const _ = require('lodash') const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch') const stream = require('stream') const Promise = require('bluebird') const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = { async activate() { // not used
}, async deactivate() { // not used
}, /** * INIT */ async init() { WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Initializing...`) this.client = algoliasearch(this.config.appId, this.config.apiKey) this.index = this.client.initIndex(this.config.indexName)
// -> Create Search Index
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Setting index configuration...`) await this.index.setSettings({ searchableAttributes: [ 'title', 'description', 'content' ], attributesToRetrieve: [ 'locale', 'path', 'title', 'description' ], advancedSyntax: true }) WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Initialization completed.`) }, /** * QUERY * * @param {String} q Query * @param {Object} opts Additional options */ async query(q, opts) { try { const results = await this.index.search({ query: q, hitsPerPage: 50 }) return { results: _.map(results.hits, r => ({ id: r.objectID, locale: r.locale, path: r.path, title: r.title, description: r.description })), suggestions: [], totalHits: results.nbHits } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error:') WIKI.logger.warn(err) } }, /** * CREATE * * @param {Object} page Page to create */ async created(page) { await this.index.addObject({ objectID: page.hash, locale: page.localeCode, path: page.path, title: page.title, description: page.description, content: page.safeContent }) }, /** * UPDATE * * @param {Object} page Page to update */ async updated(page) { await this.index.partialUpdateObject({ objectID: page.hash, title: page.title, description: page.description, content: page.safeContent }) }, /** * DELETE * * @param {Object} page Page to delete */ async deleted(page) { await this.index.deleteObject(page.hash) }, /** * RENAME * * @param {Object} page Page to rename */ async renamed(page) { await this.index.deleteObject(page.hash) await this.index.addObject({ objectID: page.destinationHash, locale: page.destinationLocaleCode, path: page.destinationPath, title: page.title, description: page.description, content: page.safeContent }) }, /** * REBUILD INDEX */ async rebuild() { WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Rebuilding Index...`) await this.index.clearIndex()
const MAX_DOCUMENT_BYTES = 10 * Math.pow(2, 10) // 10 KB
const MAX_INDEXING_BYTES = 10 * Math.pow(2, 20) - Buffer.from('[').byteLength - Buffer.from(']').byteLength // 10 MB
const MAX_INDEXING_COUNT = 1000 const COMMA_BYTES = Buffer.from(',').byteLength
let chunks = [] let bytes = 0
const processDocument = async (cb, doc) => { try { if (doc) { const docBytes = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(doc)).byteLength // -> Document too large
if (docBytes >= MAX_DOCUMENT_BYTES) { throw new Error('Document exceeds maximum size allowed by Algolia.') }
// -> Current batch exceeds size hard limit, flush
if (docBytes + COMMA_BYTES + bytes >= MAX_INDEXING_BYTES) { await flushBuffer() }
if (chunks.length > 0) { bytes += COMMA_BYTES } bytes += docBytes chunks.push(doc)
// -> Current batch exceeds count soft limit, flush
if (chunks.length >= MAX_INDEXING_COUNT) { await flushBuffer() } } else { // -> End of stream, flush
await flushBuffer() } cb() } catch (err) { cb(err) } }
const flushBuffer = async () => { WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Sending batch of ${chunks.length}...`) try { await this.index.addObjects( _.map(chunks, doc => ({ objectID: doc.id, locale: doc.locale, path: doc.path, title: doc.title, description: doc.description, content: WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(doc.render) })) ) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn('(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Failed to send batch to Algolia: ', err) } chunks.length = 0 bytes = 0 }
await pipeline( WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render').select().from('pages').where({ isPublished: true, isPrivate: false }).stream(), new stream.Transform({ objectMode: true, transform: async (chunk, enc, cb) => processDocument(cb, chunk), flush: async (cb) => processDocument(cb) }) ) WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Index rebuilt successfully.`) } }