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Iterable duck types

Jure Šorn 2 years ago
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions
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@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ class MySequence:
### ABC Sequence
* **It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.**
* **Extending it generates iter(), contains(), reversed(), index() and count().**
* **Unlike `'abc.Iterable'` and `'abc.Collection'`, it is not a duck type. That is why `'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'` would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray and memoryview, because they are registered as Sequence's virtual subclasses.**
* **Unlike `'abc.Iterable'` and `'abc.Collection'`, it is not a duck type. That is why `'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'` would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview and deque, because they are registered as Sequence's virtual subclasses.**
from collections import abc


@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ Hello World!
<div><h3 id="abcsequence">ABC Sequence</h3><ul>
<li><strong>It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Extending it generates iter(), contains(), reversed(), index() and count().</strong></li>
<li><strong>Unlike <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'abc.Iterable'</span></code> and <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'abc.Collection'</span></code>, it is not a duck type. That is why <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'</span></code> would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray and memoryview, because they are registered as Sequence's virtual subclasses.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Unlike <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'abc.Iterable'</span></code> and <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'abc.Collection'</span></code>, it is not a duck type. That is why <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'</span></code> would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview and deque, because they are registered as Sequence's virtual subclasses.</strong></li>
</ul><pre><code class="python language-python hljs"><span class="hljs-keyword">from</span> collections <span class="hljs-keyword">import</span> abc
<span class="hljs-class"><span class="hljs-keyword">class</span> <span class="hljs-title">MyAbcSequence</span><span class="hljs-params">(abc.Sequence)</span>:</span>
