You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.4 KiB

  1. #header-container
  2. nav.nav.stickyscroll#header
  3. .nav-left
  4. block rootNavLeft
  5. //a.nav-item(href='/')
  6. img(src='/favicons/android-icon-96x96.png', alt='Wiki')
  7. a.nav-item(href='/')
  8. h1
  9. i.icon-layers
  10. = appconfig.title
  11. .nav-center
  12. block rootNavCenter
  13. .nav-item
  14. p.control(v-bind:class="{ 'is-loading': searchload > 0 }")
  15. input.input#search-input(type='text', v-model='searchq', @keyup.esc='closeSearch', @keyup.down='moveDownSearch', @keyup.up='moveUpSearch', @keyup.enter='moveSelectSearch', debounce='400', placeholder='Search...')
  16. span.nav-toggle
  17. span
  18. span
  19. span
  20. .nav-right
  21. block rootNavRight
  22. i.nav-item#notifload
  23. transition(name="searchresults-anim", enter-active-class="slideInDown", leave-active-class="fadeOutUp")
  24. .searchresults.animated(v-show='searchactive', v-cloak, style={'display':'none'})
  25. p.searchresults-label Search Results
  26. ul.searchresults-list
  27. li(v-if="searchres.length === 0")
  28. a: em No results matching your query
  29. li(v-for='sres in searchres', v-bind:class="{ 'is-active': searchmovekey === 'res.' + sres._id }")
  30. a(v-bind:href="'/' + sres._id") {{ sres.title }}
  31. p.searchresults-label(v-if='searchsuggest.length > 0') Did you mean...?
  32. ul.searchresults-list(v-if='searchsuggest.length > 0')
  33. li(v-for='sug in searchsuggest', v-bind:class="{ 'is-active': searchmovekey === 'sug.' + sug }")
  34. a(v-on:click="useSuggestion(sug)") {{ sug }}