* **New() can also be called directly, usually from a new() method of a child class (**`def __new__(cls): return super().__new__(cls)`**), in which case init() is not called.**
### Metaclass Attribute
**Right before a class is created it checks if it has metaclass defined. If not, it recursively checks if any of his parents has it defined and eventually comes to type().**
**Right before a class is created it checks if it has metaclass attribute defined. If not, it recursively checks if any of his parents has it defined and eventually comes to type().**
<li><strong>It receives the same arguments as init(), except for the first one that specifies the desired class of returned instance (MyMetaClass in our case).</strong></li>
<li><strong>New() can also be called directly, usually from a new() method of a child class (</strong><codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-function"><spanclass="hljs-keyword">def</span><spanclass="hljs-title">__new__</span><spanclass="hljs-params">(cls)</span>:</span><spanclass="hljs-keyword">return</span> super().__new__(cls)</code><strong>), in which case init() is not called.</strong></li>
<div><h3id="metaclassattribute">Metaclass Attribute</h3><p><strong>Right before a class is created it checks if it has metaclass defined. If not, it recursively checks if any of his parents has it defined and eventually comes to type().</strong></p><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-class"><spanclass="hljs-keyword">class</span><spanclass="hljs-title">MyClass</span><spanclass="hljs-params">(metaclass=MyMetaClass)</span>:</span>
<div><h3id="metaclassattribute">Metaclass Attribute</h3><p><strong>Right before a class is created it checks if it has metaclass attribute defined. If not, it recursively checks if any of his parents has it defined and eventually comes to type().</strong></p><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-class"><spanclass="hljs-keyword">class</span><spanclass="hljs-title">MyClass</span><spanclass="hljs-params">(metaclass=MyMetaClass)</span>:</span>