You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
4.3 KiB

  1. <template lang='pug'>
  2. v-container(fluid, fill-height, grid-list-lg)
  3. v-layout(row wrap)
  4. v-flex(xs12)
  5. .headline.primary--text {{ $t('admin:general.title') }}
  6. .subheading.grey--text {{ $t('admin:general.subtitle') }}
  8. v-layout(row wrap)
  9. v-flex(lg6 xs12)
  10. v-form
  11. v-card
  12. v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat)
  13. v-toolbar-title
  14. .subheading {{ $t('admin:general.siteInfo') }}
  15. v-subheader General
  16. .px-3.pb-3
  17. v-text-field(label='Site Title', required, :counter='50', v-model='siteTitle', prepend-icon='public')
  18. v-divider
  19. v-subheader SEO
  20. .px-3.pb-3
  21. v-text-field(label='Site Description', :counter='255', prepend-icon='public')
  22. v-text-field(label='Site Keywords', :counter='255', prepend-icon='public')
  23. v-select(label='Meta Robots', chips, tags, :items='metaRobots', v-model='metaRobotsSelection', prepend-icon='public')
  24. v-divider
  25. v-subheader Analytics
  26. .px-3.pb-3
  27. v-text-field(
  28. label='Google Analytics ID'
  29. :counter='255'
  30. prepend-icon='public'
  31. persistent-hint
  32. hint='Property tracking ID for Google Analytics.'
  33. )
  34. v-divider
  35. v-subheader Footer Copyright
  36. .px-3.pb-3
  37. v-text-field(
  38. label='Company / Organization Name'
  39. v-model='company'
  40. :counter='255'
  41. prepend-icon='public'
  42. persistent-hint
  43. hint='Name to use when displaying copyright notice in the footer. Leave empty to hide.'
  44. )
  45. v-card-chin
  46. v-spacer
  47. v-btn(color='primary')
  48. v-icon(left) chevron_right
  49. span Save
  50. v-flex(lg6 xs12)
  51. v-card
  52. v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat)
  53. v-toolbar-title
  54. .subheading {{ $t('admin:general.siteBranding') }}
  55. v-card-text
  56., align-center)
  57. v-avatar(size='120', color='grey lighten-3', :tile='useSquareLogo')
  58. .ml-4
  59. v-layout(row, align-center)
  60. v-btn(color='teal', depressed, dark)
  61. v-icon(left) cloud_upload
  62. span Upload Logo
  63. v-btn(color='teal', depressed, disabled)
  64. v-icon(left) clear
  65. span Clear
  66. .caption.grey--text An image of 120x120 pixels is recommended for best results.
  67. .caption.grey--text SVG, PNG or JPG files only.
  68. v-switch(
  69. v-model='useSquareLogo'
  70. label='Use Square Logo Frame'
  71. color='primary'
  72. persistent-hint
  73. hint='Check this option if a round logo frame doesn\'t work with your logo.'
  74. )
  76. v-switch(
  77. v-model='displayMascot'
  78. label='Display Wiki.js Mascot'
  79. color='primary'
  80. persistent-hint
  81. hint='Uncheck this box if you don\'t want Henry, Wiki.js mascot, to be displayed on client-facing pages.'
  82. )
  83. v-card-chin
  84. v-spacer
  85. v-btn(color='primary')
  86. v-icon(left) chevron_right
  87. span Save
  88. </template>
  89. <script>
  90. import { sync } from 'vuex-pathify'
  91. export default {
  92. data() {
  93. return {
  94. metaRobotsSelection: ['Index', 'Follow'],
  95. metaRobots: ['Index', 'Follow', 'No Index', 'No Follow'],
  96. useSquareLogo: false,
  97. displayMascot: true
  98. }
  99. },
  100. computed: {
  101. siteTitle: sync('site/title'),
  102. company: sync('site/company')
  103. }
  104. }
  105. </script>
  106. <style lang='scss'>
  107. </style>