<template lang='pug'> v-container(fluid, grid-list-lg) v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex(xs12) .admin-header img(src='/svg/icon-maintenance.svg', alt='Utilities', style='width: 80px;') .admin-header-title .headline.primary--text Utilities .subheading.grey--text Maintenance and troubleshooting tools
v-card.mt-3 v-tabs(color='grey darken-2', fixed-tabs, slider-color='white', show-arrows, dark) v-tab(key='tools') Tools v-tab(key='cache') Cache v-tab(key='telemetry') Telemetry v-tab(key='support') Support
v-tab-item(key='tools', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false') v-container.pa-2(fluid, grid-list-sm, :class='$vuetify.dark ? "" : "grey lighten-5"') v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex(xs12, sm6) v-card v-toolbar(:color='$vuetify.dark ? "" : "grey darken-3"', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Authentication v-spacer v-chip(label, color='white', small).grey--text.text--darken-2 coming soon v-subheader Flush User Sessions v-card-text.pt-0.pl-4 .body-1 This will cause all users to be logged out. You will need to log back in after the operation. v-btn(depressed).ml-0 v-icon(left, color='grey') build span Proceed v-divider.my-0 v-subheader Reset Guest User v-card-text.pt-0.pl-4 .body-1 This will reset the guest user to its default parameters and permissions. v-btn(depressed).ml-0 v-icon(left, color='grey') build span Proceed v-card.mt-3 v-toolbar(:color='$vuetify.dark ? "" : "grey darken-3"', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Modules v-spacer v-chip(label, color='white', small).grey--text.text--darken-2 coming soon v-subheader Rescan Modules v-card-text.pt-0.pl-4 .body-1 Look for new modules on disk. Existing configurations will be merged. v-select.mt-3( v-model='rescanModuleType' :items='moduleTypes' label='Modules Type' outline background-color='grey lighten-1' hide-details dense ) v-btn.ml-0(color='primary', depressed, dark) v-icon(left) chevron_right span Rescan v-flex(xs12, sm6) v-card v-toolbar(:color='$vuetify.dark ? "" : "grey darken-3"', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Maintenance Mode v-spacer v-chip(label, color='white', small).grey--text.text--darken-2 coming soon v-card-text .body-1 Maintenance mode restrict access to the site to administrators only, regarless of current permissions. v-btn.mt-3.ml-0(color='orange darken-2', depressed, dark) icon-home-alert.mr-2(fillColor='#FFFFFF') | Turn On Maintenance Mode v-card.mt-3 v-toolbar(:color='$vuetify.dark ? "" : "grey darken-3"', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Graph Endpoint v-spacer v-chip(label, color='white', small).grey--text.text--darken-2 coming soon v-card-text .body-1 The Graph API Endpoint from which remote resources like locales, themes and plugins are fetched. .caption.red--text Do not change unless you know what you're doing! v-text-field.my-2(outline, hide-details, background-color='grey lighten-1', label='Graph Endpoint', value='https://graph.requarks.io') v-btn.ml-0(color='primary', depressed, dark) v-icon(left) chevron_right span Save
v-tab-item(key='cache', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false') v-card v-card-text Coming soon
v-tab-item(key='telemetry', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false') v-card v-form v-card-text v-subheader What is telemetry? .body-1.pl-3 Telemetry allows the developers of Wiki.js to improve the software by collecting basic anonymized data about its usage and the host info. #[br] This is entirely optional and #[strong absolutely no] private data (such as content or personal data) is collected. .body-1.pt-3.pl-3 For maximum privacy, a random client ID is generated every time Wiki.js is started. This ID is used to group requests together while keeping complete anonymity. v-divider.my-3 v-subheader What is collected? .body-1.pl-3 When telemetry is enabled, only the following data is transmitted: v-list(dense) v-list-tile v-list-tile-avatar: v-icon info_outline v-list-tile-content: v-list-tile-title.caption Version of Wiki.js installed v-list-tile v-list-tile-avatar: v-icon info_outline v-list-tile-content: v-list-tile-title.caption Basic OS information (version, CPU cores, RAM available) v-list-tile v-list-tile-avatar: v-icon info_outline v-list-tile-content: v-list-tile-title.caption Crash debug data v-list-tile v-list-tile-avatar: v-icon info_outline v-list-tile-content: v-list-tile-title.caption Setup analytics (step reached) .body-2.pl-3 v-divider.my-3 v-subheader Settings .pl-3 v-switch.mt-0( v-model='telemetry', label='Enable Telemetry', :value='true', color='primary', hint='Allow Wiki.js to transmit telemetry data.', persistent-hint ) .subheading.mt-3.grey--text.text--darken-1 Client ID .body-1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx v-card-chin v-btn(color='primary', @click='updateTelemetry') v-icon(left) chevron_right | Save Changes v-spacer v-btn(outline, color='grey', @click='resetClientId') v-icon(left) autorenew span Reset Client ID
v-tab-item(key='support', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false') v-card.pa-3 v-subheader Report a bug .body-1.pl-3 Bugs can be reported using GitHub issues on the project repository page. v-btn.ml-3.mt-3(depressed, dark, color='grey darken-2', href='https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/issues', target='_blank') icon-github-circle.mr-3(fillColor='#FFFFFF') span Submit an issue v-divider.my-3 v-subheader Suggest a New Feature / Enhancement .body-1.pl-3 Have an idea for a new feature or something that could be improved? v-btn.ml-3.mt-3(depressed, dark, color='indigo', href='https://requests.requarks.io/wiki', target='_blank') v-icon(left) lightbulb_outline span Submit an idea v-divider.my-3 v-subheader Questions / Comments .body-1.pl-3 Join our gitter channel. We are very active and friendly! v-btn.ml-3.mt-3(depressed, dark, color='pink', href='https://gitter.im/Requarks/wiki', target='_blank') v-icon(left) chat span Launch Gitter
<script> import IconGithubCircle from 'mdi/GithubCircle' import IconHomeAlert from 'mdi/HomeAlert'
export default { components: { IconGithubCircle, IconHomeAlert }, data() { return { tab: '0', moduleTypes: [ { text: 'Authentication', value: 'authentication' }, { text: 'Editor', value: 'editor' }, { text: 'Logging', value: 'logging' }, { text: 'Rendering', value: 'renderer' }, { text: 'Search Engine', value: 'search' }, { text: 'Storage', value: 'storage' } ], rescanModuleType: 'authentication', telemetry: true } }, methods: { updateTelemetry() { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'indigo', message: `Coming soon...`, icon: 'directions_boat' }) }, resetClientId() { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'indigo', message: `Coming soon...`, icon: 'directions_boat' }) } } } </script>
<style lang='scss'>