#! /bin/bash IMAGE_NAME="leesah/shadowsocks-libev" PORTNUMBER="8338" SHADOWSOCKS="/usr/local/bin/ss-server" HOST="-s" PORT="-p $PORTNUMBER" JSON="" function print_usage { echo echo "Usage:" echo " docker run $IMAGE_NAME [OPTIONS]" echo echo "OPTIONS" echo " -k password of your remote server" echo echo " [-m ] encrypt method: table, rc4, rc4-md5" echo " aes-128-cfb, aes-192-cfb, aes-256-cfb," echo " bf-cfb, camellia-128-cfb, camellia-192-cfb," echo " camellia-256-cfb, cast5-cfb, des-cfb, idea-cfb," echo " rc2-cfb, seed-cfb, salsa20 and chacha20" echo " [-t ] socket timeout in seconds" echo " [-c ] config file in json" echo " [-u] enable udprelay mode" echo " [-v] verbose mode" echo echo " [--fast-open] enable TCP fast open" echo " [--acl ] config file of ACL \(Access Control List\)" echo echo " [-h] print this" echo } function print_usage_configfile { echo "Config file is currently not supported by this image." echo echo "See https://github.com/leesah/shadowsocks-libev/issues/1 for current progress." echo } function print_usage_host { echo "To specify the host on which ss-server should listen, please use" echo " docker run -p $1::$PORTNUMBER ..." echo "or" echo " docker run -p $1::$PORTNUMBER ..." echo echo "See manpage of docker-run for more details:" echo " man docker-run" echo } function print_usage_port { echo "To specify the port on which ss-server should listen, please use" echo " docker run -p $1:$PORTNUMBER ..." echo } OPTIONS=`getopt -o s:p:k:m:t:c:uvh --long server:,key:,password:,encrypt-method:,timeout:,acl:,server-port:,config-file:,fast-open,help -n "$IMAGE_NAME" -- "$@"` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then print_usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$OPTIONS" while true; do case "$1" in -k|--key|--password) PASSWORD="-k $2"; shift 2;; -m|--encrypt-method) ENCRYPTION="-m $2"; shift 2;; -t|--timeout) TIMEOUT="-t $2"; shift 2;; --acl) ACL="--acl $2"; shift 2;; --fast-open) FAST_OPEN="--fast-open"; shift;; -u) UDP_RELAY="-u"; shift;; -v) VERBOSE="-v"; shift;; --) shift; break;; -c|--config-file) print_usage_configfile; exit 128;; -s|--server) print_usage_host "$2"; exit 128;; -p|--server-port) print_usage_port "$2"; exit 128;; -h|--help) print_usage; exit 0;; *) echo "$IMAGE_NAME: unexpected argument: $1" print_usage exit 1;; esac done if [ -z "$HOST" -o -z "$PORT" -o -z "$PASSWORD" ]; then echo "$IMAGE_NAME: insufficient arguments." print_usage exit 1 fi echo "Launching Shadowsocks server..." echo "To watch the output, run" echo " docker ps -ql | xargs docker logs -f" $SHADOWSOCKS $HOST $PORT $PASSWORD $ENCRYPTION $TIMEOUT $UDP_RELAY $VERBOSE $FAST_OPEN $ACL $JSON