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  1. [unix_http_server]
  2. file=/var/run/supervisor.sock
  3. chmod=0700
  4. [supervisord]
  5. logfile=/logs/supervisord.log
  6. pidfile=/var/run/
  7. childlogdir=/logs
  8. [rpcinterface:supervisor]
  9. supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
  10. [supervisorctl]
  11. serverurl=unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock
  12. [program:wikijs]
  13. command = node server
  14. autostart=true
  15. autorestart=true
  16. priority=5
  17. directory=/var/wiki
  18. stdout_logfile=/logs/wiki-stdout.log
  19. stderr_logfile=/logs/wiki-stderr.log