You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#!/usr/bin/env node
// ===========================================
// Wiki.js DEV UTILITY
// Licensed under AGPLv3
// ===========================================
const Promise = require('bluebird') const _ = require('lodash') const chalk = require('chalk')
const init = { dev() { const webpack = require('webpack') const chokidar = require('chokidar')
global.DEV = true global.WP_CONFIG = require('./dev/webpack/') global.WP = webpack(global.WP_CONFIG) global.WP_DEV = { devMiddleware: require('webpack-dev-middleware')(global.WP, { publicPath: global.WP_CONFIG.output.publicPath }), hotMiddleware: require('webpack-hot-middleware')(global.WP) } global.WP_DEV.devMiddleware.waitUntilValid(() => {'>>> Starting Wiki.js in DEVELOPER mode...')) require('./server')
process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8') process.stdin.on('data', data => { if (_.trim(data) === 'rs') { console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold('--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---')) console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold('--- Manual restart requested ---')) console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold('--- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---')) this.reload() } })
const devWatcher =[ './server', '!./server/views/master.pug' ], { ignoreInitial: true, atomic: 400 }) devWatcher.on('ready', () => { devWatcher.on('all', () => { console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold('--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---')) console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold('--- Changes detected: Restarting ---')) console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold('--- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---')) this.reload() }) }) }) }, async reload() { console.warn(chalk.yellow('--- Stopping scheduled jobs...')) if (global.WIKI.scheduler) { global.WIKI.scheduler.stop() } console.warn(chalk.yellow('--- Closing DB connections...')) await global.WIKI.models.knex.destroy() console.warn(chalk.yellow('--- Closing Server connections...')) if (global.WIKI.server) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => global.WIKI.server.destroy(resolve)) } console.warn(chalk.yellow('--- Purging node modules cache...'))
global.WIKI = {} Object.keys(require.cache).forEach(id => { if (/[/\\]server[/\\]/.test(id)) { delete require.cache[id] } }) Object.keys(module.constructor._pathCache).forEach(cacheKey => { if (/[/\\]server[/\\]/.test(cacheKey)) { delete module.constructor._pathCache[cacheKey] } })
console.warn(chalk.yellow('--- Unregistering process listeners...'))
process.removeAllListeners('unhandledRejection') process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException')
require('./server') } }
require('yargs') // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
.usage('Usage: node $0 <cmd> [args]') .command({ command: 'dev', desc: 'Start in Developer Mode', handler: argv => { } }) .recommendCommands() .demandCommand(1, 'You must provide one of the accepted commands above.') .help() .version() .epilogue('Read the docs at') .argv