* **Comparisons can be chained: `'x < y < z'` is the same as `'(x < y) and (y < z)`'.**
* **Most operators call the object's special method that is named after them (second object is passed as an argument), while logical operators call their own code that relies on bool().**
* **Comparisons can be chained: `'x < y < z'` is the same as `'(x < y) and (y < z)`'.**
<li><strong>Comparisons can be chained: <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'x < y < z'</span></code> is the same as <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'(x < y) and (y < z)</span></code>'.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Most operators call the object's special method that is named after them (second object is passed as an argument), while logical operators call their own code that relies on bool().</strong></li>
<li><strong>Comparisons can be chained: <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'x < y < z'</span></code> is the same as <codeclass="python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-string">'(x < y) and (y < z)</span></code>'.</strong></li>
<div><h2id="matchstatement"><ahref="#matchstatement"name="matchstatement">#</a>Match Statement</h2><p><strong>Executes the first block with matching pattern. Added in Python 3.10.</strong></p><pre><codeclass="python language-python hljs"><spanclass="hljs-keyword">match</span><object/expression>: