// ===========================================
// Wiki.js - Background Agent
// 1.0.0
// Licensed under AGPLv3
// ===========================================
const path = require('path') const ROOTPATH = process.cwd() const SERVERPATH = path.join(ROOTPATH, 'server')
global.ROOTPATH = ROOTPATH global.SERVERPATH = SERVERPATH const IS_DEBUG = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
let appconf = require('./libs/config')() global.appconfig = appconf.config global.appdata = appconf.data
// ----------------------------------------
// Load Winston
// ----------------------------------------
global.winston = require('./libs/logger')(IS_DEBUG, 'AGENT')
// ----------------------------------------
// Load global modules
// ----------------------------------------
global.winston.info('Background Agent is initializing...')
global.db = require('./libs/db').init() global.upl = require('./libs/uploads-agent').init() global.git = require('./libs/git').init() global.entries = require('./libs/entries').init() global.lang = require('i18next') global.mark = require('./libs/markdown')
// ----------------------------------------
// Load modules
// ----------------------------------------
const moment = require('moment') const Promise = require('bluebird') const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra')) const klaw = require('klaw') const Cron = require('cron').CronJob const i18nBackend = require('i18next-node-fs-backend')
const entryHelper = require('./helpers/entry')
// ----------------------------------------
// Localization Engine
// ----------------------------------------
global.lang .use(i18nBackend) .init({ load: 'languageOnly', ns: ['common', 'admin', 'auth', 'errors', 'git'], defaultNS: 'common', saveMissing: false, preload: [appconfig.lang], lng: appconfig.lang, fallbackLng: 'en', backend: { loadPath: path.join(SERVERPATH, 'locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json') } })
// ----------------------------------------
// Start Cron
// ----------------------------------------
let job let jobIsBusy = false let jobUplWatchStarted = false
global.db.onReady.then(() => { return global.db.Entry.remove({}) }).then(() => { job = new Cron({ cronTime: '0 */5 * * * *', onTick: () => { // Make sure we don't start two concurrent jobs
if (jobIsBusy) { global.winston.warn('Previous job has not completed gracefully or is still running! Skipping for now. (This is not normal, you should investigate)') return } global.winston.info('Running all jobs...') jobIsBusy = true
// Prepare async job collector
let jobs = [] let repoPath = path.resolve(ROOTPATH, appconfig.paths.repo) let dataPath = path.resolve(ROOTPATH, appconfig.paths.data) let uploadsTempPath = path.join(dataPath, 'temp-upload')
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
//* ****************************************
// -> Sync with Git remote
//* ****************************************
jobs.push(global.git.resync().then(() => { // -> Stream all documents
let cacheJobs = [] let jobCbStreamDocsResolve = null let jobCbStreamDocs = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { jobCbStreamDocsResolve = resolve })
klaw(repoPath).on('data', function (item) { if (path.extname(item.path) === '.md' && path.basename(item.path) !== 'README.md') { let entryPath = entryHelper.parsePath(entryHelper.getEntryPathFromFullPath(item.path)) let cachePath = entryHelper.getCachePath(entryPath)
// -> Purge outdated cache
cacheJobs.push( fs.statAsync(cachePath).then((st) => { return moment(st.mtime).isBefore(item.stats.mtime) ? 'expired' : 'active' }).catch((err) => { return (err.code !== 'EEXIST') ? err : 'new' }).then((fileStatus) => { // -> Delete expired cache file
if (fileStatus === 'expired') { return fs.unlinkAsync(cachePath).return(fileStatus) }
return fileStatus }).then((fileStatus) => { // -> Update cache and search index
if (fileStatus !== 'active') { return global.entries.updateCache(entryPath).then(entry => { process.send({ action: 'searchAdd', content: entry }) return true }) }
return true }) ) } }).on('end', () => { jobCbStreamDocsResolve(Promise.all(cacheJobs)) })
return jobCbStreamDocs }))
//* ****************************************
// -> Clear failed temporary upload files
//* ****************************************
jobs.push( fs.readdirAsync(uploadsTempPath).then((ls) => { let fifteenAgo = moment().subtract(15, 'minutes')
return Promise.map(ls, (f) => { return fs.statAsync(path.join(uploadsTempPath, f)).then((s) => { return { filename: f, stat: s } }) }).filter((s) => { return s.stat.isFile() }).then((arrFiles) => { return Promise.map(arrFiles, (f) => { if (moment(f.stat.ctime).isBefore(fifteenAgo, 'minute')) { return fs.unlinkAsync(path.join(uploadsTempPath, f.filename)) } else { return true } }) }) }) )
// ----------------------------------------
// Run
// ----------------------------------------
Promise.all(jobs).then(() => { global.winston.info('All jobs completed successfully! Going to sleep for now.')
if (!jobUplWatchStarted) { jobUplWatchStarted = true global.upl.initialScan().then(() => { job.start() }) }
return true }).catch((err) => { global.winston.error('One or more jobs have failed: ', err) }).finally(() => { jobIsBusy = false }) }, start: false, timeZone: 'UTC', runOnInit: true }) })
// ----------------------------------------
// Shutdown gracefully
// ----------------------------------------
process.on('disconnect', () => { global.winston.warn('Lost connection to main server. Exiting...') job.stop() process.exit() })
process.on('exit', () => { job.stop() })