<template lang="pug"> v-app .login v-container(grid-list-lg) v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex( xs12 offset-sm1, sm10 offset-md2, md8 offset-lg3, lg6 offset-xl4, xl4 ) transition(name='fadeUp') v-card.elevation-5(v-show='isShown', light) v-toolbar(color='indigo', flat, dense, dark) v-spacer .subheading(v-if='screen === "tfa"') {{ $t('auth:tfa.subtitle') }} .subheading(v-if='screen === "changePwd"') {{ $t('auth:changePwd.subtitle') }} .subheading(v-else-if='selectedStrategy.key !== "local"') {{ $t('auth:loginUsingStrategy', { strategy: selectedStrategy.title, interpolation: { escapeValue: false } }) }} .subheading(v-else) {{ $t('auth:loginRequired') }} v-spacer v-card-text.text-center h1.display-1.indigo--text.py-2 {{ siteTitle }} template(v-if='screen === "login"') v-text-field.mt-3( solo flat prepend-icon='mdi-clipboard-account' background-color='grey lighten-4' hide-details ref='iptEmail' v-model='username' :placeholder='$t("auth:fields.emailUser")' ) v-text-field.mt-2( solo flat prepend-icon='mdi-textbox-password' background-color='grey lighten-4' hide-details ref='iptPassword' v-model='password' :append-icon='hidePassword ? "mdi-eye-off" : "mdi-eye"' @click:append='() => (hidePassword = !hidePassword)' :type='hidePassword ? "password" : "text"' :placeholder='$t("auth:fields.password")' @keyup.enter='login' ) template(v-else-if='screen === "tfa"') .body-2 Enter the security code generated from your trusted device: v-text-field.centered.mt-2( solo flat background-color='grey lighten-4' hide-details ref='iptTFA' v-model='securityCode' :placeholder='$t("auth:tfa.placeholder")' @keyup.enter='verifySecurityCode' ) template(v-else-if='screen === "changePwd"') .body-2 {{$t('auth:changePwd.instructions')}} v-text-field.mt-2( type='password' solo flat background-color='grey lighten-4' hide-details ref='iptNewPassword' v-model='newPassword' :placeholder='$t(`auth:changePwd.newPasswordPlaceholder`)' ) v-text-field.mt-2( type='password' solo flat background-color='grey lighten-4' hide-details v-model='newPasswordVerify' :placeholder='$t(`auth:changePwd.newPasswordVerifyPlaceholder`)' @keyup.enter='changePassword' ) template(v-else-if='screen === "forgot"') .body-2 {{ $t('auth:forgotPasswordSubtitle') }} v-text-field.mt-3( solo flat prepend-icon='mdi-email' background-color='grey lighten-4' hide-details ref='iptEmailForgot' v-model='username' :placeholder='$t("auth:fields.email")' ) v-card-actions.pb-4 v-spacer v-btn( width='100%' max-width='250px' v-if='screen === "login"' large color='primary' dark @click='login' rounded :loading='isLoading' ) {{ $t('auth:actions.login') }} v-btn( width='100%' max-width='250px' v-else-if='screen === "tfa"' large color='primary' dark @click='verifySecurityCode' rounded :loading='isLoading' ) {{ $t('auth:tfa.verifyToken') }} v-btn( width='100%' max-width='250px' v-else-if='screen === "changePwd"' large color='primary' dark @click='changePassword' rounded :loading='isLoading' ) {{ $t('auth:changePwd.proceed') }} v-btn( width='100%' max-width='250px' v-else-if='screen === "forgot"' large color='primary' dark @click='forgotPasswordSubmit' rounded :loading='isLoading' ) {{ $t('auth:sendResetPassword') }} v-spacer v-card-actions.pb-3(v-if='screen === "login" && selectedStrategy.key === "local"') v-spacer a.caption(@click.stop.prevent='forgotPassword', href='#forgot') {{ $t('auth:forgotPasswordLink') }} v-spacer v-card-actions.pb-3(v-else-if='screen === "forgot"') v-spacer a.caption(@click.stop.prevent='screen = `login`', href='#cancelforgot') {{ $t('auth:forgotPasswordCancel') }} v-spacer template(v-if='screen === "login" && isSocialShown') v-divider v-card-text.grey.lighten-4.text-center .pb-2.body-2.text-xs-center.grey--text.text--darken-2 {{ $t('auth:orLoginUsingStrategy') }} v-btn.mx-1.social-login-btn( v-for='strategy in strategies', :key='strategy.key' large @click='selectStrategy(strategy)' dark :color='strategy.color' :depressed='strategy.key === selectedStrategy.key' ) v-avatar.mr-3(tile, :class='strategy.color', size='24', v-html='strategy.icon') span(style='text-transform: none;') {{ strategy.title }} template(v-if='screen === "login" && selectedStrategy.key === `local` && selectedStrategy.selfRegistration') v-divider v-card-actions.py-3(:class='isSocialShown ? "" : "grey lighten-4"') v-spacer i18next.caption(path='auth:switchToRegister.text', tag='div') a.caption(href='/register', place='link') {{ $t('auth:switchToRegister.link') }} v-spacer
loader(v-model='isLoading', :color='loaderColor', :title='loaderTitle', :subtitle='$t(`auth:pleaseWait`)') nav-footer(color='grey darken-5') notify </template>
<script> /* global siteConfig */
import _ from 'lodash' import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import strategiesQuery from 'gql/login/login-query-strategies.gql' import loginMutation from 'gql/login/login-mutation-login.gql' import tfaMutation from 'gql/login/login-mutation-tfa.gql' import changePasswordMutation from 'gql/login/login-mutation-changepassword.gql'
