#!/usr/bin/env node
// Usage: node test.js
// Script that creates index.html out of web/template.html and README.md.
// It is written in JS because this code used to be executed on the client side.
// To install dependencies run:
// $ npm install -g jsdom jquery showdown highlightjs
// If running on mac and modules cant be found after instalation add:
// export NODE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/node_modules
// to the ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file and run '$ bash'.
const fs = require('fs');
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const showdown = require('showdown');
const hljs = require('highlightjs');
const TOC =
' +
ToC = {\n' +
' \'1. Collections\': [List, Dict, Set, Range, Enumerate, Namedtuple, Iterator, Generator],\n' +
' \'2. Types\': [Type, String, Regex, Format, Numbers, Combinatorics, Datetimeᴺᴱᵂ],\n' +
' \'3. Syntax\': [Arguments, Splat, Inline, Closure, Decorator, Class, Enum, Exceptions],\n' +
' \'4. System\': [Print, Input, Command_Line_Arguments, Open, Pathᴺᴱᵂ, Command_Execution],\n' +
' \'5. Data\': [CSV, JSON, Pickle, SQLite, Bytes, Struct, Array, MemoryView, Deque],\n' +
' \'6. Advanced\': [Threading, Introspection, Metaprograming, Operator, Eval, Coroutine],\n' +
' \'7. Libraries\': [Progress_Bar, Plot, Table, Curses, Loggingᴺᴱᵂ, Scraping, Web, Profile,\n' +
' NumPy, Image, Audio]\n' +
'}\n' +
const DIAGRAM_1_A =
'+---------+-------------+\n' +
'| classes | metaclasses |\n' +
'+---------|-------------|\n' +
'| MyClass > MyMetaClass |\n' +
'| | v |\n' +
'| object ---> type <+ |\n' +
'| | ^ +---+ |\n' +
'| str -------+ |\n' +
const DIAGRAM_1_B =
'┏━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓\n' +
'┃ classes │ metaclasses ┃\n' +
'┠─────────┼─────────────┨\n' +
'┃ MyClass → MyMetaClass ┃\n' +
'┃ │ ↓ ┃\n' +
'┃ object ───→ type ←╮ ┃\n' +
'┃ │ ↑ ╰───╯ ┃\n' +
'┃ str ───────╯ ┃\n' +
const DIAGRAM_2_A =
'+---------+-------------+\n' +
'| classes | metaclasses |\n' +
'+---------|-------------|\n' +
'| MyClass | MyMetaClass |\n' +
'| v | v |\n' +
'| object <--- type |\n' +
'| ^ | |\n' +
'| str | |\n' +
const DIAGRAM_2_B =
'┏━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓\n' +
'┃ classes │ metaclasses ┃\n' +
'┠─────────┼─────────────┨\n' +
'┃ MyClass │ MyMetaClass ┃\n' +
'┃ ↓ │ ↓ ┃\n' +
'┃ object ←─── type ┃\n' +
'┃ ↑ │ ┃\n' +
'┃ str │ ┃\n' +
function main() {
const html = getMd();
const template = readFile('web/template.html');
const tokens = template.split('');
const text = `${tokens[0]} ${document.body.innerHTML} ${tokens[1]}`;
writeToFile('index.html', text);
function initDom(html) {
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const dom = new JSDOM(html);
const $ = (require('jquery'))(dom.window);
global.$ = $;
global.document = dom.window.document;
function getMd() {
var readme = readFile('README.md');
readme = switchClassDiagrams(readme);
const converter = new showdown.Converter();
return converter.makeHtml(readme);
function switchClassDiagrams(readme) {
readme = readme.replace(DIAGRAM_1_A, DIAGRAM_1_B)
return readme.replace(DIAGRAM_2_A, DIAGRAM_2_B)
function modifyPage() {
function removeOrigToc() {
const headerContents = $('#contents');
const contentsList = headerContents.next();
function addToc() {
const nodes = $.parseHTML(TOC);
function insertLinks() {
$('h2').each(function() {
const aId = $(this).attr('id');
const text = $(this).text();
const line = `#${text}`;
function unindentBanner() {
const montyImg = $('img').first();
const downloadPraragrapth = $('p').first();
function highlightCode() {