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Input, Cython

Jure Šorn 2 months ago
2 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions
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@ -1531,11 +1531,11 @@ pprint(<collection>, width=80, depth=None, compact=False, sort_dicts=True)
<str> = input(prompt=None)
<str> = input([<obj>])
* **Reads a line from the user input or pipe if present (trailing newline gets stripped).**
* **Prompt string is printed to the standard output before input is read.**
* **Raises EOFError when user hits EOF (ctrl-d/ctrl-z⏎) or input stream gets exhausted.**
* **If argument is passed, it gets printed to the standard output before input is read.**
* **EOFError is raised if user hits EOF (ctrl-d/ctrl-z⏎) or input stream gets exhausted.**
Command Line Arguments
@ -3516,7 +3516,7 @@ Appendix
# $ pip3 install cython
import pyximport; pyximport.install() # Module that runs imported Cython scripts.
import <cython_script> # Script needs a '.pyx' extension.
import <cython_script> # Script's filename needs a '.pyx' extension.
<cython_script>.main() # Main() isn't automatically executed.


@ -1294,13 +1294,13 @@ pprint(&lt;collection&gt;, width=<span class="hljs-number">80</span>, depth=<spa
<li><strong>Each item is printed on its own line if collection exceeds 'width' characters.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Nested collections that are 'depth' levels deep get printed as '…'.</strong></li>
<div><h2 id="input"><a href="#input" name="input">#</a>Input</h2><pre><code class="python language-python hljs">&lt;str&gt; = input(prompt=<span class="hljs-keyword">None</span>)
<div><h2 id="input"><a href="#input" name="input">#</a>Input</h2><pre><code class="python language-python hljs">&lt;str&gt; = input([&lt;obj&gt;])
<li><strong>Reads a line from the user input or pipe if present (trailing newline gets stripped).</strong></li>
<li><strong>Prompt string is printed to the standard output before input is read.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Raises EOFError when user hits EOF (ctrl-d/ctrl-z⏎) or input stream gets exhausted.</strong></li>
<li><strong>If argument is passed, it gets printed to the standard output before input is read.</strong></li>
<li><strong>EOFError is raised if user hits EOF (ctrl-d/ctrl-z⏎) or input stream gets exhausted.</strong></li>
<div><h2 id="commandlinearguments"><a href="#commandlinearguments" name="commandlinearguments">#</a>Command Line Arguments</h2><pre><code class="python language-python hljs"><span class="hljs-keyword">import</span> sys
scripts_path = sys.argv[<span class="hljs-number">0</span>]
@ -2858,7 +2858,7 @@ px.line(df, x=<span class="hljs-string">'Date'</span>, y=<span class="hljs-strin
<div><h2 id="appendix"><a href="#appendix" name="appendix">#</a>Appendix</h2><div><h3 id="cython">Cython</h3><p><strong>Library that compiles Python-like code into C.</strong></p><pre><code class="python language-python hljs"><span class="hljs-comment"># $ pip3 install cython</span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">import</span> pyximport; pyximport.install() <span class="hljs-comment"># Module that runs imported Cython scripts.</span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">import</span> &lt;cython_script&gt; <span class="hljs-comment"># Script needs a '.pyx' extension.</span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">import</span> &lt;cython_script&gt; <span class="hljs-comment"># Script's filename needs a '.pyx' extension.</span>
&lt;cython_script&gt;.main() <span class="hljs-comment"># Main() isn't automatically executed.</span>
