each v-spacer v-btn(color='teal', dark, @click='upload') Upload
v-card.mt-3.radius-7.animated.fadeInRight.wait-p4s(light) v-card-text.pb-0 v-toolbar.radius-7(color='teal lighten-5', dense, flat) v-icon.mr-3(color='teal') cloud_download .body-2.teal--text Fetch Remote Image v-text-field.mt-3( v-model='remoteImageUrl' outline single-line background-color='grey lighten-2' placeholder='https://example.com/image.jpg' ) v-divider v-card-actions.pa-3 .caption.grey--text.text-darken-2 Max 5 MB v-spacer v-btn(color='teal', dark) Fetch
v-card.mt-3.radius-7.animated.fadeInRight.wait-p4s(light) v-card-text.pb-0 v-toolbar.radius-7(color='teal lighten-5', dense, flat) v-icon.mr-3(color='teal') format_align_left .body-2.teal--text Alignment v-select.mt-3( v-model='imageAlignment' :items='imageAlignments' outline single-line background-color='grey lighten-2' placeholder='None' ) </template>
<script> // import _ from 'lodash'
import { sync } from 'vuex-pathify' import vueFilePond from 'vue-filepond' import 'filepond/dist/filepond.min.css'
import FilePondPluginFileValidateType from 'filepond-plugin-file-validate-type'
import uploadFileMutation from 'gql/editor/upload.gql'
const FilePond = vueFilePond(FilePondPluginFileValidateType)
export default { components: { FilePond }, props: { value: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, data() { return { files: [], remoteImageUrl: '', imageAlignments: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Centered', value: 'center' }, { text: 'Right', value: 'right' }, { text: 'Absolute Top Right', value: 'abstopright' } ], imageAlignment: '' } }, computed: { isShown: { get() { return this.value }, set(val) { this.$emit('input', val) } }, activeModal: sync('editor/activeModal') }, methods: { insert () { this.activeModal = '' }, async upload () { const files = this.$refs.pond.getFiles() for (let fl of files) { const resp = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: uploadFileMutation, variables: { data: fl.file }, context: { hasUpload: true } }) console.info(resp) } } } } </script>
<style lang='scss'> .editor-modal-media { position: fixed; top: 112px; left: 64px; z-index: 10; width: calc(100vw - 64px - 17px); height: calc(100vh - 112px - 24px); background-color: rgba(darken(mc('grey', '900'), 3%), .9) !important; } </style>