re.split(<regex>, text, maxsplit=0) # Use brackets in regex to keep the matches.
**'Search' and 'match' functions return a 'Match' object. Use '.group()' method on it to get the whole match, or '.group(1)' to get the part in first bracket.**
* **'Search' and 'match' functions return a 'Match' object. Use '.group()' method on it to get the whole match, or '.group(1)' to get the part in first bracket.**
**Parameter 'flags=re.IGNORECASE' can be used with all functions. Parameter 'flags=re.DOTALL' makes dot also accept newline.**
* **Parameter 'flags=re.IGNORECASE' can be used with all functions. Parameter 'flags=re.DOTALL' makes dot also accept newline.**