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  1. extends ../layout.pug
  2. mixin tocMenu(ti)
  3. each node in ti
  4. li
  5. a(href='#' + node.anchor, title=node.content)= node.content
  6. if node.nodes.length > 0
  7. ul
  8. +tocMenu(node.nodes)
  9. block rootNavRight
  10. i.nav-item#notifload
  11. .nav-item
  12. if rights.write
  14. i.icon-shuffle
  15. span Move
  16.'/source/' + pageData.meta.path)
  17. i.icon-loader
  18. span Source
  19. if rights.write
  20. a.button(href='/edit/' + pageData.meta.path)
  21. i.icon-document-text
  22. span Edit
  23. a.button.btn-create-prompt
  24. i.icon-plus
  25. span Create
  26. block content
  27. #page-type-view(data-entrypath=pageData.meta.path)
  31. aside
  32. .sidebar-label
  33. i.icon-th-small
  34. span Navigation
  35. ul.sidebar-menu
  36. li
  37. a(href='/')
  38. i.icon-home
  39. span Home
  40. if pageData.parent
  41. li
  42. a(href='/' + pageData.parent.path)
  43. i.icon-reply
  44. span= pageData.parent.title
  45. if !isGuest
  46. li
  47. a(href='/admin')
  48. i.icon-head
  49. span Account
  50. else
  51. li
  52. a(href='/login')
  53. i.icon-unlock
  54. span Login
  55. aside.stickyscroll(data-margin-top=40)
  56. .sidebar-label
  57. i.icon-th-list
  58. span Contents
  59. ul.sidebar-menu
  60. li: a(href='#root', title='Start') Start
  61. +tocMenu(pageData.tree)
  62. .column
  63. .hero
  64. h1.title#title= pageData.meta.title
  65. if pageData.meta.subtitle
  66. h2.subtitle= pageData.meta.subtitle
  67. .content.mkcontent
  68. != pageData.html
  69. include ../modals/create.pug
  70. include ../modals/move.pug