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147 lines
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  1. #######################################################################
  2. # Wiki.js - CONFIGURATION #
  3. #######################################################################
  4. # Full documentation + examples:
  5. #
  6. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # Port the server should listen to
  8. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. port: 3000
  10. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. # Database
  12. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. # Supported Database Engines:
  14. # - postgres = PostgreSQL 9.5 or later
  15. # - mysql = MySQL 8.0 or later (5.7.8 partially supported, refer to docs)
  16. # - mariadb = MariaDB 10.2.7 or later
  17. # - mssql = MS SQL Server 2012 or later
  18. # - sqlite = SQLite 3.9 or later
  19. db:
  20. type: postgres
  21. # PostgreSQL / MySQL / MariaDB / MS SQL Server only:
  22. host: localhost
  23. port: 5432
  24. user: wikijs
  25. pass: wikijsrocks
  26. db: wiki
  27. ssl: false
  28. # Optional - PostgreSQL / MySQL / MariaDB only:
  29. # -> Uncomment lines you need below and set `auto` to false
  30. # -> Full list of accepted options:
  31. sslOptions:
  32. auto: true
  33. # rejectUnauthorized: false
  34. # ca: path/to/ca.crt
  35. # cert: path/to/cert.crt
  36. # key: path/to/key.pem
  37. # pfx: path/to/cert.pfx
  38. # passphrase: xyz123
  39. # Optional - PostgreSQL only:
  40. schema: public
  41. # SQLite only:
  42. storage: path/to/database.sqlite
  43. #######################################################################
  45. #######################################################################
  46. # Do not change unless you know what you are doing!
  47. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. # SSL/TLS Settings
  49. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. # Consider using a reverse proxy (e.g. nginx) if you require more
  51. # advanced options than those provided below.
  52. ssl:
  53. enabled: false
  54. port: 3443
  55. # Provider to use, possible values: custom, letsencrypt
  56. provider: custom
  57. # ++++++ For custom only ++++++
  58. # Certificate format, either 'pem' or 'pfx':
  59. format: pem
  60. # Using PEM format:
  61. key: path/to/key.pem
  62. cert: path/to/cert.pem
  63. # Using PFX format:
  64. pfx: path/to/cert.pfx
  65. # Passphrase when using encrypted PEM / PFX keys (default: null):
  66. passphrase: null
  67. # Diffie Hellman parameters, with key length being greater or equal
  68. # to 1024 bits (default: null):
  69. dhparam: null
  70. # ++++++ For letsencrypt only ++++++
  71. domain:
  72. subscriberEmail:
  73. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. # Database Pool Options
  75. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. # Refer to for all possible options
  77. pool:
  78. # min: 2
  79. # max: 10
  80. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. # IP address the server should listen to
  82. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. # Leave for all interfaces
  84. bindIP:
  85. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. # Log Level
  87. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. # Possible values: error, warn, info (default), verbose, debug, silly
  89. logLevel: info
  90. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. # Log Format
  92. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. # Output format for logging, possible values: default, json
  94. logFormat: default
  95. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. # Offline Mode
  97. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. # If your server cannot access the internet. Set to true and manually
  99. # download the offline files for sideloading.
  100. offline: false
  101. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. # High-Availability
  103. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. # Set to true if you have multiple concurrent instances running off the
  105. # same DB (e.g. Kubernetes pods / load balanced instances). Leave false
  106. # otherwise. You MUST be using PostgreSQL to use this feature.
  107. ha: false
  108. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. # Data Path
  110. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. # Writeable data path used for cache and temporary user uploads.
  112. dataPath: ./data
  113. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. # Body Parser Limit
  115. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. # Maximum size of API requests body that can be parsed. Does not affect
  117. # file uploads.
  118. bodyParserLimit: 5mb