<template lang="pug"> transition(:duration="400") .modal(v-show='isShown', v-cloak) transition(name='modal-background') .modal-background(v-show='isShown') .modal-container transition(name='modal-content') .modal-content(v-show='isShown') header.is-indigo Move document section label.label Enter the new document path: p.control.is-fullwidth(v-bind:class='{ "is-loading": isLoading }') input.input(type='text', placeholder='page-name', v-model='movePath', ref='movePageInput', @keyup.enter='move', @keyup.esc='cancel') span.help.is-red(v-show='isInvalid') This document path is invalid or not allowed! span.note Note that moving or renaming documents can lead to broken links. Make sure to edit any page that links to this document afterwards! footer a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(v-on:click='cancel') Discard a.button.is-indigo(v-on:click='move') Move </template>
<script> export default { name: 'modal-move-page', props: ['currentPath'], data () { return { movePath: '', isLoading: false, isInvalid: false } }, computed: { isShown () { if(this.$store.state.modalMovePage.shown) { this.movePath = this.currentPath this.makeSelection() } return this.$store.state.modalMovePage.shown } }, methods: { makeSelection: function () { let self = this; self._.delay(() => { let startPos = (self._.includes(self.currentPath, '/') ? self._.lastIndexOf(self.movePath, '/') + 1 : 0 self.$helpers.form.setInputSelection(self.$refs.movePageInput, startPos, self.movePath.length) }, 100) }, cancel: function () { this.$store.dispatch('modalMovePage/close') }, move: function () { this.isInvalid = false let newDocPath = this.$helpers.pages.makeSafePath(this.movePath) if (this._.isEmpty(newDocPath) || newDocPath === this.currentPath || newDocPath === 'home') {) { this.isInvalid = true } else { this.isLoading = true this.$http.put(window.location.href, { move: newDocPath }).then(resp => { return resp.json() }).then(resp => { if (resp.ok) { window.location.assign('/' + newDocPath) } else { this.loading = false self.$store.dispatch('alert', { style: 'red', icon: 'square-cross', msg: resp.msg }) } }).catch(err => { this.loading = false self.$store.dispatch('alert', { style: 'red', icon: 'square-cross', msg: 'Error: ' + err.body.msg }) }) } } } } </script>