export default { i18nOptions: { namespaces: 'auth' }, data () { return { error: false, strategies: [], selectedStrategy: { key: 'local' }, screen: 'login', username: '', password: '', hidePassword: true, securityCode: '', continuationToken: '', isLoading: false, loaderColor: 'grey darken-4', loaderTitle: 'Working...', isShown: false, newPassword: '', newPasswordVerify: '' } }, computed: { siteTitle () { return siteConfig.title }, isSocialShown () { return this.strategies.length > 1 } }, watch: { strategies(newValue, oldValue) { this.selectedStrategy = _.find(newValue, ['key', 'local']) } }, mounted () { this.isShown = true this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.iptEmail.focus() }) }, methods: { /** * SELECT STRATEGY */ selectStrategy (strategy) { this.selectedStrategy = strategy this.screen = 'login' if (!strategy.useForm) { this.isLoading = true window.location.assign('/login/' + strategy.key) } else { this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.iptEmail.focus() }) } }, /** * LOGIN */ async login () { if (this.username.length < 2) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: this.$t('auth:invalidEmailUsername'), icon: 'alert' }) this.$refs.iptEmail.focus() } else if (this.password.length < 2) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: this.$t('auth:invalidPassword'), icon: 'alert' }) this.$refs.iptPassword.focus() } else { this.loaderColor = 'grey darken-4' this.loaderTitle = this.$t('auth:signingIn') this.isLoading = true try { let resp = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: loginMutation, variables: { username: this.username, password: this.password, strategy: this.selectedStrategy.key } }) if (_.has(resp, 'data.authentication.login')) { let respObj = _.get(resp, 'data.authentication.login', {}) if (respObj.responseResult.succeeded === true) { this.continuationToken = respObj.continuationToken if (respObj.mustChangePwd === true) { this.screen = 'changePwd' this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.iptNewPassword.focus() }) this.isLoading = false } else if (respObj.mustProvideTFA === true) { this.screen = 'tfa' this.securityCode = '' this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.iptTFA.focus() }) this.isLoading = false } else { this.loaderColor = 'green darken-1' this.loaderTitle = this.$t('auth:loginSuccess') Cookies.set('jwt', respObj.jwt, { expires: 365 }) _.delay(() => { window.location.replace('/') // TEMPORARY - USE RETURNURL
}, 1000) } } else { throw new Error(respObj.responseResult.message) } } else { throw new Error(this.$t('auth:genericError')) } } catch (err) { console.error(err) this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: err.message, icon: 'alert' }) this.isLoading = false } } }, /** * VERIFY TFA CODE */ verifySecurityCode () { if (this.securityCode.length !== 6) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: 'Enter a valid security code.', icon: 'warning' }) this.$refs.iptTFA.focus() } else { this.isLoading = true this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: tfaMutation, variables: { continuationToken: this.continuationToken, securityCode: this.securityCode } }).then(resp => { if (_.has(resp, 'data.authentication.loginTFA')) { let respObj = _.get(resp, 'data.authentication.loginTFA', {}) if (respObj.responseResult.succeeded === true) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { message: 'Login successful!', style: 'success', icon: 'check' }) _.delay(() => { window.location.replace('/') // TEMPORARY - USE RETURNURL
}, 1000) this.isLoading = false } else { throw new Error(respObj.responseResult.message) } } else { throw new Error(this.$t('auth:genericError')) } }).catch(err => { console.error(err) this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: err.message, icon: 'alert' }) this.isLoading = false }) } }, /** * CHANGE PASSWORD */ async changePassword () { this.loaderColor = 'grey darken-4' this.loaderTitle = this.$t('auth:changePwd.loading') this.isLoading = true const resp = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: changePasswordMutation, variables: { continuationToken: this.continuationToken, newPassword: this.newPassword } }) if (_.get(resp, 'data.authentication.loginChangePassword.responseResult.succeeded', false) === true) { this.loaderColor = 'green darken-1' this.loaderTitle = this.$t('auth:loginSuccess') Cookies.set('jwt', _.get(resp, 'data.authentication.loginChangePassword.jwt', ''), { expires: 365 }) _.delay(() => { window.location.replace('/') // TEMPORARY - USE RETURNURL
}, 1000) } else { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: _.get(resp, 'data.authentication.loginChangePassword.responseResult.message', false), icon: 'alert' }) this.isLoading = false } }, /** * SWITCH TO FORGOT PASSWORD SCREEN */ forgotPassword () { this.screen = 'forgot' this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.iptEmailForgot.focus() }) }, /** * FORGOT PASSWORD SUBMIT */ async forgotPasswordSubmit () { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'pink', message: 'Coming soon!', icon: 'ferry' }) } }, apollo: { strategies: { query: strategiesQuery, update: (data) => data.authentication.strategies, watchLoading (isLoading) { this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'login-strategies-refresh') } } } } </script>
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