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Jure Šorn 5 years ago
1 changed files with 21 additions and 9 deletions
  1. 30


@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ index = <list>.index(<el>) # Returns first index of item.
<dict>.get(key, default)
<dict>.setdefault(key, default)
@ -162,6 +164,7 @@ type(<el>) # <class 'int'> / <class 'str'> / ...
import numbers
isinstance(<el>, numbers.Number) # Integral, Real, Rational, Complex
callable(<el>) # Is element a function
@ -175,6 +178,7 @@ String
<bool> = <str>.startswith(<str>) # Pass tuple of strings for multiple options.
<bool> = <str>.endswith(<str>) # Pass tuple of strings for multiple options.
<bool> = <str>.isnumeric() # True if str contains only numeric characters.
<int> = <str>.index(<sub_str>) # Returns first index of substring.
### Print
@ -186,14 +190,21 @@ print(<el> [, <el>, end='', sep='', file=<file>]) # Use 'file=sys.stderr' for e
### Regex
import re
re.sub(<regex>, new, text, count=0) # Substitutes all occurrences.<regex>, text) # Searches for first occurrence of pattern.
re.match(<regex>, text) # Searches only at the beginning of the string.
re.findall(<regex>, text)
re.split(<regex>, text, maxsplit=0) # Use brackets in regex to keep the matches.
* **'Search' and 'match' functions return a 'Match' object. Use '.group()' method on it to get the whole match, or '.group(1)' to get the part in first bracket.**
<str> = re.sub(<regex>, new, text, count=0) # Substitutes all occurrences.
<list> = re.findall(<regex>, text)
<list> = re.split(<regex>, text, maxsplit=0) # Use brackets in regex to keep the matches.
#### Functions that return Match object. Use '.group()' method on it to get the whole match, or '.group(1)' to get the part in first bracket:
<Match> =<regex>, text) # Searches for first occurrence of pattern.
<Match> = re.match(<regex>, text) # Searches only at the beginning of the string.
<Match_iter> = re.finditer(<regex>, text) # Searches for all occurences of pattern.
* **Parameter 'flags=re.IGNORECASE' can be used with all functions. Parameter 'flags=re.DOTALL' makes dot also accept newline.**
* **Use '\\\\1' or r'\1' for backreference.**
* **Use ? to make operators non-greedy.**
@ -391,10 +402,11 @@ any(el[1] for el in <collection>)
### Namedtuple, Enum, Class
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple('Point', list('xy'))
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
from enum import Enum
Direction = Enum('Direction', list('nesw'))
Direction = Enum('Direction', 'n e s w')
Cutlery = Enum('Cutlery', {'knife': 1, 'fork': 2, 'spoon': 3})
Creature = type('Creature', (), {'position': Point(0, 0), 'direction': Direction.n})
@ -486,7 +498,7 @@ class <enum_name>(Enum):
Cutlery = Enum('Cutlery', ['knife', 'fork', 'spoon'])
Cutlery = Enum('Cutlery', 'knife', 'fork', 'spoon'])
Cutlery = Enum('Cutlery', 'knife fork spoon')
Cutlery = Enum('Cutlery', {'knife': 1, 'fork': 2, 'spoon': 3})
list(<enum_name>) # == [<enum1>, <enum2>, ...]
