@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ Format |
``` |
#### Float presentation types: |
* `'f'` - Fixed point: `.<precision>f` |
* `'%'` - Percent: `.<precision>%` |
* `'e'` - Exponent |
* **`'f'` - Fixed point: `.<precision>f`** |
* **`'%'` - Percent: `.<precision>%`** |
* **`'e'` - Exponent** |
#### Integer presentation types: |
* `'c'` - character |
* `'b'` - binary |
* `'x'` - hex |
* `'X'` - HEX |
* **`'c'` - character** |
* **`'b'` - binary** |
* **`'x'` - hex** |
* **`'X'` - HEX** |
Numbers |
@ -899,18 +899,18 @@ while True: |
* **`'t'` - Text mode (default).** |
#### Newline - input: |
* `'None'` - Input is broken on `'\n'`, `'\r'` and `'\r\n'`. `'\r'` and `'\r\n'` are translated to `'\n'`. |
* `''` - Input is broken on `'\n'`, `'\r'` and `'\r\n'`. |
* `'\n'` - Input is broken on `'\n'`. |
* `'\r'` - Input is broken on `'\r'`. |
* `'\r\n'` - Input is broken on `'\r\n'`. |
* **`'None'` - Input is broken on `'\n'`, `'\r'` and `'\r\n'`. `'\r'` and `'\r\n'` are translated to `'\n'` (default).** |
* **`''` - Input is broken on `'\n'`, `'\r'` and `'\r\n'`.** |
* **`'\n'` - Input is broken on `'\n'`.** |
* **`'\r'` - Input is broken on `'\r'`.** |
* **`'\r\n'` - Input is broken on `'\r\n'`.** |
#### Newline - output: |
* `'None'` - Any `'\n'` is translated to system default line separator. |
* `''` - No translation. |
* `'\n'` - No translation. |
* `'\r'` - Any `'\n'` is translated to `'\r'`. |
* `'\r\n'` - Any `'\n'` is translated to `'\r\n'`. |
* **`'None'` - Any `'\n'` is translated to system default line separator (default).** |
* **`''` - No translation.** |
* **`'\n'` - No translation.** |
* **`'\r'` - Any `'\n'` is translated to `'\r'`.** |
* **`'\r\n'` - Any `'\n'` is translated to `'\r\n'`.** |
#### Read Text from File: |
```python |
@ -1104,19 +1104,19 @@ b'\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03' |
### Format |
#### For standard sizes start format string with: |
* `'='` - native byte order |
* `'<'` - little-endian |
* `'>'` - big-endian |
* **`'='` - native byte order** |
* **`'<'` - little-endian** |
* **`'>'` - big-endian** |
#### Use capital letter for unsigned type. Standard size in brackets: |
* `'x'` - pad byte |
* `'c'` - char (1) |
* `'h'` - short (2) |
* `'i'` - int (4) |
* `'l'` - long (4) |
* `'q'` - long long (8) |
* `'f'` - float (4) |
* `'d'` - double (8) |
* **`'x'` - pad byte** |
* **`'c'` - char (1)** |
* **`'h'` - short (2)** |
* **`'i'` - int (4)** |
* **`'l'` - long (4)** |
* **`'q'` - long long (8)** |
* **`'f'` - float (4)** |
* **`'d'` - double (8)** |
Array |
@ -1561,11 +1561,11 @@ img.save('test.png') |
``` |
### Modes |
* `'1'` - 1-bit pixels, black and white, stored with one pixel per byte. |
* `'L'` - 8-bit pixels, greyscale. |
* `'RGB'` - 3x8-bit pixels, true color. |
* `'RGBA'` - 4x8-bit pixels, true color with transparency mask. |
* `'HSV'` - 3x8-bit pixels, Hue, Saturation, Value color space. |
* **`'1'` - 1-bit pixels, black and white, stored with one pixel per byte.** |
* **`'L'` - 8-bit pixels, greyscale.** |
* **`'RGB'` - 3x8-bit pixels, true color.** |
* **`'RGBA'` - 4x8-bit pixels, true color with transparency mask.** |
* **`'HSV'` - 3x8-bit pixels, Hue, Saturation, Value color space.** |
Audio |