You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<template lang="pug"> transition(:duration="400") .modal(v-show='isShown', v-cloak) transition(name='modal-background') .modal-background(v-show='isShown') .modal-container transition(name='modal-content') .modal-content(v-show='isShown') span Copy link to this section section input.input(type='text', ref='anchorURLinput', v-model='anchorURL') footer'cancel') Discard'anchorURL', @success="clipboardSuccess", @error="clipboardError") Copy to Clipboard </template>
<script> export default { name: 'anchor', data () { return {} }, computed: { anchorURL () { return window.location.href.split('#')[0] + '#' + this.$store.state.anchor.hash }, isShown () { return this.$store.state.anchor.shown } }, methods: { cancel () { this.$store.dispatch('anchorClose') }, clipboardSuccess () { this.$store.dispatch('alert', { style: 'blue', icon: 'clipboard', msg: 'The URL has been copied to your clipboard.' }) this.$store.dispatch('anchorClose') }, clipboardError () { this.$store.dispatch('alert', { style: 'red', icon: 'clipboard', msg: 'Clipboard copy failed. Copy the URL manually.' }) this.$ } } } </script>