<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'<D/DT>.weekday()'</span></code> to get the day of the week (Mon == 0).</strong></li>
<li><strong>Use <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'<D/DT>.weekday()'</span></code> to get the day of the week (Mon == 0).</strong></li>
<li><strong><codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'fold=1'</span></code> means the second pass in case of time jumping back for one hour.</strong></li>
<li><strong><codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'fold=1'</span></code> means the second pass in case of time jumping back for one hour.</strong></li>
<li><strong>TD converts and normalizes args to ±days, seconds (< 86 400) and microseconds (< 1M).</strong></li>
<li><strong>Timedelta normalizes arguments to ±days, seconds (< 86 400) and microseconds (< 1M).</strong></li>
<div><h3id="now">Now</h3><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs"><D/DTn> = D/DT.today() <spanclass="hljs-comment"># Current local date or naive datetime.</span>
<div><h3id="now">Now</h3><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs"><D/DTn> = D/DT.today() <spanclass="hljs-comment"># Current local date or naive datetime.</span>
<DTn> = DT.utcnow() <spanclass="hljs-comment"># Naive datetime from current UTC time.</span>
<DTn> = DT.utcnow() <spanclass="hljs-comment"># Naive datetime from current UTC time.</span>
<li><strong>A function has it's default values evaluated when it's first encountered in the scope.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Any changes to mutable objects will persist between invocations.</strong></li>
<div><h2id="splatoperator"><ahref="#splatoperator"name="splatoperator">#</a>Splat Operator</h2><div><h3id="insidefunctioncall-1">Inside Function Call</h3><p><strong>Splat expands a collection into positional arguments, while splatty-splat expands a dictionary into keyword arguments.</strong></p><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs">args = (<spanclass="hljs-number">1</span>, <spanclass="hljs-number">2</span>)
<div><h2id="splatoperator"><ahref="#splatoperator"name="splatoperator">#</a>Splat Operator</h2><div><h3id="insidefunctioncall-1">Inside Function Call</h3><p><strong>Splat expands a collection into positional arguments, while splatty-splat expands a dictionary into keyword arguments.</strong></p><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs">args = (<spanclass="hljs-number">1</span>, <spanclass="hljs-number">2</span>)
'<strong>For details about built-in functions sorted(), min() and max() see <a href="#sortable">sortable</a>.</strong>':'<strong>For details about built-in functions sorted(), min() and max() see sortable (p. 16).</strong>',
'<strong>For details about sorted(), min() and max() see <a href="#sortable">sortable</a>.</strong>':'<strong>For details about sorted(), min() and max() see sortable (p. 16).</strong>',
'<strong>Module <a href="#operator">operator</a> provides functions itemgetter() and mul() that offer the same functionality as <a href="#lambda">lambda</a> expressions above.</strong>':'<strong>Module \'operator\' (p. 31) provides functions itemgetter() and mul() that offer the same functionality as lambda expressions (p. 11) above.</strong>',
'<strong>Module <a href="#operator">operator</a> provides functions itemgetter() and mul() that offer the same functionality as <a href="#lambda">lambda</a> expressions above.</strong>':'<strong>Module \'operator\' (p. 31) provides functions itemgetter() and mul() that offer the same functionality as lambda expressions (p. 11) above.</strong>',
'<strong>Adding <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">\'!r\'</span></code> before the colon converts object to string by calling its <a href="#class">repr()</a> method.</strong>':'<strong>Adding <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">\'!r\'</span></code> before the colon converts object to string by calling its repr() method (p. 14).</strong>',
'<strong>Adding <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">\'!r\'</span></code> before the colon converts object to string by calling its <a href="#class">repr()</a> method.</strong>':'<strong>Adding <code class="python hljs"><span class="hljs-string">\'!r\'</span></code> before the colon converts object to string by calling its repr() method (p. 14).</strong>',
'<strong>It can be any <a href="#callable">callable</a>, but is usually implemented as a function that returns a <a href="#closure">closure</a>.</strong>':'<strong>It can be any callable (p. 17), but is usually implemented as a function that returns a closure (p. 12).</strong>',
'<strong>It can be any <a href="#callable">callable</a>, but is usually implemented as a function that returns a <a href="#closure">closure</a>.</strong>':'<strong>It can be any callable (p. 17), but is usually implemented as a function that returns a closure (p. 12).</strong>',