* **It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.**
* **It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.**
* **Extending it generates iter(), contains(), reversed(), index() and count().**
* **Extending it generates iter(), contains(), reversed(), index() and count().**
* **Unlike `'abc.Iterable'` and `'abc.Collection'`, it is not a duck type. That is why `'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'` would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray, array, memoryview and deque, because they are registered as its virtual subclasses.**
* **Unlike `'abc.Iterable'` and `'abc.Collection'`, it is not a duck type. That is why `'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'` would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray, array, memoryview and deque, since they are registered as Sequence's virtual subclasses.**
from collections import abc
from collections import abc
@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ except (<exception>, [...]) as <name>: ...
* **Also catches subclasses of the exception.**
* **Also catches subclasses of the exception.**
* **Use `'traceback.print_exc()'` to print the full error message to stderr.**
* **Use `'traceback.print_exc()'` to print the full error message to stderr.**
* **Use `'print(<name>)'` to print just the cause of the exception (its arguments).**
* **Use `'print(<name>)'` to print just the cause of the exception (its arguments).**
* **Use `'logging.exception(<message>)'` to log the passed message, followed by the full error message of the caught exception.**
* **Use `'logging.exception(<message>)'` to log the passed message, followed by the full error message of the caught exception. For details see [logging](#logging).**
* **Use `'sys.exc_info()'` to get exception type, object and traceback of caught exception.**
* **Use `'sys.exc_info()'` to get exception type, object and traceback of caught exception.**
<li><strong>It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.</strong></li>
<li><strong>It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Extending it generates iter(), contains(), reversed(), index() and count().</strong></li>
<li><strong>Extending it generates iter(), contains(), reversed(), index() and count().</strong></li>
<li><strong>Unlike <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'abc.Iterable'</span></code> and <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'abc.Collection'</span></code>, it is not a duck type. That is why <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'</span></code> would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray, array, memoryview and deque, because they are registered as its virtual subclasses.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Unlike <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'abc.Iterable'</span></code> and <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'abc.Collection'</span></code>, it is not a duck type. That is why <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'issubclass(MySequence, abc.Sequence)'</span></code> would return False even if MySequence had all the methods defined. It however recognizes list, tuple, range, str, bytes, bytearray, array, memoryview and deque, since they are registered as Sequence's virtual subclasses.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Also catches subclasses of the exception.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Also catches subclasses of the exception.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'traceback.print_exc()'</span></code> to print the full error message to stderr.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'traceback.print_exc()'</span></code> to print the full error message to stderr.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'print(<name>)'</span></code> to print just the cause of the exception (its arguments).</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'print(<name>)'</span></code> to print just the cause of the exception (its arguments).</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'logging.exception(<message>)'</span></code> to log the passed message, followed by the full error message of the caught exception.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'logging.exception(<message>)'</span></code> to log the passed message, followed by the full error message of the caught exception. For details see <ahref="#logging">logging</a>.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'sys.exc_info()'</span></code> to get exception type, object and traceback of caught exception.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'sys.exc_info()'</span></code> to get exception type, object and traceback of caught exception.</strong></li>
'<strong>Objects returned by the <a href="#itertools">itertools</a> module, such as count, repeat and cycle.</strong>':'<strong>Objects returned by the itertools module, such as count, repeat and cycle (p. 3).</strong>',
'<strong>Objects returned by the <a href="#itertools">itertools</a> module, such as count, repeat and cycle.</strong>':'<strong>Objects returned by the itertools module, such as count, repeat and cycle (p. 3).</strong>',
'<strong>Generators returned by the <a href="#generator">generator functions</a> and <a href="#comprehensions">generator expressions</a>.</strong>':'<strong>Generators returned by the generator functions (p. 4) and generator expressions (p. 11).</strong>',
'<strong>Generators returned by the <a href="#generator">generator functions</a> and <a href="#comprehensions">generator expressions</a>.</strong>':'<strong>Generators returned by the generator functions (p. 4) and generator expressions (p. 11).</strong>',
'<strong>File objects returned by the <a href="#open">open()</a> function, etc.</strong>':'<strong>File objects returned by the open() function (p. 22), etc.</strong>',
'<strong>File objects returned by the <a href="#open">open()</a> function, etc.</strong>':'<strong>File objects returned by the open() function (p. 22), etc.</strong>',
'<strong>Use <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">\'logging.exception(<message>)\'</span></code> to log the passed message, followed by the full error message of the caught exception. For details see <a href="#logging">logging</a>.</strong>':'<strong>Use <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">\'logging.exception(<message>)\'</span></code> to log the passed message, followed by the full error message of the caught exception. For details see logging (p. 32).</strong>',
'<strong>Functions report OS related errors by raising either OSError or one of its <a href="#exceptions-1">subclasses</a>.</strong>':'<strong>Functions report OS related errors by raising OSError or one of its subclasses (p. 23).</strong>',
'<strong>Functions report OS related errors by raising either OSError or one of its <a href="#exceptions-1">subclasses</a>.</strong>':'<strong>Functions report OS related errors by raising OSError or one of its subclasses (p. 23).</strong>',
'<strong>To print the spreadsheet to the console use <a href="#table">Tabulate</a> library.</strong>':'<strong>To print the spreadsheet to the console use Tabulate library (p. 34).</strong>',
'<strong>To print the spreadsheet to the console use <a href="#table">Tabulate</a> library.</strong>':'<strong>To print the spreadsheet to the console use Tabulate library (p. 34).</strong>',
'<strong>For XML and binary Excel files (xlsx, xlsm and xlsb) use <a href="#dataframeplotencodedecode">Pandas</a> library.</strong>':'<strong>For XML and binary Excel files (xlsx, xlsm and xlsb) use Pandas library (p. 46).</strong>',
'<strong>For XML and binary Excel files (xlsx, xlsm and xlsb) use <a href="#dataframeplotencodedecode">Pandas</a> library.</strong>':'<strong>For XML and binary Excel files (xlsx, xlsm and xlsb) use Pandas library (p. 46).</strong>',