const passport = require('passport') const passportJWT = require('passport-jwt') const _ = require('lodash') const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken') const moment = require('moment') const Promise = require('bluebird') const crypto = Promise.promisifyAll(require('crypto')) const pem2jwk = require('pem-jwk').pem2jwk
const securityHelper = require('../helpers/security')
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = { strategies: {}, guest: { cacheExpiration: moment.utc().subtract(1, 'd') }, groups: {},
/** * Initialize the authentication module */ init() { this.passport = passport
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => { done(null, user.id) })
passport.deserializeUser(async (id, done) => { try { const user = await WIKI.models.users.query().findById(id).withGraphFetched('groups').modifyGraph('groups', builder => { builder.select('groups.id', 'permissions') }) if (user) { done(null, user) } else { done(new Error(WIKI.lang.t('auth:errors:usernotfound')), null) } } catch (err) { done(err, null) } })
return this },
/** * Load authentication strategies */ async activateStrategies() { try { // Unload any active strategies
WIKI.auth.strategies = {} const currentStrategies = _.keys(passport._strategies) _.pull(currentStrategies, 'session') _.forEach(currentStrategies, stg => { passport.unuse(stg) })
// Load JWT
passport.use('jwt', new passportJWT.Strategy({ jwtFromRequest: securityHelper.extractJWT, secretOrKey: WIKI.config.certs.public, audience: WIKI.config.auth.audience, issuer: 'urn:wiki.js' }, (jwtPayload, cb) => { cb(null, jwtPayload) }))
// Load enabled strategies
const enabledStrategies = await WIKI.models.authentication.getStrategies() for (let idx in enabledStrategies) { const stg = enabledStrategies[idx] if (!stg.isEnabled) { continue }
const strategy = require(`../modules/authentication/${stg.key}/authentication.js`)
stg.config.callbackURL = `${WIKI.config.host}/login/${stg.key}/callback` strategy.init(passport, stg.config) strategy.config = stg.config
WIKI.auth.strategies[stg.key] = { ...strategy, ...stg } WIKI.logger.info(`Authentication Strategy ${stg.key}: [ OK ]`) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.error(`Authentication Strategy: [ FAILED ]`) WIKI.logger.error(err) } },
/** * Authenticate current request * * @param {Express Request} req * @param {Express Response} res * @param {Express Next Callback} next */ authenticate(req, res, next) { WIKI.auth.passport.authenticate('jwt', {session: false}, async (err, user, info) => { if (err) { return next() }
// Expired but still valid within N days, just renew
if (info instanceof Error && info.name === 'TokenExpiredError' && moment().subtract(14, 'days').isBefore(info.expiredAt)) { const jwtPayload = jwt.decode(securityHelper.extractJWT(req)) try { const newToken = await WIKI.models.users.refreshToken(jwtPayload.id) user = newToken.user user.permissions = user.getGlobalPermissions() req.user = user
// Try headers, otherwise cookies for response
if (req.get('content-type') === 'application/json') { res.set('new-jwt', newToken.token) } else { res.cookie('jwt', newToken.token, { expires: moment().add(365, 'days').toDate() }) } } catch (errc) { WIKI.logger.warn(errc) return next() } }
// JWT is NOT valid, set as guest
if (!user) { if (WIKI.auth.guest.cacheExpiration.isSameOrBefore(moment.utc())) { WIKI.auth.guest = await WIKI.models.users.getGuestUser() WIKI.auth.guest.cacheExpiration = moment.utc().add(1, 'm') } req.user = WIKI.auth.guest return next() }
// JWT is valid
req.logIn(user, { session: false }, (errc) => { if (errc) { return next(errc) } next() }) })(req, res, next) },
/** * Check if user has access to resource * * @param {User} user * @param {Array<String>} permissions * @param {String|Boolean} path */ checkAccess(user, permissions = [], page = false) { const userPermissions = user.permissions ? user.permissions : user.getGlobalPermissions()
