#### Discrepancies between glossary definitions and abstract base classes:
* **Glossary defines iterable as any object with iter() or getitem() and sequence as any object with len() and getitem(). It does not define collection.**
* **Passing ABC Iterable to isinstance() or issubclass() checks whether object/class has iter(), while ABC Collection checks for iter(), contains() and len().**
* **Passing ABC Iterable to isinstance() or issubclass() checks whether object/class has method iter(), while ABC Collection checks for iter(), contains() and len().**
### ABC Sequence
* **It's a richer interface than the basic sequence.**
<div><h4id="discrepanciesbetweenglossarydefinitionsandabstractbaseclasses">Discrepancies between glossary definitions and abstract base classes:</h4><ul>
<li><strong>Glossary defines iterable as any object with iter() or getitem() and sequence as any object with len() and getitem(). It does not define collection.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Passing ABC Iterable to isinstance() or issubclass() checks whether object/class has iter(), while ABC Collection checks for iter(), contains() and len().</strong></li>
<li><strong>Passing ABC Iterable to isinstance() or issubclass() checks whether object/class has method iter(), while ABC Collection checks for iter(), contains() and len().</strong></li>