"use strict";
var NodeGit = require("nodegit"), Promise = require('bluebird'), path = require('path'), os = require('os'), fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs")), _ = require('lodash');
/** * Git Model */ module.exports = {
_git: null, _repo: { path: '', exists: false, inst: null },
/** * Initialize Git model * * @param {Object} appconfig The application config * @return {Object} Git model instance */ init(appconfig) {
let self = this;
//-> Build repository path
if(_.isEmpty(appconfig.git.path) || appconfig.git.path === 'auto') { self._repo.path = path.join(ROOTPATH, 'repo'); } else { self._repo.path = appconfig.git.path; }
//-> Initialize repository
self._initRepo(appconfig).then((repo) => { self._repo.inst = repo; });
return self;
/** * Initialize Git repository * * @param {Object} appconfig The application config * @return {Object} Promise */ _initRepo(appconfig) {
let self = this;
winston.info('[GIT] Initializing Git repository...');
//-> Check if path is accessible
return fs.mkdirAsync(self._repo.path).catch((err) => { if(err.code !== 'EEXIST') { winston.error('Invalid Git repository path or missing permissions.'); } }).then(() => {
//-> Check if path already contains a git working folder
return fs.statAsync(path.join(self._repo.path, '.git')).then((stat) => { self._repo.exists = stat.isDirectory(); }).catch((err) => { self._repo.exists = false; });
}).then(() => {
//-> Init repository
let repoInitOperation = null;
if(self._repo.exists) {
winston.info('[GIT] Using existing repository...'); repoInitOperation = NodeGit.Repository.open(self._repo.path);
} else if(appconfig.git.mode === 'remote') {
winston.info('[GIT] Cloning remote repository for first time...'); let cloneOptions = self._generateCloneOptions(appconfig); repoInitOperation = NodeGit.Clone(appconfig.git.url, self._repo.path, cloneOptions);
} else {
winston.info('[GIT] Using offline local repository...'); repoInitOperation = NodeGit.Repository.init(self._repo.path, 0);
return repoInitOperation;
}).catch((err) => { winston.error('Unable to open or clone Git repository!'); winston.error(err); }).then((repo) => {
self._repo.inst = repo;
winston.info('[GIT] Git repository is now ready.'); });
/** * Generate Clone Options object * * @param {Object} appconfig The application configuration * @return {Object} CloneOptions object */ _generateCloneOptions(appconfig) {
let cloneOptions = {};
cloneOptions.fetchOpts = { callbacks: { credentials: () => {
let cred = null; switch(appconfig.git.auth.type) { case 'basic': cred = NodeGit.Cred.userpassPlaintextNew( appconfig.git.auth.user, appconfig.git.auth.pass ); break; case 'oauth': cred = NodeGit.Cred.userpassPlaintextNew( appconfig.git.auth.token, "x-oauth-basic" ); break; case 'ssh': cred = NodeGit.Cred.sshKeyNew( appconfig.git.auth.user, appconfig.git.auth.publickey, appconfig.git.auth.privatekey, appconfig.git.auth.passphrase ); break; default: cred = NodeGit.Cred.defaultNew(); break; }
return cred; } } };
if(os.type() === 'Darwin') { cloneOptions.fetchOpts.callbacks.certificateCheck = () => { return 1; }; // Bug in OS X, bypass certs check workaround
return cloneOptions;