// System Admin
if (_.includes(userPermissions, 'manage:system')) { return true }
// Check Global Permissions
if (_.intersection(userPermissions, permissions).length < 1) { return false }
// Check Page Rules
if (page && user.groups) { let checkState = { deny: false, match: false, specificity: '' } user.groups.forEach(grp => { const grpId = _.isObject(grp) ? _.get(grp, 'id', 0) : grp _.get(WIKI.auth.groups, `${grpId}.pageRules`, []).forEach(rule => { if (_.intersection(rule.roles, permissions).length > 0) { switch (rule.match) { case 'START': if (_.startsWith(`/${page.path}`, `/${rule.path}`)) { checkState = this._applyPageRuleSpecificity({ rule, checkState, higherPriority: ['END', 'REGEX', 'EXACT', 'TAG'] }) } break case 'END': if (_.endsWith(page.path, rule.path)) { checkState = this._applyPageRuleSpecificity({ rule, checkState, higherPriority: ['REGEX', 'EXACT', 'TAG'] }) } break case 'REGEX': const reg = new RegExp(rule.path) if (reg.test(page.path)) { checkState = this._applyPageRuleSpecificity({ rule, checkState, higherPriority: ['EXACT', 'TAG'] }) } break case 'TAG': _.get(page, 'tags', []).forEach(tag => { if (tag.tag === rule.path) { checkState = this._applyPageRuleSpecificity({ rule, checkState, higherPriority: ['EXACT'] }) } }) break case 'EXACT': if (`/${page.path}` === `/${rule.path}`) { checkState = this._applyPageRuleSpecificity({ rule, checkState, higherPriority: [] }) } break } } }) })
return (checkState.match && !checkState.deny) }
return false },
/** * Check and apply Page Rule specificity * * @access private */ _applyPageRuleSpecificity ({ rule, checkState, higherPriority = [] }) { if (rule.path.length === checkState.specificity.length) { // Do not override higher priority rules
if (_.includes(higherPriority, checkState.match)) { return checkState } // Do not override a previous DENY rule with same match
if (rule.match === checkState.match && checkState.deny && !rule.deny) { return checkState } } else if (rule.path.length < checkState.specificity.length) { // Do not override higher specificity rules
return checkState }
return { deny: rule.deny, match: rule.match, specificity: rule.path } },
/** * Reload Groups from DB */ async reloadGroups() { const groupsArray = await WIKI.models.groups.query() this.groups = _.keyBy(groupsArray, 'id') },
/** * Generate New Authentication Public / Private Key Certificates */ async regenerateCertificates() { WIKI.logger.info('Regenerating certificates...')
_.set(WIKI.config, 'sessionSecret', (await crypto.randomBytesAsync(32)).toString('hex')) const certs = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('rsa', { modulusLength: 2048, publicKeyEncoding: { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' }, privateKeyEncoding: { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem', cipher: 'aes-256-cbc', passphrase: WIKI.config.sessionSecret } })
_.set(WIKI.config, 'certs', { jwk: pem2jwk(certs.publicKey), public: certs.publicKey, private: certs.privateKey })
await WIKI.configSvc.saveToDb([ 'certs', 'sessionSecret' ])
await WIKI.auth.activateStrategies()
WIKI.logger.info('Regenerated certificates: [ COMPLETED ]') },
/** * Reset Guest User */ async resetGuestUser() { WIKI.logger.info('Resetting guest account...') const guestGroup = await WIKI.models.groups.query().where('id', 2).first()
await WIKI.models.users.query().delete().where({ providerKey: 'local', email: 'guest@example.com' }).orWhere('id', 2)
const guestUser = await WIKI.models.users.query().insert({ id: 2, provider: 'local', email: 'guest@example.com', name: 'Guest', password: '', locale: 'en', defaultEditor: 'markdown', tfaIsActive: false, isSystem: true, isActive: true, isVerified: true }) await guestUser.$relatedQuery('groups').relate(guestGroup.id)
WIKI.logger.info('Guest user has been reset: [ COMPLETED ]') } }