@ -218,11 +218,13 @@ const DIAGRAM_7_B = |
" └── Exception <span class='hljs-comment'># User-defined exceptions should be derived from this class.</span>\n" + |
" ├── ArithmeticError <span class='hljs-comment'># Base class for arithmetic errors.</span>\n" + |
" │ └── ZeroDivisionError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised when dividing by zero.</span>\n" + |
" ├── AssertionError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised by `assert <exp>` if expression returns false value.</span>\n" + |
" ├── AttributeError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised when an attribute is missing.</span>\n" + |
" ├── EOFError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised by input() when it hits end-of-file condition.</span>\n" + |
" ├── LookupError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised when a look-up on a collection fails.</span>\n" + |
" │ ├── IndexError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised when a sequence index is out of range.</span>\n" + |
" │ └── KeyError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised when a dictionary key or set element is missing.</span>\n" + |
" ├── MemoryError <span class='hljs-comment'># Out of memory. Could be too late to start deleting vars.</span>\n" + |
" ├── NameError <span class='hljs-comment'># Raised when an object is missing.</span>\n" + |
" ├── OSError <span class='hljs-comment'># Errors such as “file not found” or “disk full” (see Open).</span>\n" + |
" │ └── FileNotFoundError <span class='hljs-comment'># When a file or directory is requested but doesn't exist.</span>\n" + |